Argh Motivation whereart thou!

Right! I've hit goal weight 2 (9and a half stone 5'5") and I'm starting to feel myself thinking "you've been dieting for over half a year you've dropped a dress size, relaaaaax guy you look fine you haven't been this weight since university" I don't know why but that little voice sounded in my head like the south park Saddam Hussein... anyway.... oh and plus a few people at work have been saying, I'm wasting away and stop before I go too far, and I just don't wanna come across as that chick who doesn't actually seem to need to lose weight who keeps saying just a few more pounds, I feel like I'm having to justify myself alot now like "I'm a healthy weight and I'm aiming for a healthy weight" or "my fiance won't let me get too skinny don't worry" or worse lie and say that I'm just toning. In fact I was being ragged on by our receptionist to the point I lifted up my jumper and showed her the overhanging gut of my muffin top lol.

You know, I get it, I'm healthy and look ten times better and I don't "need" to lose anymore, I'm just a vain old ***** who wants to be 7.5 pounds lighter for my wedding because that's my personally annexed hotty weight that I've been before when I was 19 and felt good at and I want to feel good on my wedding day!

I'm just having issues with having to reexplain to everyone that losing a few more pounds is fine, it's starting to grind me down a bit and I'm losing self motivation, plus people keep "feeding me" cookies and stuff and I take them and eat them in some form of proof to them that I haven't developed body dismorphia or an ED.

Anyway erm sorry this seems like a bit of a rant, cheers for reading my brain thoughts if you got this far though, it'd be cool to here if anyone else is having to deal with this and how do you handle it/keep yourself motivated. :)

ps my colleagues aren't bad people and I don't want to say anything snappy at them, they're just killing my drive lol


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How about not talking about diet or weight loss in front of them any more. If they say anything because they see what you are eating, tell them it's part of your new lifestyle. It's okay to eat a cookie, just fit them into your calorie goal. And since you are so close to goal weight you should be at a small calorie deficit anyway and people shouldn't really notice.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    How about not talking about diet or weight loss in front of them any more. If they say anything because they see what you are eating, tell them it's part of your new lifestyle. It's okay to eat a cookie, just fit them into your calorie goal. And since you are so close to goal weight you should be at a small calorie deficit anyway and people shouldn't really notice.

    I said when I first started I was on a wedding diet to most people when I was bigger, (I proposed to my boyfriend so had a lot of stories to tell at the time and mostly I talk about wedding planning) but haven't really been talking about it recently, they just make comments when I'm in the kitchen making a cuppa tea mostly. eg "Hows the diet going Sarah?"

    I rarely get in calorie goal when I have cake that's the problem lol

    People aren't commenting on what I eat, I eat like a goddamn horse most of the time its comments about my appearance and asking about my goals since they know I've been dieting for months.

    Maybe you're right maybe I shouldn't even talk about it at all, if anyone asks I'll just say what diet ;P

    Edit spelling fail
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, then when they ask how the diet is going, you could just say fine and change the subject. Or when they do talk about how great you look and how you don't need to lose any more, just say thanks. Or, I'm pleased with my progress. And not talk about more.

    But if you really want to stay committed to lose more, then you are going to have to either fit the treats into your goal, or find a way to turn them down, or throw them out when nobody is looking.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Okay, then when they ask how the diet is going, you could just say fine and change the subject. Or when they do talk about how great you look and how you don't need to lose any more, just say thanks. Or, I'm pleased with my progress. And not talk about more.

    But if you really want to stay committed to lose more, then you are going to have to either fit the treats into your goal, or find a way to turn them down, or throw them out when nobody is looking.

    To be fair this is what I try to do (except throw away the cookie, I'd rather punch a nun) in both of these situations, it's not that I don't know how to react it's because the negativety and my own waining motivation is getting me down and I was just asking how people keep motivated for the last few pounds... sorry maybe I didn't articulate my rant well enough... nevermind :P
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Write your goals that you'd like to reach on a piece of paper and post it where you can see it everyday, like on your bathroom mirror. Read it everyday. Remember how far you've come and why you started this journey. Don't let other people's comments get you off track of your ultimate goals. Remember to drink lots of water. Decaf tea and crystal lite count, too, but regular tea is dehydrating and get you off track. You will do this because you have your goals.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    I too am also getting married and have changed my lifestyle to loose the weight. I am at my lowest weight I have been in years but still have another 3 stone to loose. At work people say your wasting away and comment all the time asking how much weigh. I tell them what I have lost and they are amazed. Sometimes people just ask a lot of questions because they are intrigued and wished themselves that they could loose the weight. After a while it will die down, people at work do not mention much right now maybe twice a week. It will all calm down if you just keep your answers short and to the point, that's what I have found out anyway. Good luck!

    Luv Sarah x
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Write your goals that you'd like to reach on a piece of paper and post it where you can see it everyday, like on your bathroom mirror. Read it everyday.

    that's not a bad idea! cheers
    .......but regular tea is dehydrating and get you off track

    really, ha, maybe I should look into my tea consumption I drink it by the pint :P

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, then when they ask how the diet is going, you could just say fine and change the subject. Or when they do talk about how great you look and how you don't need to lose any more, just say thanks. Or, I'm pleased with my progress. And not talk about more.

    But if you really want to stay committed to lose more, then you are going to have to either fit the treats into your goal, or find a way to turn them down, or throw them out when nobody is looking.

    To be fair this is what I try to do (except throw away the cookie, I'd rather punch a nun) in both of these situations, it's not that I don't know how to react it's because the negativety and my own waining motivation is getting me down and I was just asking how people keep motivated for the last few pounds... sorry maybe I didn't articulate my rant well enough... nevermind :P

    Oh, well that is a different question then. You just have to really make up your mind how much you want it. I have 10 pounds to go, but more importantly, I need to drop more body fat %. The number on the scale really is not as important to me as getting rid of the fat. And I really really want it. So I keep working for it. Because I have seen progress, that makes me want to keep going now and not lose the momentum that I finally found.