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morning workouts

I want to start working out in the mornings around 5am so I am able to get it out of the way. I work 830-5 then go to school three nights a week form 7-950 and I think it will be easier to just do it in the morning. However I can never seem to get up that early, any advice...will it just get easier as I start to do it more often?


  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Wish there was a magic answer but there isn't. How badly you want this will determine how motivated you are to wake up early. It's really just your choice.
  • cmorris0283
    cmorris0283 Posts: 17 Member
    When I was working out that early, I'd go to bed with my workout gear on, and put your shoes, socks, and ipod or whatever next to your bed. Then you are set as soon as you get up. Not sure why but it helped. Also, and this one may be tougher, if you can find a workout buddy to meet you at the gym or wherever you are working out if its not at your house, it's so much easier because you are accountable to someone. Good luck!
  • cmorris0283
    cmorris0283 Posts: 17 Member
    Oooh I thought of one more thing. I would put a piece of gum in my mouth as soon as I got up. Ha. Weird I know but it woke me up and made my breath bearable because I literally walked right out the door without brushing teeth or anything until after :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I think you'll just have to do it! It does get easier after awhile. I always found starting in the spring was easier because the sun's already up and when this time of year rolls around you're so used to it you don't even think of going back to bed.

    I get up at 5:30, workout, and I'm to work by 7:30. I like it because then I don't feel guilty for doing nothing in the evenings :laugh:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Get your gear ready, set your alarm clock and (if possible) try to get to bed a little earlier.

    If you're not a natural morning person it takes a little while but you will get into the habit. I'm lucky, I don't need an alarm clock to wake up and going for a morning run (or row etc) starts my day in a great way.
  • When I was working out that early, I'd go to bed with my workout gear on, and put your shoes, socks, and ipod or whatever next to your bed. Then you are set as soon as you get up. Not sure why but it helped. Also, and this one may be tougher, if you can find a workout buddy to meet you at the gym or wherever you are working out if its not at your house, it's so much easier because you are accountable to someone. Good luck!

    Maybe I'll try that...seems as if it would help. One of my biggest problems is getting out of my warm bed and stepping out into a cold room. If I already have my workout gear on I won't have to change and get even more cold. :)
  • When I was working out that early, I'd go to bed with my workout gear on, and put your shoes, socks, and ipod or whatever next to your bed. Then you are set as soon as you get up. Not sure why but it helped. Also, and this one may be tougher, if you can find a workout buddy to meet you at the gym or wherever you are working out if its not at your house, it's so much easier because you are accountable to someone. Good luck!

    I absolutely love this idea!!!!! I am definitely trying this! Thanks for all the great advice....the gum idea is also fantastic!!! 5am gym time here I come!!
  • mishomart
    mishomart Posts: 25 Member
    I definitely found that getting my stuff ready the night before helps.....I've tried many times before to get up early to get to the gym, this last couple months has been the only time I've managed to stick to it. I barely even think about it anymore, and I never think about not going (unless I know for a fact that I can get there later in the day)
  • It definitely does get easier once it's your routine... it took me getting someone to do it with me at first. I got up because i knew someone was waiting for me. A year later, I go on my own no problem!
  • ksraider
    ksraider Posts: 107
    Sara, I was never a morning person and I cant say I am now but I made a commitment to myself that I was going to get up and exercise before work and now I do. I cant say that it is a whole lot easier now than when I first started but it is a lot harder to talk myself into going back to sleep once the alarm goes off. I hear a little voice in my head telling me that if I dont get up and exercise now that it wont get done. I cant tell you that it is easy but it is worth it.
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Wish there was a magic answer but there isn't. How badly you want this will determine how motivated you are to wake up early. It's really just your choice.

    ^^ This

    If you want it badly enough, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. I'm up at 4am and I never considered myself a morning person. It gets easier once you settle into your routine, then it becomes a habit/addiction - you'll feel bad if you opt to stay in bed.

    Prep all of your stuff the night before so that you just get up and go... then you can brag to your friends and MFP about how early you get up to kick *kitten* at the gym!!! :glasses: :bigsmile:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    will it just get easier as I start to do it more often?

    More or less, yes. Some mornings will be better/worse than others, but, as someone else mentioned - you'll have to WANT to do it.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Some people can do it, some people can't. I set my alarm for 4:15 and I'm out the door after I wash my face, brush my teeth put my contacts in and throw my workout clothes on. It's easier for me to wake up early instead of fight with the crowds after work
  • awebs89
    awebs89 Posts: 53 Member
    I start work at 8:30am and get up around 5:30am to work out. I am NOT a morning person and absolutely hate getting up that early. I never would have believed I would be able to do it. Now if I don't exercise in the morning I feel like a slug all day. Eventually it feels good to have that energy from getting your body moving in the morning. I sleep in my workout clothes and roll out of bed to work out.
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    I am back at it, the 5AM workouts at the gym. I'm from Boston and it's pretty cold here but somethings that do help me are:

    1. go to bed at a decent hour so you are not exhausted when your alarm rings (I am in bed by 10PM)
    2. lay out your gym clothes the night before, right down to your socks
    3. I eat a snack at home, like a 1/2 banana just so I don't feel so "empty" when I get there so set up your snack next to your water bottle and car keys
    4. lay out your work clothes the night before, so when you get showered you know exactly what you are putting on
    5. I set the alarm on my iphone for 8PM the night before...reminding me I'm going to the gym in the AM
    6. I have an automatic starter on my car too, that helps, nothing worse than getting into a cold car at 5AM!!

    Just think, when you get it done in the morning it's done for the day! It gets me ready for my day. Working full time with 2 kids I am able to think and plan my day...then I remind myself "this is my only time to myself"... Once you start I think you will LOVE it!!

    Good luck!!
  • xNJAx
    xNJAx Posts: 170 Member
    I used to get up at 5:30am every morning to work out and really had to force myself to do it the first couple of weeks, but after that it became a habit and I found that it wasn’t such an effort because I loved how I felt. It was great to start the day feeling like I’d achieved something brilliant before most people were even out of bed and I had so much more energy during the day as well. I had to stop for a while and only started again this morning, but even after months off from that I still had no trouble getting out of bed early today because I knew the rewards would be worth the effort.

    Hope you find the same thing when you get into it! :)

    Edited to add: If you have a smart phone, there’s an app called “Sleep Cycle” which I found really helpful in the early days. You set the alarm in the app to wake you up, say at 5am, and have it next to your pillow on your bed. It monitors your sleep pattern and wakes you up (more gently than a normal alarm) at a point when you’re not in a deep sleep between the time you set and a half hour beforehand. That was amazing because I’d wake up early but without that foggy-headed haze you sometimes get when you’re woken suddenly from a deep sleep. :)
  • slimoney
    slimoney Posts: 4 Member
    Maybe you should consider choosing a more efficient workout so you can get up a little later. I like to go running (in my neighborhood so I don't have to waste time going to the gym or a track or whatever) and it takes literally 40 minutes from the alarm to walking back in the door, workout done. It might not be your prefered method to get in shape, but when you don't have a lot of time, you need to make sacrifices. And on weekends you can do your regular thing.

    Also, it does get better. You get used to it if you don't cheat.
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    I used to work out in the mornings when everyone at home was still asleep but you know what the best part was. The morning love making to my husband. So awesome!!!! I know its hard to get up but you will feel so energized and happy if you do. I no longer work out in the morning becuase I now have 4 children but I will pretty soon. I love the energy that working out in the morning gives you. I think you should go for it.
  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    I I work 830-5 then go to school three nights a week form 7-950 and
  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    It seems to me that 950PM is very late. In order to wake up at 4AM or 5AM you would need to go to bed earlier than 10PM. Maybe try to adjust your schedule around your morning workout. I try as much as possible to finish work and everything I need to do before 9PM. If I get a good night's sleep I can run before 5AM without a problem. If I go to bed late chances are I will not be able to do anything the next morning let alone running 5 miles in the cold NYC weather :)