morning workouts



  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    It seems to me that 950PM is very late. In order to wake up at 4AM or 5AM you would need to go to bed earlier than 10PM. Maybe try to adjust your schedule around your morning workout. I try as much as possible to finish work and everything I need to do before 9PM. If I get a good night's sleep I can run before 5AM without a problem. If I go to bed late chances are I will not be able to do anything the next morning let alone running 5 miles in the cold NYC weather :)
  • alterjay
    For me, I get up @ 5 mon-fri and workout. The key to my seccess is having three alarms go off over a 15min timeframe. Also I get right up and drink a pre-work. This gives me the extr motivtion to get ready and go to the gym so that way by the time I get there it is working and I am ready to workout hard. Recently I started taking Super HD it is a fat bunner/energy pill that works great. It gives me really "clean" energy and I now set my alarm at 4:15 take the two pills and go back to sleep within 30 min I am awake and ready to go. No jitters or feeling all crazy strung out just ready and awake and looking forward to the gym.

    one other note it never really gets easy at 5, I have been doing this for over 6 months and it is still hard some days more then others. Stay focus and keep going.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    My schedule is pretty much the same. Its tough! I had my bag all packed for the gym this morning... alarm clock went off at 4:30 am and I turned it off and went back to sleep! UGH!!!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Everything packed the night before, FTW.
    I have to do all kinds of stretches and battle my way into knee braces before I go, so I get up, get sorted and normally out the door within hald an hour... have yet to make it to the gym for 6:15 but normally swiping in just around 6:30 so not far off!
  • SaraA07
    It seems to me that 950PM is very late. In order to wake up at 4AM or 5AM you would need to go to bed earlier than 10PM. Maybe try to adjust your schedule around your morning workout.

    I wish I could adjust my schedule around my morning workout but that isn't possible for me, at least not untill June. :(

    Thanks for all the great advice everyone
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    Just get up. Don't hit snooze and don't give yourself time to "think" and talk yourself out of it. I've been waking up early for workouts, and it doesn't get any easier- you just get more disciplined.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    It is tough doing workouts in the morning, but that's when you have most of your strength because you are rested and it will get easier as you see progress; you'll be more motivated, but there some days when you are just saying UUUUGGGHH! not again.

    It will pay off. Stay consistent :smile:
  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    Coffee helps me. A big, strong mug of hot coffee at 6am and i breeze through my run 30min later.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    ive no problem with morning workouts its after 6pm I cant manage,Im just a mirning person,Im asleep at 9.30 at night ,drives everyone nurts!
  • cal_73
    cal_73 Posts: 77
    I get up at 5 and am working out by 6, or 10 to. I do strength training and think it's important to eat before hand. This helps motivate me to get up knowing I can eat some shredded wheat, cottage cheese and a banana with milk. I also have a whey protein shake.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    So you get out of class at 9:50 and expect to be up at 5? That's about 7 hours of sleep if you fall asleep quickly and its a short drive home. No wonder you have a hard time getting up in the morning.

    I'm a person that needs 8 hours of sleep, so I hit the sheets at 9 to be up at 5.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I am starting morning workouts this week. Today was not bad getting up but I know it will get harder before it feels like a routine.
    I had everything I needed ready the night before, so I just got up, dressed and went. I am hoping to keep this routine so I have my evenings free with my family.
    My advice, as soon as the alarm goes off get out of bed.
    Good luck.
  • SaraA07
    I just need to start waking up at the same time consistently and it will get easier. I think I'll just be wearing my gym clothes to bed and set my alarm way across the room, and figure out the timer on the coffee pot so i just grab a cup and go.
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    My schedule sounds like yours. I like to get up and do my workout early. Then I don't have to worry the rest of the day about making sure I get to the gym at night. I AM NOT a morning person! I would much rather sleep in. However, after making it a habit, it does get easier to wake up in the morning. I do go to bed early, like around 9 or 9:30 so that I can get up in the morning. Now, if I don't get up at 5, I feel guilty and I feel like I "missed out" the rest of the day because I didn't get that workout in! If I have the energy, going to the gym at night is an added bonus because then I can take a class, which unfortunately my gym does not offer at 5 am in the morning!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    I start at 745am. Run mostly and bring some weights to squat with and throw up ;) other mornings ill lift weights and flip my big tire in the back and jump it :glasses:
    Goal is to burn as much body fat as I can.

    If its to COLD this winter ill make a few days of P90X2 or Insanity for some ABs
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I'm up at 4:20 am at the latest everyday to workout. I also set everything out the night before so I don't have to rummage around and find stuff. I get to bed early too; that makes all the difference. Getting up early is no problem if you get adequate sleep. My eating schedule is a bit whacky (I have to wait until 1 pm until I have lunch today and that's going to be torture because I usually eat lunch at 11), but all in all, life for me is better when I workout in the morning.

    Over TG break, I couldn't work out that Friday morning because of our travels and I was such a grump all day! I hated having a workout looming over me and it really put me in a sour mood. So, even though it's cold, and even though I LOOOOOVE my bed, I just get up and do it. No one else can do this for me.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I did it for many years only at 4:30....

    One thing is you have to have the mind set that you ARE going to do it.
    Second lay your clothes out the night before (if that doesn't work...sleep in them if they're not too uncomfortable).
    Have you workout plan ready to go...don't get up and then have to decide what you are going to do...plan a week in advance what you're doing every day and stick to it.
    Make sure you go to bed on time when you get home from class, so you aren't too tired for work the next day
    JUST DO IT!!

    Good luck (it really is a mind game)
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I am definitely not a morning work-out person.... but you could try an app that makes it really difficult to turn off the alarm. I've heard of one where you chose something with a barcode that you have to scan before it will turn off... so you could make it so that you can't turn off your alarm until you get your morning coffee...
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    I'm lucky enough to be a morning person, so getting up is fairly simple for me (even on the cold days) . . . I have always followed a routine in the morning and it has always worked for me:

    1) When the alarm goes off - GET UP. It will take a little while, but you'll get used to getting up ealry.
    *don't try and cut it close .. give yourself some extra time in the morning.

    2) All of my clothes for work are packed in my bag (or on a hanger) the night before (I shower at the gym).
    *it also helps to have 2 of everything (deodorant, shampoo, etc) - 1 to keep at home and 1 to leave in your gym bag.

    3) My workout clothes/gear are layed-out the night before on the chair in my room.

    4) Meals for the day are prepped the night before - All I need to do is grab them on my way out the door.

    *Oh yeah, give yourself some extra time in the morning.

    Here are some other things that can help motvate you to get up early in the morning -

    1) Join a class or workout group. I spin in the mornings (6am) and it's always great to see the other early risers and chat with them before we get started. *During the warmer months, I ride outdoors and look forward to seeing familiar runners, walkers and riders.

    2) Get a friend to join you in the morning - That way you can both motivate each other to get up.

    Good Luck !!!!