If you have any tips for having good posture please share.
I have become a worker drone. I sit and stare at my computer for about 7 hours of the day. My chair is pretty comfy but there are only so many things I can do to remember to sit up straight, tuck in my tummy, dont dip my chin for hours at a time, get up and move every half hour, etc....when i get home I do yoga that is supposed to be pretty great for desk job workers, but its never enough. im getting a massage today. If I can do that every so often a month, I think it will help.

other suggestions welcome.


  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Is your workplace flexible? You can get an exercise ball to sit on.

    My office has different things to add to the back of the chair to help. Maybe you could have them buy one, or get one yourself? They usually fit all kinds of chairs so you can use it for years.
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    never thought about an exercise ball.! ...I dont know if I could though, Im pretty much up front where alot of our clients see me.:( I totally wish I coudl hide form them most of them time lol
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    This question got me wondering if anyone made a chair cushion that is like an exercise ball. Apparently there are products like this on the market:

    I'd feel ridiculous sitting on an exercise ball at work, but this looks like a good alternative. It's discrete enough that I don't think anyone would notice. I'm seriously considering getting one!

    I've found my posture has improved significantly since I moved into the city. I'm not sure if it's because I'm walking and biking a lot more, or because I have more time to do yoga, or a combination of both.