Lost 4.5 pounds in 2 weeks and now scales showing a gain???

I don't understand this! Yes, I ate a little more than usual this weekend but I've been so disciplined and don't understand how I've managed to put the weight back on?

Could it possibly be water weight?

I'm feeling pretty crap


  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself? I weigh myself every day and record it. From that, I know that my weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds on a given day from changes in water retention. I don't even really think of my weight as one number any more, but more of a range -- so I went from a 230-235 range to a 195-200 range and I hope to get to a 190-195 range next.

    So, yes, it is probably water weight. If you want to get a sense for how and when your weight fluctuates, weigh every day for a month or so and record the weight. You'll see how the number changes and probably be able to begin to grasp the reasons. For example, if I eat certain foods or exercise more than usual, I "gain" weight. I never stress about it though, because I know I'm still losing fat long term.
  • MisFitMom219
    MisFitMom219 Posts: 50 Member
    ^^Agree with this post, I am in the same boat! I try not to pay too much attention to the scale as my weight easily fluctuates between 3-5 lbs on a regular basis due to water retention.

    From monitoring my food intake I have concluded that this is far more likely when I consume too many carbs, especially simple ones like bread...& my lb fluctuation is ridiculous....143.6 on Tuesday, 153.2 this morning lol Add the fact that I am a female and that monthly cycle doesn't help..

    Just drink lots of water & you'll be fine!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Have any of you uber MFPers got some diary advice for my girl, she's been at MFP for weeks and it seems to be very unfair that she's having so much trouble :(
  • AudreyinNC
    Just by looking at your diary, the three things I would cut out first are the risotto, pasta, and Mcdonalds. I didnt go back but a week but those look to be regular, You can work on the others later. Try bumping your walking up to a moderate or fast rate ( I say this without knowing if you have some sort of health issue that prevents you from doing so). But by walking at a slow pace your really not burning that many calories, and not getting your heart rate up to a point where its going to benefit your metabolism. The way I look at it is, if your not breaking a sweat, its not exercise. That's why only my circuit or strength training and bike riding make the cut into my diary, not walking or cleaning the house which are things we do everyday, and yes they burn calories, but hey so does breathing. Although I do include raking leaves, that's a workout.
  • dschinaa
    dschinaa Posts: 20 Member
    Are you close to your period? I usually gain 2-3 lbs around that time of the month.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Maybe Di, in your goal settings, knock your carbs down 5-10% and increase your protein by the same ammount it'll keep you fuller longer but it won't be like some crazy atkins level of carb restriction but you'll have less junk cravings, also knock pretty much all junk food on the head, even if it fits in your diary, during weekdays. xxxx
  • dynamodi
    dynamodi Posts: 56 Member
    I walk at a moderate pace but i thought the calories for that looked too high so didnt want to use the moderate calorie info. I've been a bit poor recently and cooked a ton of pasta and risotto that i froze but its payday tomorrow so was goinng to buy soups for lunch instead of pasta and rice and limit my carbs down a lot. I'm also running for 30 mins a day so I'm hoping its water retention and muscle building.

    Ive also decided to limit how much of the excercise calories I eat back, hopefully that will help some!
  • dynamodi
    dynamodi Posts: 56 Member
    yeah I'll knock the junk food on the head, I think ive been better today.
    I'm going to have soups for lunch instead of pasta so fingers crossed this kick starts my weight loss
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I've found soup for lunch a life saver (think I've had it nearly everyday for lunch during the working week for about 7 months) it keeps you full for hours considering the low calories :)

    Also you can still have pasta and risotto for tea just half or 2 thirds the ammount you usually have and pad the rest of your plate out with a massive bag of baby salad leaves (plus any other low cal salad veg you like, like tomatoes, cucumber, pepper) and low fat honey mustard or balsamic dressing, at least thats what I do so I can still have my pasta. In chinese dishes I've also started swapping out noodles for beansprouts, less calories and twice as filling.