i feel like just breaking down and crying

my roommate comes up to me and goes “oh i need to tell you something. i can’t tell you who said this because i don’t want to start drama, but someone told me they think you’re looking gaunt and you’re getting too skinny too fast and they’re worried about you because they think you’re taking all this fitness stuff too far.”


excuse me?

i eat close to 2000 calories every day and net 1530

i have lost an average of 0.5 lbs a week

all of my measurements (BMI, body fat percentage, tape measure method) put me squarely in the upper-middle range of “healthy” so there is literally no way that i LOOK unhealthily thin

everything about my weightloss has been 100% healthy. my main focus hasn’t even been on getting thinner, it’s been on building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle where i’m giving my body what it needs to function well. i don’t only pay attention to calories, i look at everything - carbs, protein, fat, fiber, all the micronutrients - to make sure i am getting everything i need and am being as balanced as i possibly can. my goals in exercise weren’t just to look good - i wanted to get my resting heart rate down (it was up in the 80’s on average and now it is at 60 - NSV!!!!), i wanted to build my strength and endurance. in short, i’ve spent so long and put so much effort into making myself HEALTHY, so hearing that someone is just assuming i’m not because i’m losing weight is so offensive to me.

and if they were really worried they’d have come to me and said so and asked about what’s going on with me, not talked about me behind my back. they obviously just wanted to be able to judge me while seeming saintly. if they’d have come to ME i could have shown them my food diary on myfitnesspal and they could have had their “fears” addressed, but that obviously isn’t what they wanted. they just wanted to trod on my success without sounding like a *****.

i actually hate people

you can never do anything right

if i gained weight, people would be saying i eat too much

if i lose more weight, people will talk about how “unhealthy” i am, even though i’m literally the healthiest person i know BAR NONE

like it bothers me that i can’t ever just be… not self conscious. because apparently people are judging me no matter what i do.

why can’t people just be happy for others instead of jumping to horrible conclusions to make themselves feel better about not achieving their own goals?


  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    People will be judging you your entire life. It's not right, but it's true. I had to make peace with that a long time ago. You sound like you have done everything the right way and are now the fit and healthy person that you want to be. No one can take that accomplishment from you.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You need new friends, if that is what your real friends say. They must be really jealous.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Just jealousy I think! You don't look too skinny in your profile pic, you look just right. Ignore them.
  • gem192
    gem192 Posts: 39 Member
    Nice bit of jealousy from both your friend and the person who said that I think! There's nothing more aggravating to someone who is unhappy with themselves than somebody losing weight for some reason. I have to not tell a lot of my friends because it triggers a negative reaction from them.

    You sound like you've done brilliantly, I bet you are glowing with health. If they really are that jealous then they'll be feeling worse than you. Just smile and think about how healthy you are inside and out while they are rotten with jealousy.

  • You look a healthy weight, just got to realize that everyone has a different perspective of what is the right weight. I remember when I was a young woman, my mom felt I was too skinny at about 15 lbs overweight. It used to really bug me but know I understand it. Don't worry about what your friend is saying just know your healthy by all health standards.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Some people are jealous. Apart from jealousy, some people are just concerned and mean well. Obesity is such an issue in the western world that I think people really do see overweight as "normal". On top of that, people get used to you at a certain weight. I don't know how much you've lost, but if it's a significant amount, it may be a shock to people who have known you when you were heavier. It might just take them a while to get used to your new appearance. I had several people express their concern to me when I was still a good 20 lbs overweight, and I have no reason to think they were jealous or resentful. They just weren't used to seeing me that thin.
  • Stick with it!! A lot of people like to think they know what's best, but the only person who can decide that is yourself! Just stay healthy, and as long as you're happy nobody's opinion matters.
  • When people lose weight, jealousy causes the negative comments made by others. They secretly wish they were accomplishing what you have accomplished. Just tell them to ES&D! Then just make new friends. Join the skinny beeotch club and all will be okay :)
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Remember: Misery loves company. They are miserable at seeing your accomplishments and are trying to
    sabotage your good work. Don't fall for it.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Anytime a statement starts out with "“oh i need to tell you something. i can’t tell you who said this because i don’t want to start drama, but someone " you just KNOW it isnt gonna end well.

    Do ya feel good?
    Do ya eat good?
    Do ya exercise?

    If someone says "hey "OP" you're a garage door opener (or a toad or a brick or et al"................ARE YOU? Does that make it so? You arent gonna please people huni. Stop trying. Please you...your heart, your blood pressure, your blood sugar, your cholesterol, your skin, your brain, YOUR BODY. Tell everyone else to buy a big dog and then fu@k it and leave you alone.

    Seriously..there are downer in every crowd.

  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Why do you care? Perhaps your friend is worried, even though it appears to be baseless, but I think it says a lot about your friend to be concerned for your health. Should she have told you in person, yes, but obviously she could be worried you'd react this way so she confided in another friend. If you are losing weight and getting healthy the right way, then don't worry about it. Man, people are soooo sensitive.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    One things I try to teach my kids is that if they hear something mean about someone, that they not repeat it to that person. I don't see the sense in hurting them, like your roommate did to you. This is all about you and you'll know when you're happy with where your at. Keep up the great work.
  • Jedi_Jewel
    Jedi_Jewel Posts: 83 Member
    EFF 'EM!!!! :drinker:
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Don't let it get you down. My best friend has had the same response. She was overweight her entire life...she's had many, many health issues and finally decided to do something about it. She lost weight, has been eating healthy foods, exercising and looks simply amazing! And what are @ss holes asking her? How long does she have to live? Do you want to know why they are asking her this? B/c they are still fat cows that don't want to do anything but hate that she finally did at the age of 43 and she looks spectacular...while they still look like toads and they're 10, 20 and even 30 years younger than her.

    There is always going to be people that are ugly...they have envy and hatred in their hearts....then they say things that "seem" that they mean well, but really they're being spiteful. They know that it will hurt your feelings and make you feel bad, maybe eat a donut or two and gain a few pounds, then they'll feel better about themselves...DON'T give in to their ugliness!!




    No crying! :smile:

    Edit -- My best friend got off her diabetes meds, high blood pressure meds and some other heart meds...so you tell me, is she healthy or sick???? hmmm? I think it's probably the same with you...you are healthy!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Just do what makes you happy and don't worry about what others think so much, as long as you think you look good that is all that matters. My husband said I got to skinney but I think he is finally adjusting to the smaller me. I like being 125 and I don't feel like that is too skinney so I plan to stay that size :}
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    :flowerforyou: do what makes you happy and makes you feel good. obese seems to be the normal thing, so you do probably look damn skinny compared to that :smile: keep your chin up and be proud of yourself for your success!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If your picture is fairly current then no you look perfect so ignore the jealous cows. So nice to read you did it all the right way too!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Some coworker asked me 2 weeks ago if I was dying because I was losing so much weight, I was like W T F! how mean can you be!?

    Im not going to say the comments dont hurt my feelings, or the snickers when I eat my "bunny food." I just remind myself who I am doing this for and the reasons why :)
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    You need new friends, if that is what your real friends say. They must be really jealous.

    Totally agree... Jealousy...... Move forward and be happy and leave them behind.
  • I agree... it's jealously. I've experience this kind of thing before when good things have happened in my life. Chin up. You are doing an amazing job.