How do you keep motivated?

I know this may seem like an obvious question but how do you stay motivated?

I am fine sticking to eating healthily but I have a hard time keeping a regular exercise routine :(


  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I know this may seem like an obvious question but how do you stay motivated?

    I am fine sticking to eating healthily but I have a hard time keeping a regular exercise routine :(

    I think the trick is to find a routine you like...for me it is Zumba.. I hated the gym but I found I love Zumba so much I do it at home all the time! Now, I don't mind lifting weights either..

    Plus looking at all these amazing before and picture really help too.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I have to constantly find something that I actually LIKE to do, not just a mundane calorie burn. When I first started exercising, it was swimming and water aerobics (minimal impact, refreshing during the Texas summer, and some great socializing). Now I've moved on to Zumba (higher impact, convenient for colder months, and still awesome socializing). I say try things until you find your niche. Even when my body wants to say no to Zumba, my mind and heart say YESSSSS :heart:
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    When you find your secret, let me know. My motivation and desire are there, I am just lacking on the execution
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    For me, at least to start, I have to consistently set a time for me to exercise and do it. One great thing about the Navy - they'll set times and places and make it mandatory. After that, I find several things I like and vary them so I don't get bored.
  • jamiecarol84
    For me I have to find something I like! If I have to suffer through it I won't do it again. And as far as workout videos go I have found I only like Chalene Johnson and I will not waste anymore money on anyone else! If I don't like who's in the video I won't do it. I love Chalean Extreme. Exercise has to be something you like or you will never keep it up. Unless you are just super committed and don't mind suffering through it.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    One thing that really helps me stick to exercise (other than finding some things I really love to do) was making friends in the class. I'm much more likely to go when I know that there are people that will miss me when I'm not.
  • themeaningofthemorning
    It's the non-scale victories that do it for me. Healthier heart rate, being able to run faster and longer, completing challenges like the 30 Day Shred, etc. I find looking at a scale can only take you so far. Seeing an improvement in how your body FUNCTIONS with your improved lifestyle is a huge motivator. Keep track of EVERYTHING so you know when you've one-upped yourself.
  • willwillywilson
    For me I think about all the things a normal guy has or can do and that a fat guy can't. Until I have and can do those things I'll keep working. When I have them I'll work not quite as hard so I can maintain.