New here- mom of 5

Hey everyone. I'm new here. Not new to trying to lose weight though. Been trying on and off even when I was a young teen. Even when I was 112lbs, lol. So, I've put on about 10lbs per kid and I have 5. My youngest is 14 months. I homeschool my kids. I'm trying TTapp, for a 3rd time. I'm about 14lbs from my goal that I'll be content to stay at, though, I'd really like to drop an additional 10.


  • I've started T-Tapp again. Today was my 5th day. I love that it doesn't take long to do and I feel great afterward. I'm starting to see some inches go down and lost 2lbs. My goal is to lose at least 50lbs or more.

    Do you do just the basic workout or do you use some of her other dvds?

    I have 2 kids whom I homeschool too.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi SoaringEgale. Do you use HOD? I think I recognize your user name.

    I quit TTapping AGAIN. I think I need to stop trying to do boot camps and shoot for a few times a week.

    I have a bunch of her workouts as they came as bonuses, but I usually just do Instructional #1. I think I'm ready to move to BWO+ though. What are you using?
  • samarieL
    samarieL Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a mom to four and a homeschooling mama too. I just got my TTapp dvd yesterday and did the instructional video last night. It was tough but I'm excited to stick with it and see results. I have a LOT to lose so we have the MORE rehab workout. I plan to start a bootcamp on Saturday. I'm hoping that since it's short and sweet (hahahaha yeah right) that I'll be able to stick with doing it right after the kids go to bed at night. I'm really hoping to drop a size before Christmas. I think that would be amazing.
  • Just wanted to say "hi" & best to you. I am a homeschool mom too. I would also like to loose 50 pounds & am not new to loosing weight either & am also new to my fitness pal I just started recently
  • I am a mom of 3... 3, 2, 9 months so finding the time is the trouble I have but I am determined! My mother homeschooled me and I plan to do the same with my children. I am also a full time college student so that keeps me on my toes!!! Blessings to you all!
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks ladies, nice to meet you:)
  • nikcasso
    nikcasso Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! Mom of 4 and homeschooling too (except our eldest who is in high school now). :)
  • Hi, I'm new here too. I started today! Great job on your weight loss so far. What is ttap? I have put on about 30lbs since I had my daughter and that was 4 years ago, so I'd say with 5 you are doing pretty good! lol. I have about 50lbs to lose and I am.
    What have you been doing that has started your weight loss so far?
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Hi from another homeschooling mama of many! Feel free to add me!
  • nikcasso
    nikcasso Posts: 27 Member
    Sorry my reply was so short...child #3 is 8 today and I had lasagna in the oven and the timer went off. I was going to add that I love having friends here. Some days it is their dedication that gets my butt in the garage to work out after work at night! Not a big cheerleader but definately reply to questions and offer so many have done for me these last few months!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Mom to 6! They go off to school:smile:

    3 still live at home, one in college, one in Marines, and one married with a grandson!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Hey there! SAH non-homeschooling mom of 5 (2 bio & 3 step) kids... I'm fiddling with the last 10 lbs or so over here. I run and lift and am getting more and more into obstacle racing and other crazy stuff. Feel free to add me if you like :) Been here daily over 200 days...
  • I'm a Mom of 4 who also gained plenty with each baby:-). I understand the unique challenges of raising a fairly large family and trying to fit in time to get or stay healthy. I seem to always put "me time" last. I have come to realize that making time for my own health is just as important as spending quality time with my family. I see that I am an example to my children (both good and bad) and I desperately want to pass along healthy habits. I have tried many weight loss programs and always seem to stagnate and re-gain what I have lost. I definitely benefit from having a support network and hope that this will be the final time that I have have to lose weight!
  • Hi!! I'm home school mom of 5. Oldest is 13. I'm trying to lose 75 pounds. I'm starting to do C25K. I'm on week 3. Also, have done half of Jillian Michaels' 30 days shred. Running and 30DS are challenges for me. Nice to have oldest to exercise together. She was training herself for 5K run which she ran on Thanksgiving Day. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)