What rewards do you give yourself?

Do you guys have rewards that you give yourself if you meet a goal Or after a great workout?

I'm trying to give myself some rewards to look forward to.

- A Hershey's kiss every time I burn 300 calories. (Cause I love me some chocolate.)
- Fast food (carefully chosen and not as bad for me fast food) every Friday if I've met my work out goals for the week.
- New fitness toys every time I hit a weight goal. (Like a step counter, a new workout DVD, a bike etc.)

Do you guys have anything like this? I want to reward myself for my "good behavior" and also motivate myself a bit more to get those rewards. (So I'm kind of hoping your ideas will inspire more for me.)


  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Heavier weights!
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I saw a pin on Pinterest the other that suggested having a workout money jar. Put a dollar in every time you exercise and then treat yourself after 100 workouts
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I try to make my rewards non food related, although you do need some of those to keep you sane. But I'll think about a new book, movie, candle (i love me some cookie smelling candles), nail polish, something like that.
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    My daughters and I are doing the 30 DS and we are considering going for a massage when we are finished. It is focused more on completing the task than results. It is something we can control. So..... a girls day having massages around New Years.... Oh Ya!!
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    My general reward for my "good behaviour" is seeing the number on the scale go down. I do plan, however, to have 2 log free days for Christmas if I make and maintain my goal until then. That's my reward; binging log free for 2 WHOLE days! 8D
  • LosingWeightKate
    LosingWeightKate Posts: 39 Member
    Ooh, a massage would be a good one! I like that idea!
  • MitchKim
    MitchKim Posts: 2 Member
    I started treating myself with workout tops from Lorna Jayne then I moved onto to a heart rate monitor and now a gym membership. I have my first 10km run this weekend, so I plan on treating myself with new shoes and a summer running outfit if I manage to survive it :)

    I do sometimes treat myself with a glass or three of red wine, but I found that it just inhibits my ability to train the next day.

    Good luck with your training!
  • LosingWeightKate
    LosingWeightKate Posts: 39 Member
    LOL I know, me too. But I know that if I try to cut those things out completely I'll fail. So I've made them into treats instead of every day fare.

    But I like the idea of books as a reward. I read a lot when I work out (or listen to audio books) maybe another reward is every three "workout" books that I finish I can buy a new one. ;)
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I really don't believe in rewards. For me it is enough reward to get healthier and as you get to your goal, you will be "rewarding" yourself with new clothes.

    I don't mean to be mean or anything but I don't think food should be used as reward, especially fast food or candy. If you want to use food as reward, why not go for something above junk food. That is just my opinion.
  • LosingWeightKate
    LosingWeightKate Posts: 39 Member
    Fair enough and thanks for your opinion. There are a few reasons why I've chosen those things as rewards. I've tried to lose weight so many times and I've failed. And I think (not positive) that I've figured out a big reason why. That's because I'd cut everything bad for me out of my diet. And there would come a day when I couldn't take it anymore, I just had to have a piece of chocolate, or some fries and I'd end up binging. It would turn into rationalization and would then turn into my old habits again.

    This way, I'm not depriving myself of the foods that I like, but I'm doing it in moderation and carefully. I'm not going over my calorie counts. And a lot of the time I don't even want the fast food when I think about it. But having the option is nice. AND I also eat healthier options. So instead of getting a big ol' burrito done enchilada style, I get a salad with the same chicken they put in the burrito. Both so tasty, but one is a whole lot healthier.

    So I thank you for your opinion, but this works for me.
  • mercurysballad
    mercurysballad Posts: 20 Member
    I love the idea of pampering the body for hard work done. I need to work out my reward sheet now that you've mentioned it so thanks! Some ideas are:

    -New piece of clothing
    -Trip to a natural spring

    And so forth :)
  • fattypattybinger
    thats a great idea. That would be enough for a new outfit thanks
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Clothes!!!! Although I have been going a bit overboard with those lately. Just love shopping now.
  • Kirsty300
    Just started but each goal will have a reward and I am working towards some killer heels first.
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    Clothes and shoes so far, maybe when I reach my first goal weight, I'll have some ice cream!
  • xeanx
    xeanx Posts: 69
    I factor in some coke everyday.
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    I got my self an HRM because i have been doing realy good with my running, so i got me self a Garmin forerunner 210 hrm.

    I think i'm gonna get my self some new underwear when i reach 165 (1,2 Pounds to go) and after that i don't know yet.

    But i don't reward my self every great workout.