Last Minute 10 Pound Weight Loss

whitann Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Here in a month my Grandfather will be flighing in from Kansas. As happy as I am to see him I want him to see I am healthy and losing weight. My family has never been the type to accept people that are "weighty", so I feel obligated to finally lose the 10 pounds I should have lost these past few months in a one month period.
You may ask yourself, what is her plan of action?
Here it is, feel free to comment.
I took my daily calorie intake to 1200, which lets me lose 2 pounds a week. So in 5 weeks that is 10 pounds.
I will be drinking lots of fluids, exercising, and eating 5 little meals a day. I will be eating out once a week, only on my weekend, for my cheat meal.
My diet will include healthy carbs, protein and lots and lots of almonds to keep my hunger down. I am not eating cheese or many sugars, I will try and stay away from bread as much as I can. The produce section will become my friend.

Feel free to give me suggestions of easy low-cal recipes or please let me know if it is a good idea at all.



  • sounds very doable!! and your plan sounds healthy, you can do it!
  • You can do it!!!!
  • onelegpat
    onelegpat Posts: 33 Member
    Do it for you!
  • Even though almonds are good and helathy for you, they don't come without fat and calories. Be cautious, a 100 calorie pack of almonds (about 14 small whole almonds) are 100 calories 9grams of fat3 carbs and 4 proteins. They are addiciting be careful. Try and eat fruit such as a small apple with the almonds or a banana with almond butter or grapes with fat free or low fat cottage cheese oe ricotta cheese low serving size. Special K makes great bars, crackers and cereal low in calories, fat and carbs per serving. Eat egg whites with spinach on a whole wheat wrap. Each every 2-3 hours and check out great menu suggestions and even offer shopping lists. Good Luck!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Good for you! You can do it. But, make sure you do it for you and not for the acceptance and approval of your family :)
  • lisanewe
    lisanewe Posts: 6
    It's great that you have a goal and a motivating factor! Your diet sounds great. I like a lot of healthy bean and veg soups which are low cal, high in vitamins and minerals and satisfying at the same time. For great recipes of all kinds go to, they have all kinds of great ideas.
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    you should add boiled eggs and tuna to your meal plan will need some kind of protein for energy but your plan sounds great but i also agree with sugarhi you should do this or you, you should want this more than to just please your family. but i wish you luck and keep us updated on your progress! you can do it!:flowerforyou:
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