Anyone have over 100 lbs to lose? Lets help one another!

I have 140 lbs to lose. I joined mfp in June with high expectations of myself. I just didn't follow through. My health must become my main focus. After being recommended for bariactric surgery and researching all the options, I've decided that is really not what I want to do. So I have six months to make significant progress in doing this on my own. I'm going to work hard and do this naturally buy eating healthy and exercising. If anyone has tips, I would love to hear them! I would love to receive and give support should anyone be interested in becoming friends. Thanks so much!


  • SherrysLife2012
    You can do it Sheila, get focused on becoming healthy and strong. I've seen so many people have surgery, but never learn how to eat properly and don't exercise, to just gain all their weight back and some are even bigger than before surgery.

    I've lost 115 #'s, but I'm really struggling right now and I'm sure at tomorrows weigh-in I'll have put 10#'s back on. I still have another 150 #'s to lose. I have thought about surgery, but it just scares me to death and I don't want to live the way they do, I want to be able to do this myself. Just right now I'm going through some big family issues that are stressing me out to no end and food is my drug of choice.

    You have to be willing to do the work, count all your calories, log everyday and figure out some exercise......and don't expect it to come off fast, slow and steady wins the race.

    I'll send ya a friend request if you'd like to add me.
