Newbie needs motivation for Christmas weight loss please!

Hi there my name is Hannah and I currently weigh nearly 13 stone and am absolutely dying to lose some weight for Christmas and new year. Problem being I'm doing ok with my exercise but I'm awful with food. Any advice on what to eat on an average day would be a great help and to have someone help me through these next few months would be awesome.


  • SLBry6024
    SLBry6024 Posts: 43 Member
    I know this sounds mean but it works for me.
    one plate full of food and NO seconds, one dessert, don't go for all of them just one.
    and no scale the next few days.

    And watch your porions
  • Hi, do you struggle with snacking as I do, packet of crisps and chocolate bar here and there. I think my main problem is serving myself same size portions as hubby! Plus do you eat three meals a day or lots of little ones? Thanks for advice.
  • Hi Hannah,

    I LOVE snacking but I try and make it healthier snacks. Maybe pack some snacks to work so you won't be tempted by the chocolate/crisps. Things like grapes, blueberries, maybe some rice cakes? If you have to be naughty, why not try the "lighter" versions of your favourite things? Baked crisps with fewer calories or small, snack size chocolates instead of the normal sized bars? If you fill yourself up on healthy meals that might help as well.

    My vice is wine- it's wine o clock every night in London. And with it being the party season- it's a real struggle!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I started 7 weeks ago at 181 lbs. The first couple of weeks I kept to 1200 calories and did lose about a pound a week. Then it stopped and I stayed same weight for 2 weeks. I then read about people not eating enough so I thought there's nothing to lose so I increased calorie intake to 1400 as the MFP figures stated and lost 2lbs in 4 days. I have kept at 1400 calories and am losing 1 pound a week every week. I know thats not going to give you a big weight loss by christmas but my half stone loss is making me feel really good about myself and my clothes already feel better on me. Slowly slowly catchy monkey is healthier for you. Good luck
  • SLBry6024
    SLBry6024 Posts: 43 Member
    I eat when I am truely hungry. So that mean I eat three mealsa day plus snack twice aday.
    I fyou look at the portion on your snakes you be amazed that most snake bags are made for two or so.
    plus I change my snack from sweets to fruit. I found it is just as sweet and better for your. my fav is chiled raw bell peppers.

    but do allow yourself cheets. I love chocolate so I let my self have some (don't over do it) but enjoy it when Ido with no guilt.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    How I work out what to eat in a day works well for me. I write in my diary all the food I know I am deffo going to eat...i.e. breakfast and main meal, usual amount of drinks I have including wine if I know we are going to have a drink that evening. Then I see how many calories I have left including amounts of carbs fats and protein. Then I play around with different things I could have for lunch and snacks until I come near the figures for the day. I then stick to this. I find I then make better choices. I.e. snack ajacks instead of crisps and plain biscuits instead of choc ones, yoghurt instead of cake etc etc. There are also nice days when I have to eat more to get my cals up...yum yum.
  • How I work out what to eat in a day works well for me. I write in my diary all the food I know I am deffo going to eat...i.e. breakfast and main meal, usual amount of drinks I have including wine if I know we are going to have a drink that evening. Then I see how many calories I have left including amounts of carbs fats and protein. Then I play around with different things I could have for lunch and snacks until I come near the figures for the day. I then stick to this. I find I then make better choices. I.e. snack ajacks instead of crisps and plain biscuits instead of choc ones, yoghurt instead of cake etc etc. There are also nice days when I have to eat more to get my cals up...yum yum.

    I like this way of thinking!
  • Oh gosh yes I forgot to mention the wine, I also have two glasses of wine a night and other bits at the weekend. Last night was my first night not having a drink and it made me just want to eat more. What things do you drink instead? As water just gets so boring sometimes. Also random question but any ideas on what to eat for lunch other than my much loved sandwiches?
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    There is nothing wrong with sandwiches... there is nothing wrong with any foods just control your portion sizes, obviously healthier foods you can eat a bigger portion of. Alcohol is a calorie killer, you're just going to have to be strong, it takes a while to get into the whole scheme of eating well and working hard. I started at 13 stone 1 pounds. Good luck
  • I've yet to find a replacement for my wine. It's my downfall at the moment! Gin and slimline tonic is very good calorie wise but I hate the taste. Also, champagne.

    Where are you based? M&S does a healthy range which is high in protein(keeps you filled up for longer) and quite low in carbs. Soup is also a good option, provided it's stock based and not cream. Or how about replacing the bread by pitta? Filling that with salads, grilled chicken etc?

  • I add a little lemon or lime juice to my water to make it more flavorful (plain water is boring). If you have SodaStream machines I would also encourage you to get one - you can make your own carbonated water and add mixes to it. They have a bunch of soda flavors, including a diet grapefruit that's really good. There's also flavor concentrates, so you can make flavored (not sweetened) seltzer.
    Lunch - first, try having an open-faced sandwich instead; half the bread but still good.
    I can't have a meal without some kind of bread/cracker item. I really like naan (Indian bread) - half of one with hummus and veggies cut up is a good lunch and not a huge pile of calories. Soup with crackers is good too; add a little cheese as cracker toppers and I find it very satisfying. A fried egg with cheese and salsa, plus a small piece of toast, fills me up & keeps me going through the afternoon.
    I tend to wait too long to have lunch then overeat. I have to make myself stop for lunch & eat before I'm starving, because then I don't make good choices I just cram it all in and get angry later. You have to find the best rhythm for you - are you better with snacks or just 3 meals? 5 small meals? It may take some experimenting but you will find the plan that keeps you satisfied throughout the day, and that's the one to stick with.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Can't think about replacement for wine...too painful an idea:-) lunches though, I do jacket potato with beans, tuna or cheese. Also omlette with just egg whites. If you are away from home try making a tuna/salad/pasta mixture to take with you. Snack packs of dried fruit is also good. I am at home caring for hubby so a bit easier for me. Bread is lethal so just probably whatever you eat minus the bread would be fine, bread is really only one way of 'holding'our ingredients so just need alternative healthy method instead.
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    hi ya!

    i also find it easier to plan my food for the day. once you have food food you like which is also good for you, you'll find it a lot easier! i also use the fact that if you wanna eat like an athlete, you need to train like one as motivation (i.e. the more exercise u do, the more u can eat!) . feel free to add me if you like :)

  • I am based in I know m&s well ( normally for the creamy pasta dishes etc) haha. I will have a look in there for the healthy options. I'm thinking of making my own soup. But for today is salad, which I have a worrying feeling that won't fill me up. I think I need time for my stomach to shrink. x
  • I am liking the thought of a soda machine!
  • SarrySunshine80
    SarrySunshine80 Posts: 7 Member
    SOUP!! And even better, make your own. It is so so simple to do and very healthy as you use all fresh ingredients. I make a batch that does about 4 servings and I enter them into the recipes section of MFP. It then works out how many calories per serving and it always works out well!! It's healthy, filling, nutritional, and y,u,mmy!! I'm tucking into my homemade roasted pepper and tomato soup right now actually! Its a big bowl and its only 129 calories!! Whoop whoop!! :)
  • dannconvey
    dannconvey Posts: 4 Member
    I drink crystal all the time. Flavored tea. Never soda !! Try yogurt & put 1/2 cup yashi cereal, i need the crunch. Also a piece of fruit on the side. Sometimes I have egg whites with veggies on the side & put fat free feta cheese in the veggies..yum...yum... No one says u have to have lunch at lunch...LOL..
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    Sent friend request. I wnt to my mother in laws for thanks giving and was handed a large plate. Im talking huge. I asked for a smaller plate. When ur plate is bigger u feel like u need to fill it up when u really dont need to. Good luck. U can do it.
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    I know this sounds mean but it works for me.
    one plate full of food and NO seconds, one dessert, don't go for all of them just one.
    and no scale the next few days.

    And watch your porions

    agree. I was always the one to go for seconds and thirds even when I was full. Portions, plenty of water, less sweets and junk food. Don't worry about the scale it can be your worse enemy. go on how you feel.
  • Thanks for friend request! Need all the support i can get at the mo! For soo long I've been eating the same size portions as my partner on big plates.... Defo time to change that! And another problem being is my partner will still want to eat chips and pizza etc in evenings and I won't be, so going to have to cook that and kids food and then mine, that's 3 different meals. I can't do that every night.