One Pound a Week - seems like a long way to go...

Hi, I'm new here as of today. I have about 50 pounds to lose and the system has guided me through at one pound a week. Hmmmm, the biggest loser is inspiring, but I guess it's not realistic for a 40 year old computer programmer to lose as much as they do since I can't work out as a full time job. Shouldn't I be able to lose 4 or 5 pounds a week??? Maybe that's not safe or long-lasting. Anywho, this is the first step. I've been trying hard for a month and have lost 4 or 5 pounds, but I'm losing traction and I hope this site will help me stay focused and encouraged...


  • anamika_7258
    One pound a week may not sound like a lot but in time you will see you will start to lose more then a pound a week. Beganing is always hardest and then towards the end it will be almost addictive. I am on quest to lose 40lbs and hope fitness pal will help keep me inspired. Best of luck! and stay on it :D
  • mellers1313
    mellers1313 Posts: 105 Member
    My first wk was 3lb loss the second was 7 (reason 2nd was more than first was coz I had an accident and was unable to exercise the first wk)
    I've been doing this 10 weeks and so 20 lbs off is great imo, Because I had a few weeks where the scales never budged lol.
    Take it slow, the results will be worth it.

  • drucole
    drucole Posts: 26 Member
    I joined 3 weeks ago with a goal of 2 lbs. per week for 1 full year (104 lbs. by 3/1/11)! I weighed in today and I have now lost 20 lbs. in 3 weeks. I sit in front of a computer 8 hrs/day, but I have committed to no more than 1800 calories/day (6 small meals) & at least 30 minutes of cardio EVERYDAY!

    Good can do it!
  • JennyJG
    JennyJG Posts: 27
    Hi, I'm new here as of today. I have about 50 pounds to lose and the system has guided me through at one pound a week. Hmmmm, the biggest loser is inspiring, but I guess it's not realistic for a 40 year old computer programmer to lose as much as they do since I can't work out as a full time job. Shouldn't I be able to lose 4 or 5 pounds a week??? Maybe that's not safe or long-lasting. Anywho, this is the first step. I've been trying hard for a month and have lost 4 or 5 pounds, but I'm losing traction and I hope this site will help me stay focused and encouraged...

    Hi there!
    I am also a 40 year old programmer (though part time) and can relate to the struggle of finding time to work out when your job pressure requires you to sit so much and focus!! I am with you totally. I have been doing MFP for a couple weeks and aimed to lose 1 pound a week, too. The biggest benefit I am experiencing with going at this rate is that I am satisfied. The amount of calories I have decreased is not so much that I am faint and starving. I am actually happy and full of energy. I think its worth it to take your time and be good to yourself.

    Kudos to you for taking action - I wish you all the best!

  • kizzymitchell
    kizzymitchell Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome, This site is very helpful, at least for me. I didn't go with the reccomended, I put in that I wanted to lose 2 to 3lbs a week, and it gave me my calories per day. so far so good. my meter only show 6lbs lost but I actually lost 12 in the first 30 day, most of it being water weight im sure. It is a process, but try to have fun with it. I get a little creative with my food so that I don't get bored. Because we all know the healthy stuff is no fun at all. I plan my meals out a week in advance. and I stock the fridge and I eat every 2 to 3 hours. I drink 100 ounces of water, and I made chrystal light rasberry lemonade my new best friend. I dont even miss soda any more. I'm doing low carb, that was a challange at first because I love bread. I found a 5 net carb loaf of bread, so I can still have my turkey sandwiches. I use mustard now instead of mayo. I also stopped eating after 6pm. I had to get the family involved. because I'm sneaky. eating is an addiction for me. As far as working out, you dont have to do too much to lose, you need to have a caloric deficit. If I recall it said for my job my body will burn 2300 calories doing day to day work which is really nothing, I sit at a desk. so if I eat 1200 calories a day, there is an 1100 calorie difference. I will lose weight. That is actually what I am doing now. It's tough but it's working for me. Find what works for you and stick with it, it will eventually pay off. Good luck to you...
  • cocktailprincess
    We all want instant results- our lifestyles and the media have taught us that everything is available NOW. But sustainable weight loss is about changing lifestyle forever, and this cannot happen as a 'quick-fix'. It takes a long time to unlearn all the bad habits and behaviour we have got used to over our lifetime.

    I have lost an average of 1lb a week for 2 years now. Yes, it is slow, but I have tackled so many food issues along the way. I am now 94lb less than my starting weight and only 17lb from my target. My previous weight loss attempts were always frantic, resulting in lots of weight lost quickly, but I always ended up failing and regaining. I can honeslty say as confidently as I possibly can that this slow and steady loss has changed my entire mindset and outlook for life.

    Good luck
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    Right now that 1pd a week sounds really good. I have started and failed so many times I've lost count. I tell my family I'm on a new diet and when I fail they roll there eyes. This time I have decieded to rely on the people in the same boat I'm in. I hope to find some buddies to share this journey with. I promise to vent my anger, joy, or what ever here on a blog or with others who are headed in the same direction I am. I cleaned out all the junk in my kitchen, threw out all my comfort foods. I want better health. Like most people say the hardest part is getting started. I love the tools on this site and I have the motivation. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...............twistygirl
  • rspeelman123
    yeah don't worry about it, you're doing it the right way. I know it seems like a long, long journey but it'll be totally worth it-a few years ago I lost 60 pounds only to gain it back later. The slower you do it the longer it'll stay off. I know it's what everyone says but just remember it's a life style change not a diet. Also I find it good to not to obsess about weight loss, keep the goal in my mind, eat within your calories and exercise, but my advice would be not keep focusing on the numbers because like you said, the weight loss on the Biggest Loser isn't relistic. I think it's important to have fun and before you know it you'll be lighter! Good luck!!! :)
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I lost quite a bit at first from making healthy choices, but the past few weeks it has slowed down. I just have to remember it took me 5 years, 2 babies and a miscarriage to gain the weight. It is going to take me a while to loose it. Welcome to this site and best of luck on your new weight loss journey!
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    I agree it seems daunting. I just looked at when I would be at my ideal weight with the 1-lb-per-week average and it's a long way off. But I have to also agree with the previous posts, some week will be more, other will be less. And those pounds we shed fastest are the quickest to put back on. I'm guilty of choosing that severe diet and losing 10 pounds quickly, only to put them all back again in a couple weeks.

    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • mdelagarza
    The reason why the pound a week routine works is that at the end of the year, you've learned eating habits that will stick with you for life. Consider that every hour of the day, you're conscious of what you eat, because you're looking at the calorie counter in real time. I've been down the lose 20 pounds a month routine too many times to know that while I achieved the weight loss, I failed miserably in learning how to eat healthy and well for life. To be sure this way takes longer, but I'm thinking that the lessons I'm learning daily will stick with me for the rest of my life. Good luck in your journey towards better health, and remember -- you're not alone in this. We're here to support you!
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    A pound a week is great, but if you want to lose more think of the little things you can do (even at work I now have a desk job to) instead of e-mailing or calling a co-worker walk over to thier cube/office, and when you do bring your knees up a little higher (but not noticably high) a few times an hour just sit upright and contract your stomach 5--10 times (look it up and how many calories it burns) lunch take a friend and go for a walk. No one knows more than me how hard it is but every time you think (only a Pound) remember it's (ONLY A POUND DOWN AND NOT UP)
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    Wow! What an encouraging bunch you all are. Thanks for your kind words -