How Long Did It Take To Lose 100 Pounds?

In my family we lose weight fast. I have it stuck in my mind that I can lose 20 pounds a month, meaning I would lose 100 pounds in roughly 5 months. I'm curious how long it took others to lose 100 pounds.


  • kddham
    kddham Posts: 53 Member
    The best we can think of 1 kg around 2.2 lbs per week (But this is not recommeded) ! Also to achieve this you need to minium have 1100 cal per day burn schedule.. which needs lot of time invetment on workout ! The best target would be to burn 1 lb per week. I suggest put 25 lbs sub target and try to achive in healthy way. !
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    The target should not be quick weight loss. The target should be steady weight loss to allow your body to adjust.

    Quick weight loss can lead to lots of extra skin. You may get some anyway but if you can strength train and lose weight slowly through diet then you have a chance of firming up and minimising the extra skin.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi sorry I've not lost 100 pounds before but 5 pounds a week for 5 months straight is an almost impossible feat, you may be able to do this for the first couple of weeks but it's not maintainable and I don't want you to get down if your weightloss slows to a sustainable 1-2 pounds which most people, even when trying really hard, seem to lose. Also if you do lose 5 pounds a week over a long period you won't be just losing fat but muscle also, which is the equivilent of chopping off an arm to lose 30 pounds you only want to lose the fat or you're just losing weight for weights sake rather than to be healthier and look slimmer. When you eat into your muscle it will also spoil your metabolism having less muscle to maintain.

    Also I know you say your family lose weight fast but I don't think anyone has that sort of turbo metabolism to lose that ammount healthily otherwise I would imagine you're family would all be like a rakes already and need 3000 cals a day just to maintain, good luck and I wish you all the best but please don't sabotage yourself with extremely difficult goals and get disheartened. xxxx
  • Tracy2750
    Hi! I've lost 121 and counting. As for the first 100? I would say around 10 months or so - perhaps an average of 10lb per month, 2.5 lb per week. The averages are deceiving, though. For me, I lost quickly at first and then it slowed. Though I get frustrated and have up and down times, the general trend is still down. And it makes sense... the less you weigh, the more difficult it is to acheive that caloric deficit - and you do have to increase activity.

    Mostly, when I'm feeling somewhat sane and cogniscent, I try to relax, breathe, and learn about myself a bit. I know that if I don't get enough sleep or I'm very stressed, I will not lose, even if I nearly starve myself. I can tell you that probably the oddest thing for me, that I haven't seen a whole lot of discussion or research about, is what that kind of weight loss does to your head and your sense of being. It is not all sunshine and roses, there's a lot to deal with.

    So, I agree with the other posters... don't set yourself up for that kind of failure. You may pull it off, especially at your age, but can you maintain it? Consider it a journey of discovery and take immense pleasure and satisfaction in the little things - your tightest clothes becoming too big, hopping up a flight or two of stairs without a second thought when you couldn't do that before, seeing your own collarbone again, that sort of thing

    Best of luck! You can do it! Feel free to friend or message me if you like!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Healthy weight loss (and weight loss that STAYS off) is about a pound a week.

    So that's 100 weeks = roughly two years.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Healthy weight loss (and weight loss that STAYS off) is about a pound a week.

    So that's 100 weeks = roughly two years.

    I'm not sure I agree I think you can safely lose more than a pound a week if you have alot to lose, I would say a year is more attainable, but that's just MHO
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    About 2 years, when I broke up with my last girlfriend.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I lost 100 lbs in 10 1/2 months. started Jan 6th and hit my 100lbs on Halloween. just following the MFP guidelines for 2lbs a week.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    In my family we lose weight fast. I have it stuck in my mind that I can lose 20 pounds a month, meaning I would lose 100 pounds in roughly 5 months. I'm curious how long it took others to lose 100 pounds.

    20lbs a month is too fast. you did not put the weight on that fast, you will not safely lose it that fast
  • jayhawkfan51
    jayhawkfan51 Posts: 78 Member
    It took me roughly 8 months to lose 100 lbs. I would recommend aiming for no more than 2 per week. Its much better for your body in the long run.
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    i did it once before, lost 120 total at one time....It took me 8 months to lose 100. I need to do this again, now. That was in 2001, fyi. I did it the right way, diet and exercise.
  • pairodimes
    pairodimes Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 90 lbs and it took me a year. I started with HCG diet and no exercise. I lost 70 lbs in about 7 months that way, but it's a hard diet to stay on for long and I wanted to exercise. the last 30 lbs have been simple calorie counting with this site and exercise (I track that using Endomondo b/c it automatically updates calories burned to this site).

    The most helpful things for me were:

    1) realization that food just isn't as satisfying as we trick ourselves into believing that it is
    2) recording weight EVERY morning at the same time
    3) recording EVERYTHING I eat...and making sure to exaggerate the calories you take in b/c you will miss something

    hope this helps you!
  • 05saleengirl
    It took me about a year, then I stalled for a few years due to having hypothyroid. Was able to maintain but losing was impossible. Now that I'm on mess I've been able to lose again but slowly which is fine. The last 15-20 are tough.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    At the end of the day genetics' and age play a huge role in how MUCH faster you lose, so just start dieting now and exercising and see what happens!!! We can all say 100 different things, but everyone's losses different, I rarely hear of 100 down in five months, but you may be able to lose a little over half of that, especially if you have alot to lose.
  • Wow. If I could lose 100 lbs in 5 months I dont think I would have an issue with my weight.
    A lot of it is mental.
    You didnt become 100 lbs overweight because you can lose weight fast. Because you have an eating issue or just make unhealthy choices. Making those changes and keeping at it is the tough part.

    Having said that, I am one pound away from losing 70 lbs. I started a little over a year ago (oct 2011) At first I just made small changes, didnt exercise. I lost 20 something lbs by May 2012. May is when I started really getting into eating healthy and exercising. It wasnt until recently that I have been able to stick to healthy eating and exercising all the time. So since May (7 months ago) I have lost 50 lbs.

    ALSO... losing weight so fast, 100 lbs in 5 months will cause lots of extra loose skin
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have lost 110 pounds in 8 months. That is more than the two pounds per week, but I started out at 338 pounds, and when you are severely overweight, you tend to lose it pretty quickly at first. I am not losing it a lot more slowly, but I am okay with that. It is still progress, and I feel like I have gotten my life back!!
  • MizManda180
    MizManda180 Posts: 68 Member
    I am currently 320. I guess my estimate was pretty out there. 100 pounds in 5 months? I don't know what I was thinking. I believe realistically I would be able to lose between 8 months and a year. I definitely don't want to lose too fast because I don't want access skin, and I am not wanting to lose an unhealthy amount per week. I am not going to push my body too much. I just wanted to see how long it took others and it seems it's all averaging between 8 months and a year.

    Thanks so much for all your input!
  • MizManda180
    MizManda180 Posts: 68 Member
    I've lost 90 lbs and it took me a year. I started with HCG diet and no exercise. I lost 70 lbs in about 7 months that way, but it's a hard diet to stay on for long and I wanted to exercise. the last 30 lbs have been simple calorie counting with this site and exercise (I track that using Endomondo b/c it automatically updates calories burned to this site).

    The most helpful things for me were:

    1) realization that food just isn't as satisfying as we trick ourselves into believing that it is
    2) recording weight EVERY morning at the same time
    3) recording EVERYTHING I eat...and making sure to exaggerate the calories you take in b/c you will miss something

    hope this helps you!

    Thanks for the tips :)
  • alynnh5
    alynnh5 Posts: 3 Member
    I lost about 45 lbs a couple years ago... averaged about 8-10 lbs per month in the beginning... then slowed. I restarted in May, from after having my baby and have been pretty hard core working out 6-7 days a week and eating 1200 cals a day and having 1 cheat day per week now. I've lost 40 lbs. The first 30 were easier, came off faster... I was losing 2 lbs a week... now getting to the end it's getting harder to lose the weight... it's like I have one cookie or one drink and I instantly gain 2 lbs. It's been a slower weight loss towards the end with about half a pound to a pound per week. Especially with the holidays it's been even harder.
    Overall I'm down 70 from my highest (2009, a baby in the middle, and restarted in May) and want to lose 20-30 more....

    I started doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to tone up and turn my fat into lean muscle. I have some extra skin in my stomach from baby and fat, but it seems to be helping to sculp. I'm hoping that this shred and more cardio work outs will take off the extra 20 lbs that I want to lose.
  • JohnMessmer
    I have never seriously tried to lose weight prior to MFP. I joined MFP on September 11, 2012 and weighed 382 pounds. As of last Friday I weigh 326 pounds, so I have lost 56 pounds in 11 weeks. That is right at the estimate of 5 pounds a week, and should that pattern continue would result in a 100 pound loss as of January 29th, 2013; which would be 4 months and 3 weeks from my starting date.

    I seriously doubt the trend will continue, but then again I did not imagine I could have lost what I have in the time I have either, so time will tell. The biggest factor, I believe, in my "success" thus far is how obese I was/am. Obviously the more fat you have to lose the more fat you can lose by making small adjustments like calorie restriction and a bit of exercise. As you reduce the fat, the difficulty increases to continue to lose more.

    I would not suggest to anyone that they set a goal to lose 5 pounds a week, but if it should happen then simply be glad and continue doing what you were doing.