Just signed up for 2 5k's and a 12k!

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
Very excited to have finally signed up for a few races! I've been running to get in shape for over a year, and I am finally going to have a few races accomplished! First is a 5k fun run here on base April 10th, second is a 5k leg of a 5-person relay team for the OKC Memorial Marthon (super excited about going with some amazing girls who have all inspired me on my weight-loss/get healthy life) on April 24th, and the last is a 12k in Spokane, WA on May 2nd that I've been training for for months! I just wanted to share my excitement! :happy: :happy: :happy:


  • karrieatscrayons
    Wow! That's exciting. Congratulations!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    That is exciting. I just finished my first 8k race yesterday - I think you will love it, I know I did!

    I wish you luck and have fun too. Please let me know how you did.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    thanks ladies!!