What works for you?

I am new to this. I used to go to the gym in my undergrad and I have tried to "diet" numerous times... and here we go again, round 40.

But I want to make sure I do things right this time and feel as though I have been off to a good start so far. I joined a private gym and have gone 5x in past week, I have started limited what I eat, am drinking only water or tea and sometimes milk, I quit coffee, etc. And this is all fine and dandy on some days... but what are some tips that work for you?

What keeps you motivated?
When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
How do you deal with cravings?

ANY TIPS for a newbie would be appreciated! :)


  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    My motto is if it works for you, use it.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    What keeps you motivated?
    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
    How do you deal with cravings?

    -I don't want to die of cancer
    -Back when I did cardio, I would just try to one-up my last cardio session in some fashing
    -No, I just make excuses about why I'm still better than them. "He may lift more but he's fatter." "He's got abs but he's weak." that kinda thing.
    -By eating a moderate amount of the foods I enjoy
    -Eat a smaller amount of it
    -Sucking it up
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    -No, I just make excuses about why I'm still better than them. "He may lift more but he's fatter." "He's got abs but he's weak." that kinda thing.

    I have a good friend, who's only goal in life is to be better than everyone in the world at at least one thing. It could be anything. 'I'm better at being taller' 'I'm better at saving money on my car insurance' whatever.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I am new to this. I used to go to the gym in my undergrad and I have tried to "diet" numerous times... and here we go again, round 40.

    But I want to make sure I do things right this time and feel as though I have been off to a good start so far. I joined a private gym and have gone 5x in past week, I have started limited what I eat, am drinking only water or tea and sometimes milk, I quit coffee, etc. And this is all fine and dandy on some days... but what are some tips that work for you?

    Why did you quit coffee? I drink it all the time. Don't cut out things you like. That is a recipie for failure right off the bat.
    What keeps you motivated?

    Getting fat.
    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?

    I stopped doing anything that truly bores me.
    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?

    No. It's my journey, not theirs. If you get to know some of those people, they are likely very nice people. There might be a few douche bags, but people are people. Most of them would probably encourage you. Some of them used to be big out of shape people at one point in their lives.
    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?

    It's hard. But, just stare at it and ask yourself, does that thing help me reach my goal? Think about all the hard work you have done.
    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?

    I just eat a tiny amount, or I avoid it if I can. But, I try to not be rude either way.
    How do you deal with cravings?

    This is the most difficult part. When I eat clean wholesome food, I find that I am more full, so in the evening when the snack monster arrives, I am prepared to deal with him. Typically, if I can't shake it, I'll have a cup of herbal tea. That helps a lot. If I am still hungry, then I eat something. But, I like to make sure I am truly hungry and not just bored or something.
    ANY TIPS for a newbie would be appreciated! :)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Honestly, tracking my calorie intake with honesty works best for me.

    Using a food scale has helped a lot in most cases. Definitely one of the tools any serious weight loss individual should invest in. They are not overly expensive.

    As well, the realization that bad days simply happen and it is TOTALLY fine. Say I am doing a 500 calorie deficit every day, and then one day I go over by 2000 calories! Most would FREAK OUT. But, I look at is as still having a deficit overall for the week and thus is A-OK.

    Motivation wise, seeing very fit people makes me want to be fit too. I have no physical problems (health, injuries, etc.) so there really is NO reason I cannot achieve similar results to others I see. Many guys on MFP here have given me great motivation.

    Additionally, a good, slow progressive weight lifting program REALLY helps. Seeing a tiny bit of weight added to the bar every single time really encourages me and makes me more excited to go to the gym than what I was doing.

    Now, skinnier, healthier, fitter, etc. people at the gym? Well, so? Chances are, they got that way BECAUSE of going to the gym. So, they ALL already understand. They understand the scrawny guy trying to bulk up, if they happen to chuckle or what not, it is because they remember those days themselves. They all understand the HUGE guy on the treadmill and totally support him for being there. No one at the gym goes to feel like they are better than someone else there.

    As for cravings... eating is a choice. No one forces me to eat anything. To combat hunger, I simply eat healthy. If you eat raw spinach and celery all day long non-stop, chances are you'll be full HOURS before the day ends and you'll still never reach your calorie goals lol. Food choices make a HUGE difference in satiety.

    High in fat? That is find. If its in your macros he he.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am new to this. I used to go to the gym in my undergrad and I have tried to "diet" numerous times... and here we go again, round 40.

    But I want to make sure I do things right this time and feel as though I have been off to a good start so far. I joined a private gym and have gone 5x in past week, I have started limited what I eat, am drinking only water or tea and sometimes milk, I quit coffee, etc. And this is all fine and dandy on some days... but what are some tips that work for you?

    What keeps you motivated?
    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
    How do you deal with cravings?

    ANY TIPS for a newbie would be appreciated! :)

    What keeps you motivated? I want to get ripped for next summer!
    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored? I dont do cardio. I get enough cardio while doing squats and deadlifts!
    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc? No! they started somewhere too!
    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people? I think "Will it fit my macros?"
    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories? Fat isnt bad so strike that out of your head. I think "Will this fit my macros?" or I'll save calories for it.
    How do you deal with cravings? I intermittent fast. My body tells me when to eat now and generally isnt hungry during non feeding times.
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    For me, there's a progression to things. If I did three years ago what I do know, I would have hit my goals 18 months ago, but I simply wasn't ready or able or knowledgeable enough to make those changes.

    My wife keeps me motivated, and we drive each other further and harder. Lately, now that I've switched from "weight loss" as a goal to "triathlon" as a goal, my mantra is "this is one more step to Kona," even though Kona is insane and it will probably take me another two or three years to get in that shape.

    For cardio, I keep it varied - spin classes, swimming, treadmill and trail running. Podcasts are great - I've listened to all 150+ episodes from Decoder Ring Theatre, and so many of the radio-show style programs are fun to listen to.

    Most people in my gym are very nice and fun to workout with, and I have never had a real problem with anyone. Generally though, I'm probably the one others find intimidating, but if anyone ever asked, I'm happy to be helpful. Once you get a knowledge base, you'll also begin to realize that many people in the gym are simplying doing it wrong, not getting results, and ultimately wasting their time - form the cardio bunnies cruzing at 110bpm and not sweating, to the lunk heads whose squats and lifts have almost no range of motion, to the whiners in the classes who never step it up and never lose weight - don't be intimidated, and do your own thing.

    Whey protein helps a lot, and greek yogurt - since those things are actually pretty close to milkshakes and candy for me. Moderation is good, and a good, heavy workout is always helpful.

    Eating with family in friends is actually one of the things that causes me the most frustration. I cook very well, and when I splurge (and thus get set back from my goals by a day or a week), I usually want it to mean something. Dinner and drinks at a crappy bar or dried-out turkey and mediocre pumpkin pie leaves me frustrated, when I really want something for me that is tasty and awesome and worth the sacrifice. It's one thing I struggle with.

    Cravings can be tough, but substitution can be helpful. I still have burgers, but I use 95% lean ground beef, skim milk cheese, and high fiber bread. I miss pizza and peanut butter, but I still have them once a month or so.

    Good luck to you, and keep the trying. Do your research, learn, and commit.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I guess I should answer too...
    I am new to this. I used to go to the gym in my undergrad and I have tried to "diet" numerous times... and here we go again, round 40.

    But I want to make sure I do things right this time and feel as though I have been off to a good start so far. I joined a private gym and have gone 5x in past week, I have started limited what I eat, am drinking only water or tea and sometimes milk, I quit coffee, etc. And this is all fine and dandy on some days... but what are some tips that work for you?

    What keeps you motivated?
    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
    How do you deal with cravings?

    ANY TIPS for a newbie would be appreciated! :)

    1) I'm already reasonably strong. I used to be strong and in shape, and I'd like to get back to that point. I also enjoy working out (almost as much as I enjoy food, which is why I'm strong and fat). Still have a long way to go but my love of exercise and vanity are my main sources of motivation. Also sex is better when you're in shape.
    2) I have a tablet and an ipod. Music, movies, and games (depending on the intensity of the cardio). I can't do cardio without one of those, too ADD for it.
    3) No, I go to a commercial gym. I can lift more than 95% of the people in that gym, and I can squat more than all but one of the trainers (at least that I've seen, anyway). For the ones who are stronger (like the trainer, who's helped me with my squat and dead), I try to see what they're doing and if I could use any of it. Intimidation doesn't really play into it. If *kitten* hits the fan I've got guns. Those hit a lot harder than your 500 lb bench.
    4) Still working on this. I'm good at complete exclusion, but not so good at moderation. If I eat a little I usually end up eating a lot. It's psychological though, and I'm working on it.
    5) Enjoy the food, and either workout to compensate or feel guilty about it later
    6) Sex, Video Games, Exercise, Sleep, Work, Indulge (In that order)

    Record everything. Once you have a handle on it cut back on your logging. I think taking note of progress and looking for trends is the single most useful tool available to EVERYBODY.
  • Thanks everyone! Definitely some helpful ways of percieving things here.

    I quit coffee so I would feel better, feel more hydrated, not have to rely on it to prevent headaches, etc. Plus, it worsens anxiety. I also love coffee with cream and sugar and that adds up too. I do enjoy black teas and will have them every now and again. :) It was just a personal choice really. It wasn't even about losing weight for me at first, I just decided I want to be healthier, period. So this meant hitting the gym, eating better, and taking all the extra crap out of my diet. It also meant getting myself mentally healthier, spirtually healthier, socially healthier, etc. My goal is just to be the best version of me that I can be.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    The things that have worked best for me are -

    -logging everything I eat no matter how small the bite
    -consistently sticking with my calorie goal
    -getting 80 to 100 grams of protein day
    -doing a mix of cardio and lifting weights that challenge me
    -body weight exercises are powerful!!! squats, lunges, pushups and planks are your friend!
    -eat healthy fresh whole foods, fruits and veggies and I don't believe in eliminating ANY foods groups. I won't deprive myself, I use moderation.
    -to keep exercise from getting boring I have a zillion DVD's, weights and kettlebells at home, a gym membership and frequent a nice yoga studio, walks and hiking outdoors are also an option. As well as free workout websites like - blenderfitness.com and bodyrocktv.org. Pinterest has lot's of workouts for free too.
    -I stay active on this website because it motivates the heck out of me. If you're ever feeling overwhelmed just go to the success story forums and you'll be blown away by the body transformations!

  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Choose a regular time you go each time. That way you get into a routine.
    Don't ever starve yourself.
    Get plenty of protein and fiber - if you focus on what you want to be eating rather than what you are not that can be helpful... So if you need 38 grams of fiber, then you will need plenty of veggies and fruits (for example)
    Some people find pictures of themselves to track progress helps.
    Cardio - choose something fun you like - I like biking, tennis, etc...
    OR if you do eliptical or exercise bike you can download movies to your phone and watch them during using those machines.
    Definitely I had to get over feeling "ashamed" in the gym - either just do it and it will become easier - put your headphones on, or go on off peak times, but remember everyone had to start at some point and you deserve to be there just as much as anyone else.
    Cravings - eat frequently but eat healthy and you will be less hungry. It's when we're starving or exhausted that we're most susceptible. Some people also like to chew gum, brush their teeth. Sometimes you are thirsty and don't realize it.
    Drink plenty of water.
    As far as other people's homes - You can choose how much you eat of these things - you can eat something healthy before you go, or me personally I plan around these things so I exercise more or eat a bit leaner on those days.
    And sometimes I just let myself have some and enjoy the evening. This is a process not an end destination (unless you are a bodybuilder or model which I certianly am not!) and health is an ongoing proposition.

    Hope that helps and good luck! Congrats on a good first week.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What keeps you motivated?

    Initially, it was fitness goals. I didn't really join here to lose weight, because I didn't think it would happen. I thought my metabolism was too shot and I was stuck where I was. But I did know I could get healthier and stronger, so being able to go from not being able to run at all to being able to run a 5k in 2 months was amazing. Later, it was progress photos that kept me motivated. By then, the scale wasn't really budging, but it amazed me how much my body could still change without much or any weight loss. Really wish I would have started progress photos earlier... I was already down 20 pounds when I started taking them.

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?

    I run outside. If I get bored and want to stop, I have a long, long walk home. It's much faster to keep running. :wink:

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?

    No. I'm only competing with myself.

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?

    I don't resist them. I make them fit in my calorie budget.

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?

    I eat it. I subscribe to an 80/20 rule. Stick with my plan 80 percent of the time, and the other 20 percent doesn't matter. Assuming I'm eating someone else's cooking one meal a week, out of the 21 meals in a week, that's only about 5% of my weekly meals. It's not enough to throw me off course.

    How do you deal with cravings?

    I never had so strict a deficit that I couldn't fit foods I wanted in my calorie budget. And everything I eat is delicious, so I have no need to crave things. I have pizza at least once a week, so if I'm craving pizza... I either eat pizza, or know that I'm going to be eating it in the next few days.

    Overall... if fitting in social settings and foods you enjoy eating is causing a lot of stress, re-evaluate your goals. Make sure you're deficit is appropriate to the amount of weigh you want to lose.

    It's better to lose one pound a week for six months and be able to stick with it comfortably than aim for 2 pounds a week, get frustrated and feel deprived, and quit in six weeks.
  • Hey Kelly,

    I find short term goals really keep me motivated. This week I'm going to eat this much, exercise this much and if I stick to this for 7 days then I can have this treat! For me the treat is generally clothes. haha.

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
    While I like the structure of gym work outs, I think it's really important to mix it up too. Think about things that you really LIKE doing... for me it's shopping, so it's easy, I can take a day off the gym and get some retail therapy walking around the shops for a couple of hours... if you're going to go visit a friend, walk or ride. If you like dancing, check-out the fitness class timetables at the gym, or grab your bestie and go out on Friday night and destroy that dance floor. Also, I make the treadmill a treat - I watch episodes of my fav tv shows, so I want to get back on there just to find out what happen with so and so! also keep you i-pod updated with all your fav tunes that get you in the mood and want you to up the pace!

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
    Of course, we're girls, it's what we do. haha! But at the end of the day it's your membership, your workout and your OWN progress that counts.

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
    I can't have them in the house and I always carry fruit in my bag. I live in China, so here when people offer you something you HAVE to take it. But you can always tell them you're going to save it for when you get home. Then I give it to someone else.

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
    If it's a good friend, I'll tell them before I come that I'm trying to lose weight. I found most people to be really supportive. When I don't feel comfortable, I tell them I'm in charge of dessert and bring something delicious and healthy. I also fill up on fruit or salad before I go, so if it is fatty, I can enjoy it and not be offensive, but portion control is easier!

    How do you deal with cravings?
    When you find out, tell me? haha. Whenever I'm REALLY craving something, it's usually when I have my period and I eat it. But I try to find a healthier option of it, or a smaller serving or it, or share it with a friend. Or once in a while eat the WHOLE thing, don't feel guilty and enjoy the moment. Just make sure it fits in with your daily calorie intake and it's a treat for a fantastic month of exercise and restraint!

    Good luck,
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    What keeps you motivated? I don't want to be fat and frumpy and fifty, and I have made up my mind that I don't have to be.

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored? I only do it for about 30 minutes, I don't get bored in 30 minutes. I have been using videos or games on the Wii.

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc? I work out at home.

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people? Sometimes I eat some! And I count it as part of my calories for the day. I don't have the mindset that I cannot have something, because psychologically that makes me want it more if I say I cannot have something. If it is allowed, then I can pass it up.

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories? Eat and enjoy it. Do some extra workout to offset the extra calories.

    How do you deal with cravings? Well, one of the ways I beat an afternoon vending machine candy craving is to have a cup of flavored coffee with cream and sugar instead. 50 calories instead of 250. But since you quit coffee that might not work for you.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    To answer the OP's questions:

    Motivation can be tough at times but ultimately it's about being determined to keep going and finding good reasons to do so. For me, it's a mix of things. I want to be healthy and fit so I don't have to worry about heart disease or any of the other health and mobility problems that some of my older obese family members have to deal with. Food and exercise go hand in hand for me because I'm a foodie and want to eat what I like so in order to do that I need to exercise to earn calories. And at this point, I've lasted much longer and come closer to goal in this weight loss effort than I ever have in the past so why give up now?! Keep learning and changing things up to find out what works best for you. Don't ever give up!

    For exercise boredom I switch things up all the time. Having a gym buddy helps a lot too but even when she's not around I make sure I workout every day (or as often as my schedule allows). If you're bored of walking, either challenge yourself with hills or walking faster or even running - or just switch to a different machine. Same with pretty much any cardio or class. If you're not enjoying it, you're not going to stick with it long term so keep trying new things and find what you like.

    Sometimes I feel intimidated but mostly I try to use thinner, stronger, faster, fitter people as inspiration. It's no use feeling bad about yourself and being jealous of them. Instead turn that energy into a desire to work to be more like them.

    I don't always say no to treats (same answer for cravings). If I want something bad enough, I have it and try to make up the difference by earning exercise calories. Sometimes I still go over if I haven't planned for it but as long as that only happens once in a while it shouldn't impact your weight loss much. But when I do say no it's because it's something that's just not worth it. I find I don't really care for milk chocolate anymore so I only have chocolate if it's the good dark stuff.

    If you're going to someone's home for dinner or a party, just keep your portions light. If you're not sure what they're having ahead of time, maybe eat a protein bar or a salad before you go so you're not so hungry and not tempted to overindulge. Another option is, if you can offer to bring something, make a dish that you know is low calorie/low fat and mostly have that and just bites of other things. However, again, as long as it doesn't happen regularly, it shouldn't impact your weight loss efforts much. We all deserve a day off now and then.

    P.S. I see you're in this more for health than weight loss but the same principles apply I think.
  • What keeps you motivated? - Keeping a picture of some who I think who has the perfect body on my phone and look at it in a moment of weakness! Keep your goals visible.

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored? - I download TV programmes to watch on my phone when on the ellipital trainer. I have signed up for a half marathon in March to spur me on with my running. Also fun group exercise classes that you enjoy - I do body combat and body attack!

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc? - Never! Use them as your goal posts and inspiration

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people? - I am gluten intolerant so I can't have anything with flour - pretty easy knowing it'll make me ill. With candy - I might have some if I go to the cinema, but I'll do more exercise first and earn it!

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories? - Portion control! Just say that you haven't been feeling too good - so you'll have a little.

    How do you deal with cravings? - Snack on satsumas, sugar-free frozen yoghurt and treat treats as treats! I don't believe you should cut everything out - just have treats occasionally and make sure you do enough exericse to make up for it!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    What keeps you motivated?

    Not wanting to be fat. It sounds simple, but true.
    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?

    I don't run on treadmills or any of that business. It bores me to tears. I walk very briskly with my dog for cardio or go for hikes on weekends when I have more time. Outdoors is much less boring than anything I can do indoors, and I do this all year round even in the cold (I am in New England).
    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?

    I do pilates classes a couple times a week and at first was intimidated until I realized every class has all different people- skinny people, overweight people, fit people, not so fit people of all ages. I will never in my life me the fastest, strongest, skinniest, fattest, or any other extreme. That also goes for 98% of the population so this doesn't bother me at all. Most gyms or classes are made up of plain old regular people just doing their best to get fit or stay fit. Someone heavier or weaker than you may look at you and be intimidated. It is just silly to get hung up on it.
    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?

    Will power. It goes back to my motivation of not wanting to be fat. I say yes sometimes but no the majority of the time.
    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?

    I have small portions of the high calorie stuff and if lower cal sides are offered, like salad or vegetables, I will load up on those.
    How do you deal with cravings?

    Most of the time I will tap into my motivation of not wanting to be fat. Sometimes I just need to satisfy that craving and when I do, I am reasonable. One measured out serving of potato chips or ice cream. A sliver of a piece of cake, not a giant hunk of it. A couple of slices of pizza, not gorging until I am about to burst.
    ANY TIPS for a newbie would be appreciated! :)

    Stick with it and remember even if you think you f-ed it up one day badly, don't let it get you down. Own it, log it, and move on. Start the next day by picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and getting right back at it. One high calorie meal or even day won't make you fat if it is the exception and not the rule.
  • What keeps you motivated?
    Wanting to be able to keep up with my 4-year-old; looking at recent pics; knowing that I'm worth it

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
    I listen to music or books on my ipod, pick a machine in front of a tv with a show I like, or have even been known to read a magazine or book (much harder to get in a good workout that way, though)

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
    Absolutely. But I'd feel intimidated by them on the street too if I were comparing myself to them. At least in the gym it's clear that i'm trying to improve my health, strength, and weight. Picking a consistent time to go and going with a buddy both seem to help me feel less intimidated and more focused on my workout.

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
    I often don't. But I try to by having my own yummy snacks readily available. Or I try to have one bite rather than a huge serving. And when I give in, I don't beat myself up over it.

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
    Ask if you can bring something, and provide a healthy dish; depending on how close you are to them, you can always tell them ahead of time that you have dietary restrictions; if nothing else, eat before you go so that you only take small portions (I hate this one, by the way, but it does help me eat less of the calorie-laden treats)

    How do you deal with cravings?
    I allow myself one square of really good dark chocolate; I have a cup of tea or coffee, or a big glass of water; I give myself some time (30 min to an hour) and if I'm still craving something, I have it - sometimes substitutes don't work and then I end up worse off than if I had just eaten what I was craving anyway

    Basically, what works for me is finding my own personal strengths and capitalizing on them, while attempting to minimize my weaknesses. I have to find what works for ME, and what works for me might not be what works for anyone else. But that doesn't mean I don't do my research and ask opinions all the time from others - just like you are doing here.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    What keeps you motivated? Myself! I've never seen myself "thin" before and I really like the way that I look. Enough to keep it.

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored? I don't do a lot of cardio, at all. I'll usually do a 10 minute cardio warm up before a lift or pilates and a 10 minute cardio "cool down" after I lift. I'm not a cardio fan.

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc? Nope. Everyone starts somewhere and I've never seen a newborn with a 6-pack. People get fit because they work hard!

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people? If I want a bite, I take a bite. I generally eat anything that I want to, I just eat in moderation and log it.

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories? Eat it! Smaller portions. Or a big pile if I'm hungry, haha.

    How do you deal with cravings? I either give in or I don't, depending on what the craving is for and wha the rest of my day has looked like.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I am new to this. I used to go to the gym in my undergrad and I have tried to "diet" numerous times... and here we go again, round 40.

    But I want to make sure I do things right this time and feel as though I have been off to a good start so far. I joined a private gym and have gone 5x in past week, I have started limited what I eat, am drinking only water or tea and sometimes milk, I quit coffee, etc. And this is all fine and dandy on some days... but what are some tips that work for you?

    What keeps you motivated?
    I really, really don't want to be overweight any more / again. Lots of reasons, health and vanity, but I just know that obesity was a really unhappy place for me. Now that I'm a healthy weight, there are too many benefits to go back there.

    When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored?
    If I'm cycling indoors (which I rarely do any more) then I either watch tv or read a book at the same time. When I run, I run outside, so the scenery and visual milestones keep me from getting bored. I listen to music while I go too.

    Do you ever feel intimidated by other people at the gym who are slimmer, stronger, faster, etc?
    I don't go to a gym. In the past - yes. If I went now, yes I probably would, but I would go anyway. I sometimes get intimidated by other runners, but the more serious I've got about improving my running, the less it matters. I'm only in competition with myself. If I see someone out who is less fit, or fatter than me, I think "good for them". I choose to believe that's what others are thinking of me!

    How do you resist those yummy chocolates, baked goods, and candy offered to you by other people?
    I mostly don't. It depends on the situation and how many are on offer, and whether I really want them or not. Generally though, I'd just make them fit into my daily goals. I offer myself plenty of yummy baked goods and chocolate! Moderation and portion control is the key. If it really wouldn't fit my goals to eat them, then I would try to resist by telling myself I can have them later/tomorrow/next time, and reminding myself that whatever the item is, having it won't make me happy, and not having it won't make me unhappy.

    What do you do when you are invited over for supper to other peoples' homes only to discover they are having something high in fat and calories?
    Dig in and enjoy! I pay a bit more attention to portion sizes, and how hungry I'm feeling now than I did before. If I don't really feel like something, I'm more likely to decline it now, but that's taken some practice. I have learned though that calories and fat are not to be feared. :smile: I have to say though, I don't eat at other people's houses that often. If I was doing so several times a week, and it was always higher in cals than I wanted, I might have to come up with a different solution.

    How do you deal with cravings?
    Depends what I'm craving and why. If I can fit it into my calorie and macro goals, then I'd just eat whatever it is I'm craving. I don't restrict any particular foods. I have chocolate, bread, cheese etc nearly every day, wine a couple of times a week. If I'm craving food for emotional reasons or boredom, then I just try to distract myself until the feeling passes, and remind myself that I'm not really hungry. That also gets easier the more you practise it.

    ANY TIPS for a newbie would be appreciated! :)
    Try not to put yourself on a "diet". Whatever changes you make, make sure they are things that you can live with permanently. That way, you won't feel the need to go off your "diet". If you want coffee, have coffee, just make it fit into your calorie and macronutrient goals. Try not to think that you're going to eat in a certain way for as long as it takes to lose the weight, and then revert back to old habits. Since I joined MFP in January, I've eaten the same foods I intend to carry on eating. The amount of calories I've eaten has changed, and I've tweaked things to make my diet more nutritionally balanced, but those changes have happened gradually over time. I'm looking at maintaining now, and I'm just going to carry on as I am (just with a few extra cals). It seems like the people who run into the most trouble are the ones that go really restrictive overnight, and then find they can't sustain the changes and "fall off the wagon".