30 day shred ?

Hey guys just seeing if someone cab answer my questions about Jillian micheals 30 day shed
How does it work? When do u move on to level 2 then 3? Is it 30 days per level? Helllp


  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    It's usually 10 days per level!
    But you can go based off how you feel.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I think you are supposed to move on when you feel less challenge by the level you are doing, although a lot of people do 10 days of each level.

    Some people do it every day without skipping but some one once posted on here saying in an interview with Jillian she said that it's not designed to be done every day without break and recommends a few times a week maybe with other things thrown in. But I didn't see that interview so just going on something someone else said.

    Some people have great results with it. I like it but am yet to see it through to the end. It is going to be my first new years resolution :) It can burn up to 250 calories per session which for a short workout is brilliant so you will benefit however many times you do it.

    You just need some kind of handweights and a workout mat if on hard floor.

    And if you haven't bought it yet, you can get it cheap on Amazon but can find all three workouts on you tube to give it a try for free.
  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    Glad you asked :) I was wondering the same thing. I will be doing day three today (wed) I am SORE lol but excited to see how it works for me. Good luck to you! :)
  • KourtnieBug
    KourtnieBug Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks guys thats Awsome :) I'm scared haha but I got this
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    30 Day Shred is an awesome place to start your fitness journey. Jillian is tough but very motivational and she is great at helping you through the moves and explaining proper form. It WILL be hard the first couple of times you do it. Actually, it will be hard every time you do it. But don't give up! It will get easier as you get stronger! If you need to stop and pause the DVD, do it! Catch your breath and then hit play! If you can only make it through the first ten minutes, then try for 11 minutes the next day! Jillian is awesome and you will not regret doing this program! I guarantee you will see results!