Lunch Meetings at Work

I need help! Next month I will have about three lunch meetings each week as our department goes through action planning stuff. Lunch is brought in and people eat before the meeting starts. Sometimes there are sandwiches and salads, but other times it's creamy pastas and there's ALWAYS dessert. I feel bad for complaining because it's nice of my company to provide a free lunch, but it stresses me out because the temptation is so high and also because it's difficult to count the calories and portions. I would rather just bring my own healthy lunch like I usually do and eat it before I go. I've tried going to meetings and saying that I've already eaten but every time colleagues are all over me to eat something and there's this crazy peer pressure feeling. I'm a younger woman who's working to lose 5 - 10 pounds and tone up and the grief I get is usually from other women with this negative "why are you trying to lose weight?" attitude. I wish I had some excuse or statement I could give so that people understand... Maybe I shouldn't care but it really does bother me. I've tried saying I'm "dieting" (although I don't even believe that). Would people understand "lifestyle change"? Any advice is appreciated!



  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Don't say anything. Bring in a small something of your own. I NEVER eat our lunch meeting food, partly because I'm a vegetarian. But 9 times out of 10, someone will look at what I'm having and say...OHHH that looks good! But never feel like you have to justify yourself and your choices to anyone. Just my opinion! :) Good luck!
  • fluffyfeathers
    fluffyfeathers Posts: 47 Member
    You should bring your packed lunch to the meeting and maybe they will get the hint to order healthy foods also, or you will just bring your own every time. Don't feel embarassed, they should feel embarassed for trying to stuff you like a turkey. Who knows maybe you will inspire some others to eat better too. If anyone asks you are not dieting , you are eating better for your health and leave it at that.
  • Jglover30
    I have the same problem at times. My favorite excuses are "Oh NO THANKS, I met some friends out for dinner last night and totally pigged out, I need to take it easy today." Otherwise, especially on Fridays I will say, "Thanks but my boyfriend is taking me out to a really nice place tonight so I'm going to save up for it." Then go into detail about all the great and not always healthy foods you're going to eat...even if you don't plan to and they'll usually drop it :)

    I think the term "dieting" will make other people feel insecure because they're not dieting. I find that by saying I'm saving room for something later or even before will work pretty well and I don't get as much grief over it.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I would eat before going and take a snack in case it runs long and just stick to it when you say you're not hungry (or my fav: "that just doesn't sound good to me today"). And if the conversation ever comes up as to why you're trying to lose weight, say it's because you're trying to build muscle and losing fat is a side effect, it makes you feel better, and will help you outlive them.. I mean, live longer :wink:

    Honestly, IMO, you shouldn't care what they think. You'll eventually get to that point when it'll be easy to ignore/tune out what they say and just do things your way, the way you know works for you. And, if you decide you want to eat something, keep portions small because it's easier to eat small and end up over estimating on MFP than eating too much and under estimating. Continue to stay strong and hang in there, at least it's only 3 times this month!
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member

    I know it is hard especially when they are pressuring them, but stick to your guns and tell them no thank you, eventually they will get the point. Take water in with you also this will help you feel full and you maybe less likely to try something that is sitting out. Try not to let it stress you out, that will cause you to possibly eat more than you know you should.

    Good Luck and remember we are all in this together.
  • Capucine7
    Capucine7 Posts: 40
    I bring my own food. It's usually the same person that has to say something. Look at her, always eating healthy..... I know she is just envious of my control :laugh: Everybody else goes about there business and I feel so empowered and proud all trough the day.