Morning Motivation

I am a single mom, who works full time and I goes to school (working on prerequisites for Rn). I want sooo bad to be a runner!! I have come pretty far with my weight but am wanting to be in better shape!!! I think to myself everynight ok I am going to get up and work out. Even if its just five minutes I can build up to more time. However as soon as the alarm goes off I am hitting snooze. I will even sit and think to myself I should be getting up and yet I sit there and go back to sleep(funny for five minutes cuz my alarm goes off every five minutes). I am needing some idea's on how others motivate themselves. I am just soo tired all the time. I have tryed having my bf text me in the mornings, I have tryed a group, Iv put pictures and my tracker next to my bed for motivation I even put my alarm out of arms reach. I realy need to start doing my excersizes in the morning, between homework, work and being mom I am not getting it done during the day ( whith the exception of mon and wed when I hit the gym between classes). What is wrong with me lol? Any suggestions would be fantastic!! Thanks In Advance!!!!!!!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You're tired, that's what's wrong. :) If you run and work out in the morning, no doubt you will have more energy throughout the day. Once you're out there more often, you will become less and less tired and you'll WANT to get up and go run.
  • mrsvezeau
    mrsvezeau Posts: 30
    I work out in the early morning also and I know it is hard to get up. I have been doing it now for several months and not sure if the getting up part is any easier. :) Once you are physically out of the bed there is no turning back. I do have to really talk to myself and tell myself how good I will feel when it is done. Everything seems to go a little smoother in the morning if I get up, so I try to keep that in mind rather then everyone rushing around.
    I guess my one suggestion would be to actually stand up and get out of bed, grab your work out clothes and change - don't look back at that warm, cozy bed! :smile:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    try putting the alarm clock away from the bed so you have to actually get up to shut it off. Also get your work out clothes together before you go to bed so you are ready to go.
  • Desiderata
    I right there with you. I CANNOT get up and go exercising in the morning, its painful enough to get out of bed. I've realized though that waking up tired is a problem on its own, and that if i go to bed earlier, it wont be such a hassle getting out of bed in the morning.

    Once i started getting more sleep, i found it easier to wake up on time and have enough energy to fit in some energizing yoga after breakfast. And what arielle0489 said was true; when you take the time to exercise in the morning, you feel more energized throughout the day. it also starts you in a healthy mindset, so you end up making healthier choices. and once you start, you dont really want to stop either :)

    Another tip, try exercising at night. For me, even after a long day (and i have night classes as well), just going out for a 20 minute run around the neighborhood gave me some "me time" and i fell asleep and stayed asleep easier.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I don't know, man..... if the AM timeslot is not working for you, I would venture to say that it's not going to happen and you should look for another way to juggle your schedule so you can get in a run at another time. I used to think I needed to work out in the mornings because a lot of successful athete-types do that, but I am NOT a morning person and have given up even bothering to think that is going to work for me. Plus, there are a lot of athlete-types who don't work out in the AM for the same reason! Would you be more likely to get up early and do homework than work out? That might be something you could switch around and then have more time in your evening to work out. I know I am more likely to be successful with a plan if it is something I have no chance of wimping out on.... like trying to work out in the AM or after I am already ensconced on my couch for the evening. Anyway, good luck trying to find something that works!! You can do it!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have the same problems you have. I'm not a morning person nor have I ever been. Often, I tell myself I will get up in the morning to workout before work and no matter what I do, I just never make it! I've come to the conclusion that some of us were just not meant to be morning exercisers. I typically work out at night between 8pm and 10pm, followed by a shower and then bed. I sleep soundly and am able to get up on time for work without feeling groggy and overly tired. You just have to find what works best for you and stick to it! Good luck!
  • crmartin121
    I am also a single mom.... of a 2 yr old and 4 yr old, work full time and in a nursing program and I alternate my workouts. I love how great I feel throughout the day if I work out in the morning and can manage what I eat better but you are right .... sometime your body is too tired and that is OK .... just fit in the workout before bed or before picking the kids up after school. I tell myself any workout is better than no workout at all. My goal is to get up and go for walks in the morning and maybe do more vigorous workout in the afternoon if I can fit it in because sometimes you are too tired for a vigorous workout = thus hitting snooze but you may get out of bed for a peaceful walk which will still increase heart rate and jump start metabolism
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm with Carrie. I simply can not convince myself that mornings are at all a good time for working out! I have trouble waking up in the mornings in general.. I've tried getting more sleep, moving the alarm, etc. For awhile I was sleeping right through the alarm completely. I live with my boyfriend now and he's a very light sleeper so I know not to let the alarm go off again or he won't be happy! What's working for me now is my dog. She won't let me go back to sleep... she'll lick my face until I get out of bed and let her out!

    I think hajohnson24 & carrieliz81 are right! Some people just aren't morning people and there isn't much you can do! Good luck!