Quitting smoking

Anyone else out there working on quitting smoking? If so I would LOVE to have you as a friend and supporter. Please add.


  • GammaKJ
    GammaKJ Posts: 14 Member
    In the process of getting healthy, losing weight and quitting smoking..... Not easy to do all three, I know I will have set backs however.... I am determined. Add me if you like......
  • Hey Midtown, my name's Angela. Today's my third day of not smoking. It's going ok so far, but the craving is still there, so you're not alone in this! How's it going for you?
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I quit in August! I had been cutting down significantly for quite some time, down to a couple a week, and then my decision to start working out more regularly, specifically getting into running, was what kicked the habit in the face for me. I think the two journeys go great hand in hand :) Feel free to add me! Keep up the great work! It's definitely hard but totally worth it.
  • Two words: nicotine gum. Get some, chew some. It will keep you from going postal, I know of what I speak of.
    Good luck, it will be the hardest yet most rewarding thing you have ever done (followed closely by losing weight)
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    Yup! I had a breast reduction about 6 weeks ago, and I had to quit 2 weeks prior. Also, I couldn't smoke 2 weeks after the surgery. To me, it was a no brainer to just quit the nasty habit alltogether. I had come so far, and it just wouldn't make sense to go back to it! So, with that said, I haven't had a cigarette in about 2 months now. I feel soooo much better! My hubbs smokes almost 2 packs a day, and I would love for him to quit too. I am turning 40 on Janurary 1st. I have lost a little weight, and I am a non-smoker for my 40th! That is something to be very proud of! This is it for me this time. I have quit about 5 times in the past. The longest I went without a cigarette was 5 years. I can do this, and so can you! Together we can!