
PLEASE don't make fun of me.

I have started stronglifts 5x5 and really enjoy it. However I'm not doing my squats right. I know because my knees hurt and my lower back hurts and I'm not going parallel or lower. I KNOW a whole lot about squats, I have done research AND watched youtube videos. I know that I am likely bending in the knees and not leading with the hips. I also know I'm probably "tucking my tail" and round my back I KNOW i'm supposed to sit down like in a chair (although I think I use my knees for thsi too) and that I'm supposed to come back up with out leveraging with my back (see I've done my research)....I have TRIED...I mean tried and tried. In tears cause I CAN NOT get it right. I can't get parallell leading with my hipss unless my feet are really set wide, like a lot wider than my hips even then I can feel some pain in my back.... (I'm doing this with no weight right now till I figure it out.)

Ok so my question is...what is my problem? Why can't I do this? Is there something wrong with me? am I completley and have to strengthen something with a differnt excercise. or am I just doing this all wrong? I've watched stronglifts video, and nerd fitness. I've read articles and everything some one please give me a tip that will make this all work together.


  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I am by no means an expert, but I was able to correct my squat form by reading the book Starting Strength. The detail in which this guy breaks it down in this book is pretty amazing, everything from where your eyes should be looking, to where your feet and toes should be (with pictures). Reading about all the small adjustments that are involved in the correct form is what helped me. I will tell you one thing that helped me get to parallel is toes pointed out, feet wider than hips (not as flexible in my hips). I also do the stretch he recommends beforehand to get my body ready (once I'm warmed up). I would bet its a lot of small adjustments you are needing to make but not realizing it because its hard to pick up those nuances by watching others who instinctively do it.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I am by no means an expert, but I was able to correct my squat form by reading the book Starting Strength. The detail in which this guy breaks it down in this book is pretty amazing, everything from where your eyes should be looking, to where your feet and toes should be (with pictures). Reading about all the small adjustments that are involved in the correct form is what helped me. I will tell you one thing that helped me get to parallel is toes pointed out, feet wider than hips (not as flexible in my hips). I also do the stretch he recommends beforehand to get my body ready (once I'm warmed up). I would bet its a lot of small adjustments you are needing to make but not realizing it because its hard to pick up those nuances by watching others who instinctively do it.

    Good advice. Starting Strength is the form bible.

    If you need to set your feet wider than your hips, that's fine. In fact most power lifters prefer a very wide stance. I put my heels at shoulder width apart, turn my toes out roughly 30 degrees and go from there. Keep your knees tracking parallel in line with your foot (same 30 degree angle or whatever you chose). Don't let the knees collapse inward. Femurs should be inline with the foot.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If the weight is too heavy...my form is crap. Maybe try lighter or no weights until you can get the movement down?
  • DeadsandOats
    DeadsandOats Posts: 25 Member
    Where are your toes pointing? Might sound dumb...but when I started I kept mine pointed forward which is unnatural and it gave me a lot of knee pain. Now they are pointed out slightly and it gives a more natural movement.
  • restyle1337
    Read up on dynamic warmup and hip mobility. If your hip mobility is not good enough, proper form is almost impossible. A lot of girls, and guys too, are having big issues with hip mobility and squat form.

    Always warm up, preferebly with dynamic warm ups, and do a lot of stretching every day. Add some foam rolling if you can.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I'd concur with the others point your toes outwards a bit, and if it works putting your legs further apart, do so.
    Also, make sure you work on your flexibility.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    I doubt anyone is going to mock you here. I think your rocking it trying to do it and give you mad props for trying to do it right. I've read that some weightlifting forums have people that would be happy to critique your form if you video it and post it. I'm certainly not qualified as I've just started squatting. I read starting strength and I've watched you tube video's. I think I'm doing it right but I would love to have someone check my form as well.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Mobility issues I bet.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    If all of the above doesn't help, video yourself from front and side and post
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I have the hip flexibility of an 80 year old and learned to do squats to back of thighs parellel.

    It took me FOREVER to get to parellel...
  • emandlukeplusone
    emandlukeplusone Posts: 38 Member
    well it looks like I need to look into:

    Starting Strength
    Streaching (not sure what "dynamic streatches" are yet but I'll look it up.)
    Work on core strength
    start light.

    Oh and don't worry about my wide stance but try pointing my toes out a little further than straight forward make sure my knees don't move in or out but in alignment with my toes.

    did I miss anything? :) Thanks ya'll for your help!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    also be patient....it's going to take time before you're pro. Good job in realizing your form is off, because you can seriously hurt yourself by continuing to do it wrong...just like lunges, i hated every second of my squats, but after awhile, you realize "holy crap I plowed through my sets". Do your research, and try again. I like the "toes out" idea too
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    well it looks like I need to look into:

    Starting Strength
    Streaching (not sure what "dynamic streatches" are yet but I'll look it up.)
    Work on core strength
    start light.

    Oh and don't worry about my wide stance but try pointing my toes out a little further than straight forward make sure my knees don't move in or out but in alignment with my toes.

    did I miss anything? :) Thanks ya'll for your help!

    dynamic stretching is about moving in the stretch. It's awesome.
  • George1567
    My wife had trouble getting her form right with squats. Was always on the balls of her feet and not getting parallel. We added in a couple warm-up sets of front squats with an empty bar. This helped her get comfortable with the weight back on her heals and also addressed any range of motion limitations. Might be something to consider.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Dynamic stretching type stuff:

  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Dynamic stretching is really great for hip mobility and flexibility. So I second that suggestion along with Starting Strength, using just the bar for now, and videotaping yourself.

    Great suggestions in here.