A year into my journey and feeling...sad?

So this post may turn into a vent session...sorry. Anyways, I am almost 1 full year into my weightloss and change in eating lifestyle habits etc. I have so much to be proud of, almost a full 3 sizes down, much healthier, and Probably lost around 20-30lbs. I was going so strong until October and I feel a part. Not in the sense that I started gain weight back. No, if anything I am smaller than I was in October around 170 and the doctors office this weekend said I was 150....I laughed, not possible, I feel like I did this time last year when I was 194lbs. There is no way that scale is correct and I am really sad about this because I feel like I hit this huge speed bump and can't get over it. I should have been thrilled to hear 150 and I am in sheer disbelief. I have no more motivation to go to the gym, something I really began to enjoy in the summer. I am not sure if its because I am in college and have been trying to do all my test, projects, grad school apps etc and my body is just tired?

Anyone who had a long journey, is still on their journey etc, did y'all hit that point were you wonder if you will ever get to your goal weight and stopped seeing your progress all together? Any tips or new activities you started doing in order to help push you over the bumb?

My biggest fear right now is I will get too discoraged and start gaining weight back if I can't figure out where this lack of motivation is coming from (this is the closest I have ever come to really getting healthy and in shape)


  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You already said where the lack of motivation was coming from: a number.

    Solution: don't weigh yourself.

    Maybe it's just a touch of life stress or seasonal depression, ride it out and the motivation will come back, it always does. Congrats on your progress!
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    been there, did that. Got over it. Sometimes you just get bored/worn out by it all. Change up your routine. I got tired of going to the gym, lifting weights, then elliptical, etc every other day. So I started swimming and doing calisthenics (pushups, situps, etc) for a couple months. It helped. Now I'm bored with that so I'm loading some concert videos on my iphone and going to the stationary bike and rowing machine for a few weeks.

    And I echo Captain Tight with the "don't weight yourself" comment. If the number is part of the issue, stop worrying so much about the number.
  • brievamp
    Plateaus are a very normal part of weight loss - especially as you get thinner. Stress can cause them too. Just try and focus on your health, and not the number. Worry more about eating the right things, and if you're not feeling the gym, maybe find something more enjoyable to do for fitness (hiking, biking, walking with friends?)
  • Leahkapp
    I have done the exact same thing. No matter how much you want to weigh yourself dont! You'll just get discouraged. I am also in your same situation with college and finals and all. I haven't been exercising as much as I used to at the start of the semester and it really sucks, but I figured if I just keep eating right and even if I don't go to the gym I'll be healthy. Its hard to not eat all that junk food while your studying too.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks everyone, glad I am not the only one. I normally don't weigh myself, those were just from the doctors. Some of you mentioned switching up my routine, maybe I will look into signing up for a fitness class and make some new friends. My best friends all moved this semester so I have been basically alone which is another factor to the problem.

    Thanks again though, just knowing others get bored helps not to feel so alone in the process.