20 years old, 150 pounds to lose!



  • Kimberley_allyssia
    Firstly I've got to say you carry your weight very well! you look lovely.

    I'm 23 and my first goal is to reach 150lbs. Ideally I would like to be less than that but I'm taking it one step at a time!!
    Please feel free to add me for added support (I'm an awful chocoholic so would be nice to have someone to turn as well!!)

    :) Good luck! xxx
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Hello :)
    Im so glad i found your post (this is the first time iv found message boards) its so nice to find that there are people just like me on here, i dont know what i thought anyone else using it would be... but just not like me... i guess for this reason i had no profile information or picture but now i feel all warm and fuzzy *but im not weird honest...*

    but yeah anyway... im 23 im from the UK with abut 135 pounds to loose and now with a bit of a profile...

    oohh and i hope a few of you dont mind the friend requests im about to send :P x
  • 06lizzyjm
    I'm Lizzy. I'm 23 and I just joined today so don't judge for having no weight lost yet. :) I have 153 pounds to go. I totally get what it feels like to not know what being in shape feels like. I really, really, really, really, need buddies, guys. It's kind of a big deal...lol.

    You know how people always talk about how they want to get into the shape they were in high school? Not me. I was 300 pounds in high school so let's not go there again. (Not that I'm far off from that anyway, but still...) I want to connect with people who get that feeling too. The idea of me being anything under 200 is a BIG DEAL to me, so the fact that I want to be down to 135 is an even bigger thing. I have no idea what it's going to feel like to not worry about fitting in seats at theaters or restaurants or squishing between people on a couch at a party without wondering weather or not you're going to be sitting halfway on them. Anyway, since I have no idea how to make friends here, help me out a little, kay?

    God speed, folks. We can do anything. :)
  • Dianna235
    Dianna235 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Im Dianna. im 20 and i need to lose another 113 pounds. i have so far lost 37 (even though it says 12 on here, i started with 25 already lost). im so excited to become a healther me.
  • Noway13
    Hi Meghan, using this site along with what ever else you will be doing is going to be awesome you wait and see.
  • scorepiyo
    scorepiyo Posts: 73 Member
    Hi meghan and all, feel free to add, im in my mid 20's and after that same goal, i want to enojy life in shape, being young and having fun