I need help with my Strength/Cardio Routine

Ok, my schedule allows me an hour to work out a day, 5 days a week. My current problem is trying to figure out if I'm getting enough in. Right now I am lifting weights 3 times a week for 30 min and getting 30 min of cardio 5 days a week. By no means am I trying to become a world class body builder, and I understand that anything is better than nothing. I just want to make sure that I am not spinning my wheels. Take a look at my current routine and help me figure out if there is a better way to spend the hour.

Mon: Legs (6 Exercises, 3 Sets, 12 Reps) 30 min
Low Intensity Cardio 30 min

Tue: HIIT Cardio 30 min
Abs 30 min

Wed: Back and Bi's (6 Exercises, 3 Sets, 12 Reps) 30 min
Low Intensity Cardio 30 min

Thu: HIIT Cardio 30 min
Abs 30 min

Fri: Chest and Tri's (6 Exercises, 3 Sets, 12 Reps) 30 min
Low Intensity Cardio 30 min


  • SergeiKay
    SergeiKay Posts: 90 Member
    The overall split seems reasonable, got the legs, pull, and push days, that's nice.

    I see you've listed 3 sets of 12 for exercises, which is mostly a hypertrophy (read: muscle size) tactics.

    If you really going for strength, i would suggest looking into doing more sets of fewer reps with heavy-a** weights, for example: 5-6 sets of 3-5 reps, with rest of 2-4 minutes between sets (or however long you need to rest for the next set), while focusing on basic compound exercises. Did this myself, definitely helped with strength, but this doesn't add much size.
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    Looks good overall. If you feel like you gave it your all in an hour's time, then you can call it a good workout. I would worry about what you mean by "low intensity cardio". Elliptical is fine, for example, but up that heart rate and really push it that full 30 minutes. You want to burn the most in that hour that you can get, so staying at a low HR isn't going to help you as much.

    Another option, if you prefer to do more strength training one day, is to do a little cardio between sets. I sometimes jump rope for a minute or two between sets. You could do box jumps or ropes drills or anything and just do them in between each set. Just spices things up a bit.
  • PNW_Chip
    PNW_Chip Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the responses!

    @Akusto: For a while I was lifting for the whole hour 3 times a week with high-weight/low-reps. I saw good increases in strength. This may be a stupid question but does an increase in strength mean an increase in muscle size? I tried to find the "muscle size tactics" post with no luck. Do you have a link?

    @Triggsta: I mainly want the low intensity cardio to stay in the fat burning zone for an extended period of time. I should clarify that by "Low Intensity" I mean around 70% MHR. I read that above that zone you burn less fat. More calories though, right.
  • SergeiKay
    SergeiKay Posts: 90 Member
    @Akusto: For a while I was lifting for the whole hour 3 times a week with high-weight/low-reps. I saw good increases in strength. This may be a stupid question but does an increase in strength mean an increase in muscle size? I tried to find the "muscle size tactics" post with no luck. Do you have a link?

    It's mostly bits and pieces of information i've gathered over years of lifting. Strength type approach mostly means "denser" muscle.

    Love this dude, Elliott, he's got a very nice explanation to basic workout approaches:

    This video also has some solid info:
  • PNW_Chip
    PNW_Chip Posts: 8 Member
    Great videos. Thanks! The first one really nailed it.