Why would I gain weight in a 24 hour period

After eating 300 calories less than what I am allowed per day?

I am really confused. First off, I know I shouldn't weigh every day - for me there isn't enough of a change to see usually and it de-motivates me. But I have been losing about 2 lbs a day ~ just came off a major plateau and did some calorie loading over the holidays, so my body has been jumpstarted into losing again.

So, I walked past the scale this morning at work, and even though there shouldn't be a loss after one day, I thought I would jump on and see.

But there was a .6 lb gain. WTH???

Is it normal to have that kind of fluxuation thru the week or is my body doing strange things? I could ask some of the rn's here at work - but I would rather not involve them & their "helpful" suggestions in my weight loss journey.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Were you wearing heavy shoes or clothes you don't normally wear when weighing in?

    Did you eat anything salty yesterday?

    Did you exercise yesterday?

    Is it close to your TOM?

    Other than that, who knows. Our bodies fluctuate weight every day - it's normal. Don't stress about little fluctuations.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Did you eat or drink anything at all?

    It sounds like you lack the ability to mentally be able to handle normal daily fluctuations in your weight, so it'd be advisable you stick to monthly weighing or ditch the scale and use the mirror as progress
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Did you eat or drink anything at all?

    It sounds like you lack the ability to mentally be able to handle normal daily fluctuations in your weight, so it'd be advisable you stick to monthly weighing or ditch the scale and use the mirror as progress

  • seekingstrengthX2
    While in the midst of a 200 pound weight loss journey, a gain of point six is not worth a moment of mental energy. There are 100 things that can cause that tiny of a change. You ROCK. Move on.....
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You have several pounds of water in your body that will fluctuate. Your weight can change several times a day due to this fact alone.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Little things will affect your weight every day. .6 is just over half a pound. Could be fluid, poop, pee, a different shirt you're wearing...

    Do you always eat 300 calories less than what you're given?
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I just weighed myself, up 2 pounds from yesterday . It's ok!!!!!!!! I still had a small calorie deficit yesterday, THAT is how I know the fat is coming off.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    I find whatever I do takes about 10 days for the effect!

    I test this on a regular manner ;)
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    Your weight fluctuates. I've gained 2 lbs in one day from sodium. It happens.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Daily gains or losses are completely normal. You can't expect your weight to constantly go down when you are trying to lose weight.

    So many things will affect your weight. What you are wearing, what you have eaten/drank, exercise you have done, whether you have gone to the bathroom or not, etc. Don't weight daily... it only causes issues as there will be gains sometimes.

    If daily changes freak you out don't weight daily. At most weigh once a week if not once to twice a month. The scale isn't always the best view of progress. Look at all those who are doing strength training or something like the DVD 30 day shred... normally these people stay at the same weight or gain a bit but they get smaller and smaller.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I have nothing constructive to add. :sad:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Weighing yourself at work means that you're weighing all the clothes, shoes and jewelry you're wearing and anything you've had for breakfast. Had a cup of coffee? There's your .6 pounds right there.
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    Do you need to, um, go?? I don't mean to be funny (okay, maybe a little), but sometimes when you change your diet things can get a little screwy with your digestive track. .6 pounds is NOTHING to be concerned about. It happens. If it were a 6 pound gain, I'd be more concerned. Don't sweat it :smile:
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    .6 lb gain?? that would be the least of my troubles. I've gained 3 lbs overnight from sodium :embarassed:

    After eating 300 calories less than what I am allowed per day?

    I am really confused. First off, I know I shouldn't weigh every day - for me there isn't enough of a change to see usually and it de-motivates me. But I have been losing about 2 lbs a day ~ just came off a major plateau and did some calorie loading over the holidays, so my body has been jumpstarted into losing again.

    So, I walked past the scale this morning at work, and even though there shouldn't be a loss after one day, I thought I would jump on and see.

    But there was a .6 lb gain. WTH???

    Is it normal to have that kind of fluxuation thru the week or is my body doing strange things? I could ask some of the rn's here at work - but I would rather not involve them & their "helpful" suggestions in my weight loss journey.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    .6 pounds is not enough to be worried about. It could be that you drank more than usual, etc. I weigh myself all the time, but I don't let the little fluctuations (even a pound or two) get to me. If you are freaked out by the fluctuations, you might be better off weighing less often. This is what my husband has to do, because he gets really upset when his weight fluctuates up. I have been at this for about 8 months, and I have learned that weight fluctuates some, and frequently there is no discernible rhyme or reason to it.
  • rayne133
    rayne133 Posts: 33 Member
    Mostly, it's been said already. You are only as heavy as your last meal. Just because you ate 300 cals less doesn't mean you didn't eat the bulk of your calories later in the day, which would result in a "heavier" scale. You also have to take into consideration what your weigh in habits are. Most of us, rather consciencely or not tend to make sure that we have got the "body functions" out of the way before weighing. A good pee can come close to a pound of weight loss. The other up to 5lbs. At home, naked after shower vs. fully clothed makes a several pound difference. Jeans alone can make a 3lb difference. It's chilly today, are you wearing a sweater? Salt intake? A 0.6 oz water retention is not noticiable on the body. TOM: I can have up to a 5lb overnight weight gain, I've seen others swing 15lbs. Being a woman sucks sometimes. Knowing your body, being aware of what makes you gain (or lose) and accepting that there are things you can't completely control is key. The only thing I will caution: DO NOT RESTRICT WATER CONSUMPTION. It only makes you retain more water. Get in a good 8 - 10 cups
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    Did you eat or drink anything at all?

    It sounds like you lack the ability to mentally be able to handle normal daily fluctuations in your weight, so it'd be advisable you stick to monthly weighing or ditch the scale and use the mirror as progress

    "lack the ability to mentally be able to handle daily fluctuations"

    Wow - thanks. I was just asking is this normal. Saying yes it is would have been sufficient. I have been doing this whole weight loss thing for 9 months & it is going pretty well, thanks. You sound like a few of my family members who think I can't do it or don't have the ability to understand the basic concepts. Again, thanks.

    I was looking for answers, maybe a little support - but your advise is appreciated. Have a wonderful day, and good luck on your journey.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Relax...you're retaining water for some reason...its not a real gain.:glasses:

    If .6lb difference is going to freak you out...don't weigh in so often. And, don't expect 2 lbs a DAY to keep up as a trend...you're setting that expectation too high.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Maybe you had a glass of water....
    Don't weigh every day. Once a week at the most.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    My weight does jump up a couple pounds during the day. I only weigh in the morning before I eat but after I use the restroom. If it's higher then the day before, I just ignore it. I'm with the others who have commented, you are probably retaining water (which is completely normal) through the day. If you take in more salt (it doesn't take much!) you'll hold even more. Also, it could be your clothes. You'd be surprised how much your clothes weigh!

    Try not to be too frustrated, it will come off. We believe in you! :)