your abs...

Many people will try to pursuade you to use their limited set of exercises and tell you that if you stick to those, you will get killer abs in 2 weeks (or some other short time frame).

You won't build killer abs without using good form. Good form is when you perform the movement in a slow and controlled way. Don't swing your body back and forth. Don't bend your back. Concentrate on your abs and squeeze them for a moment at the right time. This is usually when you get to the top of the movement.

If you're trying to get a sixpack, you need low body fat. This is non-negotiable! Many people incorrectly assume that if they do enough crunches, sooner or later they will get a sixpack. Unfortunately, in many cases, they don't realize that they already have a six pack - their six pack is hidden under their body fat! You need to ensure your food intake is low in fat. There are actually some foods that burn fat. Make sure you include some of these into your diet each day. Avoid fatty foods - especially those high in saturated fat.

A key factor in any ab workout is aerobic exercise. There are many forms of aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise can come in the form of running, cycling, or even attending an aerobics class. Choose any of these, or choose all. Whichever you choose, if you stick to it, you will soon be rewarded with killer abs!

Mix and match your exercises. After about 4 weeks into your workout routine, swap one ab movement with another. For example, instead of doing standard flat-bench crunches, do decline crunches. Or, introduce oblique crunches into your routine.

If you find that your ab workouts are no longer challenging, try adding some resistance. For example, while doing crunches, hold a weight in front of your chest. You will no longer be able to do as many reps, and this will build strength in your abs. Doing less reps with more weight builds muscles strength and size. Doing more reps gives you more of a cardiovascular workout.:smile::drinker:


  • chirokelly
    Well said. I would also add that to get a six pack, you need to do resistance exercises FULL BODY. As you build muscle on your extremities, your body will mobilize the fat off your belly and those abs will start to show. High protein diet is a must - I try to get ~75-100 grams per day.
  • littlelisa24
    Protien shakes good or bad?
  • freedMan
    freedMan Posts: 68
    Protein shakes are great for building muscle and losing the fat, but if possible, eat meat...You will stay motivated for a lot longer!
  • MiekeJ
    MiekeJ Posts: 139
    Thanks for the great tips!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Agree with everything except the low fat, high protein part. And especially not the meat part (these are from 3 different comments).

    Lipids (fat) are important in a healthy diet and avoiding them is succumbing to marketing misguidance, just like avoiding carbs. Better is to eat a balanced healthy, natural diet. Lots of whole, unprocessed foods. Its only the heavily refined fats (and carbs and protein) that have little nutritional value and offer not much other than reducing your health and increasing your waist line.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    imagymrat, THANK YOU! Preach on, sister.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    This sounds about right, just note that you do need fat in your diet. Avoid the bad fats, embrace the good ones.