Glowing Green Smoothie For Optimal Weight Loss

Karol_McEntire Posts: 165
edited January 5 in Recipes
Glowing Green Smoothie For Optimal Weight Loss

Made up of about 70 percent green vegetables and 30 percent fruit, this smoothie helps you eat far more greens than you ordinarily could. Because we blend the greens and fruit for easy digestion, your body is able to absorb more of the vitamins and minerals without working so hard. Thanks to all its nutrients and fiber, the smoothie is incredibly filling, so it keeps you from reaching for that midmorning second cup of coffee and that bagel you really didn't want to eat.

1 1/2 cups water
1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
3-4 stalks organic celery
1/2 head of a large bunch or 3/4 of a small bunch of spinach
1 organic apple, cored and chopped
1 organic pear, cored and chopped
1 organic banana
Juice of 1/2 fresh organic lemon
Optional: 1/3 bunch organic cilantro (stems OK) and 1/3 bunch organic parsley (stems OK)

1. Add water and chopped head of romaine to blender. Blend at a low speed until smooth.
2. Add celery, apple, and pear and blend at high speed.
3. Add cilantro and parsley (which help chelate heavy metals out of your body).
4. Finish with banana and lemon.

This recipe is from Kimberly Snyder's book 'The Beauty Detox Solution: Eat Your Way to Radiant Skin, Renewed Energy and the Body You've Always Wanted' which can be found here:

This is an excellent way to get all of your nutrients in and aid your body on your goals to weight loss and improved vitality.
I'd add a picture but I don't know how... all I can say is its green and it looks like its glowing :laugh:


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