Anyone run with their Dog???

I started running two years ago because my dog had tons of energy and running was a good way for both of us to get exercise at the same time....

My dog, a black lab/border collie mix has an amazing doggie body, my vet comments on what great shape she is in :)

Problems I find are this:
She loves to stop and sniff, especially during the first mile or two, drives me crazy...just when I get into a good groove, she wants to stop to sniff....Most times I let her (and grumble) but after a while I stop letting her stop to sniff (and then feel bad). The way I feel about it is, the walk is a happy time for both of us, and if sniffing makes her happy, I should let this the right thing to do?
Also, she seems to pull the leash, I guess I don't run fast enough for her, lol...
She does not like to run in the dark, I wonder if she has poor eyesight for the dark...Being in New England it is dark at 4:00 in the afternoon in the late fall to mid spring, so we don't have a choice and she still goes with me happily, but she seems to get spooked during the run
Other people and their dogs; people do not seem to be as friendly to let the doggies meet as they used to be
My family fosters Beagles, and we have a foster doggie now, I don't take him with us on the runs, and feel badly, I wonder what Cesar Milan would say about that, lol

She motivates me, when I don't feel like running, I know that I promised her a run, so we have to go
I love when we're running together and she looks up at me with her big doggie smile, and I know she is HAPPY
I like having her company
She is healthy, healthy healthy....

Anyone else run with their dog?



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I don't run with my dog, as he's 10 years old and it would be a bit much for him to get started now. However, the next dog I have will be selected with running in mind. Some dogs are natural distance runners, some aren't. And it also depends on when you get started with them.

    How far are you going? What pace are you keeping? Did you condition her into running? Dogs need to slowly build up their distance and speed, just like people. And they have to learn to keep pace too. Maybe an obedience class to help her learn how to heel? That might make it easier for her to stay by your side as you run.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I run with mine sometimes. She's a terrier so she can run forever. She is really bad about pulling so I bought her a "walk your dog with love" harness and she stays with me. You should look it up, it's awesome. She tries to stop and sniff, but I just keep going and tell her to move. I'm the alpha, she needs to follow me and stop when I stop... I think that's what Caesar Milan would say... Lol.
  • runnninginmd
    I used to run with mine. When I first started running I did a program similar to the couch to 5k thing and my dog did it with me. When I started running longer distances she still stuck with me, but then I moved to the suburbs and had to put an end to it! I run at 4:15 in the morning and there are lots of deer out and she tried to chase every single one... wasn't worth it. She has a big back yard now though so I don't think it's as important for her to be out there (when I first started running I lived in a small apartment in the city and she's a 60 pound, energetic mixed breed).

    My vet said his wife trained for a marathon with their dog. I was surprised it was ok to do that with a dog but he said as long as they work their way up gradually it's fine!
  • Shamrock_me
    I run with my dog.. but I do 2 runs by myself twice a week. I take him out and he gets sniff / pee time but I try to keep him on a steady pace. He likes to sniff everything but he's actually got a few places in the walk where he will run like mad just to show me up. It's good for him but he's a Pom so those little legs get tired. Then I take him home and go running without him. It's less frustrating for both of us if I do it that way. I think of it as the warmup to the running. I want to enjoy my time with him and I want him to enjoy his walk too. It's helped and he's actually gotten into the grove pretty quickly. When I come home from the run I give him a biscuit so he doesn't even care that I went out without him.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I run with my dog, and also from NE. If I let my dog, she would stop every 10 feet, but I give her leash a gentle tug and she keeps moving. I wont stop unless she needs to go to the bathroom. She actually is really good and can go a good 6 miles! She doesnt mind running in the dark at all, maybe your dog does have a sight issue??
  • autumn_duo
    autumn_duo Posts: 47 Member
    Great ideas everyone, thanks....

    I like the idea of doing a run or two a week without her...I'd feel guilty, but that's my problem, not

    I've run up to 6 miles with her, and honestly she doesn;t seem that tuckered out, she could probably go more...

    I will look into the walk your dog with love harness, but if it's the one I think it is, I bought it and it chaffed under my dogs front arm and rubbed it raw...