Looking for Friends w/ 20 - 30 LBS to Lose



  • smw91
    smw91 Posts: 4 Member
    I am turning 40 in March that is my set goal date, the best present to myself would be to loose the 20- 40 lbs that I have been trying to get rid of for some time now.

    Time to really get serious about this because I'm coming down to the wire and I know I will be really disappointed with myself if I weigh the same as I do today.
  • I am in the same boat. I have to change my lifestyle and get the weight off. My health depends on it.
  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    Add me! I want to lose 30.
  • I've gotten to my heaviest weight, and cannot keep on this path. I need to lose at least 40 lbs. Please include me. I need all the motivation I can get.
  • I just started a few days ago, and am looking to lose 30lbs myself. Feel free to add me :-)
  • Feel free to add me :) i have just over 30lbs left to lose. Same goes for anyone - feel free.
  • Im around 10-15lbs to lose. :laugh: I'm here for support whoever needs it.