Hello From a Hawkeye

I just signed up for MFP a few days ago, but this is the first chance I've had to write a proper Hello :smile: . I'm a 21 year old girl from Iowa. I graduated with an associates degree in December of last year and I am now working full time in a job within my degree (graphic design). It's been quite the change going full time, because those times when my alarm would go off and i'd just say to myself "eh..i'll skip my first class today" and sleep in....no more of that :laugh: .

Anyways, last Saturday I received a treadmill I bought (delivered to me) for myself. I decided I was sick of spending money on gym memberships. Having a treadmill at home and knowing I spent a good amount of money on it, makes me get my butt on it everyday. I can't waste my precious money by not using it! So that's some motivation.

Since Saturday I have used it everyday and I have been just under my calories every day since :smile: . I know it's just a start, but it's a good one! I am wanting to lose weight for myself. Not for some boy. Not for anyone, but me. I want to be proud of myself for being able to stick it out and do it. I want to be confident, because that's something that I have always lacked in.

My goal is to lose 30 pounds by my friend's wedding July 16th. That adds up to about 2 lbs a week and has a little room for going up or down some weeks. It's a friend from high school and I know pretty much everyone from my high school will be there. It would be great to be there confident and knowing I look good :smile: .

And of course just like everyone else, I want to look good in a swimsuit and be able to go boating with friends and not constantly thinking "beside her i look huge" (alot of my friends are small).

Anyways, I'lll stop rambling :wink: . Hope everyone has a good day :)


  • freeflower3
    freeflower3 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello from a Wolverine!

    I went to UM, I loved the Iowa-Michigan games when I was in college. One Iowa beat us in football by 3 points and I got a migraine. I was so upset!

    Anyway, your mind seems in the right place for achieving your goal. Where there's a will there's a way!

    Just follow through!

    ~Michele Go Blue!:tongue:
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    Good Luck and good Job. Welcome!!! :blushing:
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Welcome! What kind of graphic design do you do? Websites, apparel, print?
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Go Cyclones! Hehe Welcome to your new life! Make sure you pay attention to everything, not just the scale. Scales can be evil ;-) This site is great and has a lot of information and inspiration. I wish you all the best on your journey :-)
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    Thanks everyone for the hellos!! Boo Cyclones and Wolverines! haha

    Currently I do print design mostly, some email creative designs, and some ads for on websites. The place I work for, runs herkyphoto.com, unipantherphoto.com, gocyphoto.com, ousoonerphoto.com, pistolpetephoto.com, powercatphoto.com, mizzouphoto.com, badgerphoto.com, and a few more. It provides cards and prints and other photo products like Shutterlfy and Snapfish, but we allow you to use a collegiate licensed mark on those kinds of products. It's all a new business, but I do mostly all the designs on the site and within the choices for the designs.

    Thanks for all the support!
  • CLuton
    CLuton Posts: 5 Member