Settling vs. Accepting



  • There you go that's what you mean to him for all that matters: to him your not worth charging his phone for 10 mins.

    No way around it, now you say to him this is important to me for x reason and can you change that so i don't feel y.

    He changes it and treats you how you wish or you grow and deal with what ever insecurity is causing you to feel like this.
    Both grow or you end it.

    I had a horrible horrible break up that im surprised did not end in a murder/death so thats my source haha people have a horrible way of living just now.
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    Song, that was a riddle within a riddle within a conundrum. I've been on your friend list for a minute, so I kind of know where you are coming from.

    Depends on what it is that's bothering you. The person leaves the toilet seat up, or won't get a job? Totally different answers there.

    With that said, I've left some relationships quickly and some after years of agony, and I'm single. So my advice is worth what you pay for it. :laugh:

    LOL I know! This is the weird stuff my brain does when I have free time.

    It's sort of an all-encompassing 'meh' sort of thing. I can accept not having money...I don't always have money, times are hard, internships don't pay much but they're an excellent investment. Toilet seats, dishes, housecleaning, none of that bothers me. Me being the only one who does any of the traveling...well, that's something of a necessity, so it only bothers me a teeny bit. But when I do make the trip multiple times a week, just falling asleep an hour after I get there, that bothers me. Acting like it's such a chore to give me a call in the evening or send a text message when we don't see each other during the week, that bothers me. Going on and on and on about your day without ever asking about mine, that bothers me. Only wanting sex twice a week, that straight up bums me out. :/

    Those are some BIG things, sister!! In my opinion, if the list of things that bothers you is that long, I don't think it's worth it. It shouldn't be a chore to talk to you, make time for you, or have sex with you! Those are the best parts of a relationship. Ending things is always hard, but after a couple weeks or months, you'll feel so much better. I did a crazy amount of over-analyzing in my last relationship and it really brought me down. I ended it and I am so, so much happier. You deserve to feel great at least 90% of the time!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I think everyone should have a list of non negotiable. What I mean by that is traits or attributes in a partner that is of the upmost importance and without those traits it would be hard to continue a relationship. Then everything beyond that is just minor annoyances.

    dont accept any thing less then your non negotiables and settle for the rest

    For me she had to be hard working, want children, similar values/morals, etc. all the other stuff really doesn’t matter.

    Yea, I don't have many of those and he does meet them. Self-sufficient, stable, educated, doesn't want kids, not religious. He's just a bit laissez-faire (sp?) when I'm not around. Really weird. It's like I have no boyfriend unless I am in his physical vicinity.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Song, that was a riddle within a riddle within a conundrum. I've been on your friend list for a minute, so I kind of know where you are coming from.

    Depends on what it is that's bothering you. The person leaves the toilet seat up, or won't get a job? Totally different answers there.

    With that said, I've left some relationships quickly and some after years of agony, and I'm single. So my advice is worth what you pay for it. :laugh:

    LOL I know! This is the weird stuff my brain does when I have free time.

    It's sort of an all-encompassing 'meh' sort of thing. I can accept not having money...I don't always have money, times are hard, internships don't pay much but they're an excellent investment. Toilet seats, dishes, housecleaning, none of that bothers me. Me being the only one who does any of the traveling...well, that's something of a necessity, so it only bothers me a teeny bit. But when I do make the trip multiple times a week, just falling asleep an hour after I get there, that bothers me. Acting like it's such a chore to give me a call in the evening or send a text message when we don't see each other during the week, that bothers me. Going on and on and on about your day without ever asking about mine, that bothers me. Only wanting sex twice a week, that straight up bums me out. :/

    Those are some BIG things, sister!! In my opinion, if the list of things that bothers you is that long, I don't think it's worth it. It shouldn't be a chore to talk to you, make time for you, or have sex with you! Those are the best parts of a relationship. Ending things is always hard, but after a couple weeks or months, you'll feel so much better. I did a crazy amount of over-analyzing in my last relationship and it really brought me down. I ended it and I am so, so much happier. You deserve to feel great at least 90% of the time!

    Well, with the exception of the sex, those things are all perfect when I'm with him for a little while. We have really excellent conversations and he's very affectionate. It usually takes an evening to warm up and then the weekend is awesome leading into Monday. Then Tues-Thurs he's off the radar. Friday he's a zombie. When we spend a lot of time together, things are great, but our schedules don't really allow that and we don't plan on living together any time soon. When we're apart, we are REALLY apart. It feels weird to mesh again on the weekend.
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    My perspective, FWIW: If you absolutely love the guy but you're trying to get past a few things he does that drive you bonkers, that's accepting. If the guy meets your "must-have" criteria but you're just not feeling it deep down, that's settling.
  • mredsolomon
    mredsolomon Posts: 22 Member
    I think everyone should have a list of non negotiable. What I mean by that is traits or attributes in a partner that is of the upmost importance and without those traits it would be hard to continue a relationship. Then everything beyond that is just minor annoyances.

    dont accept any thing less then your non negotiables and settle for the rest

    For me she had to be hard working, want children, similar values/morals, etc. all the other stuff really doesn’t matter.

    Yea, I don't have many of those and he does meet them. Self-sufficient, stable, educated, doesn't want kids, not religious. He's just a bit laissez-faire (sp?) when I'm not around. Really weird. It's like I have no boyfriend unless I am in his physical vicinity.

    it sounds like you should add some items to your non negotiable list. From reading your post it seams like you need to feel like you are central in his life and right now he is not demonstrating it. That should be a non negotiable.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I am dealing with something very similar right now and am crying typing this. I don't know what to tell you, sorry, just thought you should know you are not alone :sad: :brokenheart:

    Yea, me too. It's cathartic. ::hug::

    Just really scary when you know the person is truly a good person, and you're a good person, but you have no clue whether it will actually work out.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I think everyone should have a list of non negotiable. What I mean by that is traits or attributes in a partner that is of the upmost importance and without those traits it would be hard to continue a relationship. Then everything beyond that is just minor annoyances.

    dont accept any thing less then your non negotiables and settle for the rest

    For me she had to be hard working, want children, similar values/morals, etc. all the other stuff really doesn’t matter.

    Yea, I don't have many of those and he does meet them. Self-sufficient, stable, educated, doesn't want kids, not religious. He's just a bit laissez-faire (sp?) when I'm not around. Really weird. It's like I have no boyfriend unless I am in his physical vicinity.

    it sounds like you should add some items to your non negotiable list. From reading your post it seams like you need to feel like you are central in his life and right now he is not demonstrating it. That should be a non negotiable.

    Not central, but somewhere in the middle. I would like to feel desired and interesting to him. I think I'm interesting.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    A lot of times I feel like I am just settling but at my age (58), I'm not sure there's much I can do about it. Well, intellectually I know I can, but it's easier for me at this point in my life to settle.

    If I was younger and looking at a long life ahead of me, I would make some changes. Sometimes I feel like I am just being taken advantage of and always last on the totem pole for anything.

    Heck, so there is no way I can tell you what you should be doing. I'm doing crap with myself.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    A lot of times I feel like I am just settling but at my age (58), I'm not sure there's much I can do about it. Well, intellectually I know I can, but it's easier for me at this point in my life to settle.

    If I was younger and looking at a long life ahead of me, I would make some changes. Sometimes I feel like I am just being taken advantage of and always last on the totem pole for anything.

    Heck, so there is no way I can tell you what you should be doing. I'm doing crap with myself.

    Well, you are here on MFP improving your health! :) So you are being good to yourself in that way.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have a hard time discerning between these two in a relationship. What am I accepting and what am I just settling for?

    I could say that I accept what truly can't be changed, and if something can be changed but I don't do anything about it, that's settling. But that's really an over-simplification. Sure, people can change, but I wouldn't try to change another person. The only effective change I can make is to myself--so maybe I could change my perspective. That brings me back to the beginning where I wonder whether changing my perspective of a non-ideal situation leads me to settling for it, because I haven't tried to change it. The long and short of it is that I'm trying to be satisfied with less than I feel I deserve, but I am trying to change my mind about how appropriate it is to feel entitled to deserve something.

    So, yea. Thoughts?

    When you settle, you allow room for resentment to creep in.

    When you accept, you do it because you processed and came to an understanding.

    Accepting, IMO, is more powerful than settling.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I have a hard time discerning between these two in a relationship. What am I accepting and what am I just settling for?

    I could say that I accept what truly can't be changed, and if something can be changed but I don't do anything about it, that's settling. But that's really an over-simplification. Sure, people can change, but I wouldn't try to change another person. The only effective change I can make is to myself--so maybe I could change my perspective. That brings me back to the beginning where I wonder whether changing my perspective of a non-ideal situation leads me to settling for it, because I haven't tried to change it. The long and short of it is that I'm trying to be satisfied with less than I feel I deserve, but I am trying to change my mind about how appropriate it is to feel entitled to deserve something.

    So, yea. Thoughts?

    When you settle, you allow room for resentment to creep in.

    When you accept, you do it because you processed and came to an understanding.

    Accepting, IMO, is more powerful than settling.

    Agreed 100%. I just don't know how to get there.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    If you settle for less than you deserve...

    you'll get less than you settled for.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    If you settle for less than you deserve...

    you'll get less than you settled for.

    THIS needs to be a bumper sticker.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    You are settling, you deserve better and so does he - everyone has the need to be loved for who they are flaws and all, if you settle you are doing yourself and him a disservice and take it from someone who settled for 13 years - you will end up miserable! The right guy for you and girl for him are out there somewhere. You need to be ok on your own until they show up rather than in a bleh relationship.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Everyone settles at some point, on some things; relationships ebb and flow etc. But I think you've already outgrown this one. He sounds self-absorbed and emotionally immature. There are guys who are not like that.

    If he's not non-committal (a possibility, with that communication pattern), then his needs are just really different from yours, which is bad - I think it's kind of important to be in the same space as far as that goes. Also, you should be with someone who thinks you're great (as you sound pretty great).

    It's ok to be incompatible with a good person. There's someone more suited to you out there.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Everyone settles at some point, on some things; relationships ebb and flow etc. But I think you've already outgrown this one. He sounds self-absorbed and emotionally immature. There are guys who are not like that.

    If he's not non-committal (a possibility, with that communication pattern), then his needs are just really different from yours, which is bad - I think it's kind of important to be in the same space as far as that goes. Also, you should be with someone who thinks you're great (as you sound pretty great).

    It's ok to be incompatible with a good person. There's someone more suited to you out there.

    Is it really possible to find someone who matches my needs exactly, though? I dated a guy who seemed a lot like me once, and he absolutely adored me. But then adoration turned into obsession, and I realized that he was just insatiably needy and clingy...and I was too. I don't want someone who is just like me. I want someone with whom I can grow, not someone who dotes on me like a potted plant.

    This guy is actually very patient, kind, understanding, and reasonable. By far the most emotionally mature person I've dated. He just likes more space than I do and I don't think he's used to being in a relationship. He was single for three years before we dated and lived on his own the entire time. Maybe you forget to ask someone else about their day. Maybe you're just happy to have company to talk to. Maybe we're just past the honeymoon stage and I am really bad at this adjustment (which I know is true).
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Did you try talking to him about how you're feeling?
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    You probably need to break up if you are asking this...I hope that doesn't sound too harsh.

    My thoughts too. Sorry, Love!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I also want to note -

    Settling isnt a bad choice, if you accept that choice.

    Will we always think prince charming is our there? Ya. Will we ever meet the "one"? who knows.

    You have to decide if you are okay with "settling" and then close your mind to it after the choice has been made.