I need encouragement

I am a single 52 year old teacher. I am also a mother if 4 grown boys, so for the first time in 27 years I am alone every evening. I come home from work exhausted and all I want to do is sit in front of the tv and snack. I now find myself weighing 193.5 pounds. I don't want to go into the next 20-30 years of my life over weight. This is my time to do this for me. I don't want the excuse of being over 50 and post menstrual. I want to feel good about myself again.


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Good luck.
  • rachaelhoffman
    rachaelhoffman Posts: 19 Member
    Exercise when and where you can, perhaps before you get home! (I know it's hard for me to motivate myself to do something new after dark in the winter!). a 10 minute walk during a free class period? get up 15 minutes earlier to do some stretching or yoga. or exercise after school, before you get home (helps to have a bag packed in the car ready to go!). Good luck. Small steps, build good habits, and don't try to change everything all at once.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 49. I was a registered nurse before I became disabled. I want to reach my goal before I turn 50 next yr. We can do this. Feel free to add me. I am married, but have no children...only a cat.
  • We're all in the same boat, trying to take better care of ourselves, add me if you wish.
  • I'm a 42 yo computer consultant. Only my youngest lives with me and he's a 16 yo growing boy. We both do taekwondo for exercise, but he always chows down big time before AND after class. I'm narrowing down to 300 # and am eating far less than him because I'm tired of looking like Kung Fu Panda in my uniform.

    Each day I struggle with not eating empty calories. They're in the house. It's not fair to make my boy avoid his snacks when _I_ am the one who has the problem.

    Each day I come here and read the boards. I look at the sliders which show how far people have gone and I get inspired by those who are much closer to their goal than me (I started on 10/18). That's what gets me by.

    Don't let what you want now get it in the way of what you want most! You can do it!
  • You can do it! I am 53, so I know your pain. it's just commitment. deciding that you are not going to let those hormone's be in charge of your life. I have been at it since July and have lost 16lbs. I exercise a lot! I started doing it because I don't want to be that 50 year old that doesn't take care of herself. So it is my main focus right now. I am peri-meopause and it is hard, but I also will not allow it to be an excuse for me. Again, you can do it! Set a goal and a workout routine you feel you can handle. If you would like to friend me, feel free.
  • I am looking for friends on MFP hoping it will encourage me to stay on my diet. I am 45 married with 2 grown children and 1 grandchild. I went on a diet in october and weighed 212 a week ago and wishing to get down to 130. I've been going through peri menopause for about the past 3 and A half years. The last time I weighed 192 was 6 years ago. LOL
  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    I just retired last year after 22 years of teaching 4th grade, and I totally relate to the night eating especially when our sons moved out of the house! Funny things is, even when I stopped teaching, I didn't stop my nasty nighttime eating habit until just this past week! I am determined to get control of my health before it's too late! I would love to share the journey with you. I will add you as a friend.
    When I was teaching, the only time I could be sure to get exercise in, was to get up earlier at least a few days a week, and do an exercise video; I also found morning exercise really lifted my mood and I felt energized to start the day. In the evenings, I would be completed drained and workouts just wouldn't happen. Also sometimes a group of us would walk right after school when we didn't have meetings, and that was fun.
    Anyways, I hope you will accept me as friend in the journey.
    Best wishes!
  • You've already gotten through the first step! Admitting that you need to make a change!!! You can do it!!!! Anything that you do can help!! Do a lap or 2 around the school before you each your lunch to get your metabolism going so that it burns the calories faster. After school head straight to a gym or even change your clothes before you leave so that when you get home you are already ready to go outside and do a walk around where you live. Do a couple sets of squats and lunges while you watch TV, you'll forget you're working out! Stay positive, you can do this!!!! :-) Good luck!!!!
  • ddipert
    ddipert Posts: 103 Member
    When I took a desk job at 40 I started gaining weight. I lost about 30 pounds about 11 years ago, but gained it all back and bit more. When I got up to 220, it seemed like I was never going to lose weight, no matter what I tried. Last Christmas when I decided to try a Wii fit plus, I finally started losing - it was low impact and fun enough that I could do 30 minutes every day. Then a nurse that calls for my insurance wellness program told me about myfitnesspal. Getting on here is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm just about to finish Jillian Michael's 30 day shred program. I would never have got this far with it if I didn't have so many others telling about their experiences with this program. Good luck and keep logging on!
  • shannoniacovino
    shannoniacovino Posts: 5 Member
    I was single into my mid-thirties and was often lonely after I got home in the evenings. I say if you have a local gym and you can afford it it is as great place to stop. Sometimes when I just didn't feel like it I would tell myself just go and put your shoes on if you don't feel like it then you can go home. Sometimes I did go home but most of the time I would get in a good workout and feel better. Now that I have kids I don't feel that I can go to the gym for an hour in the evening so I have a treadmill at home. I really miss working out with other people but I wouldn't give up what I have now either. Take advantage of not having to be a caretaker for the time being.
  • Baby steps. Make one small change such as taking a 10 minute walk. Then just try to make yourself do some squats during a commercial. Get a dance video - you're alone - who cares if you make a fool of yourself! Or just dance to music for five minutes. Do things with your hands; read, knit, whatever, so that you don't want to snack in front of the TV. I'm 55, and I made up my mind to do something about it now, and I tell myself that the weight is not going to come off on its own - you have to DO something about it and NOT eat as much as you want. Tracking every morsel of food that enters your mouth helps. Best of luck to you!
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    When you make up your mind to do it..you will. Why not come home..eat dinner while watching a program then get out for a walk? Eventually that walk will become longer...and you will see t he results. You can do this!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    So, instead of tv and food.....exercise and tv? You can jog in place, do jumping jacks, jump rope (without a rope), mountain climbers....you can do it during every commercial (and goodness knows they're longer then the actual program), do crunches during the show, leg raises, push ups; no need for equipment but if you have any....walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike while watching tv is a good way to enjoy "chilling" while working out. :smile:

    During lunch at work, go for a walk; go for a walk before work if possible or dance for 10 minutes to some good tunes....dance for 10 minutes when you get home from work while you're whipping up a healthy salad for dinner.

    You can find ways to "sneak" in exercise no matter how many hours you work and how many hours you commute...I know I was doing it for many years while commuting daily 3-4 hours (depending on traffic) and working 50-60 or more hours per week. I also started planning my meals each weekend and packing my healthy breakfast, lunch, 2 snacks and sometimes dinner; if I knew I might work late and not get home until 8pm or so...

    You can do it....you just have to WANT to do it bad enough...so tell me....

  • Thanks for your encouragement! Tonight is my first night on this sight so I am still trying to find my way around the site. Please add me as friend cause I have no idea how!
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Sent you a friend request. We have a lot in common!
  • Thanks for your encouragement! Tonight is my first night on this sight so I am still trying to find my way around the site. Please add me as friend cause I have no idea how!
  • Hey Julie! SOunds like your heart and your mind is in the right place! <3 would love to help you out to reach your goals! I sent you a friend request <3