Exercising with Asthma

I have been doing indoor workouts for a few weeks now...mostly videos from youtube. Lately, I have been getting bored with the indoor stuff, and wanted to try the C25K type thing. So tonight I went outside and walked briskly for 5 minutes, then jogged for 2 minutes with no problem. As soon as I stopped jogging and started walking again, I started to have an asthma attack. I think it was a combination of the cold air and the jogging, cold air always gets my asthma going for some reason. It sucks because I really really want to do this, it felt GREAT to be jogging outside. I am pretty overweight, and it was actually exhilarating and I want to learn to jog outside so badly without having asthma attacks. Does anyone have any breathing techniques or tips/tricks to help prevent the asthma attacks? I already pre-gamed it with the inhaler before even stepping foot outside and used it several times while I was out there after the attack started happening. Now my exercise is ruined for the whole night, because it takes me hours to completely recover :( Please help!!!


  • Roboartist
    If you have something like a balaclava (like a thin, knit ski mask) or even a scarf over your mouth it might help a little. I have asthma and I know that helps me. It also helps to keep my allergies in check but that is difficult. One other tip that works for me is to bring room temperature or even slightly warmer water to drink if I know I will be bringing water.

    I do the same things you did, prime the pump before exercising with the inhaler.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    I have the same thing, the cold really bugs my asthma. I've done a lot of cold weather mountaineering, and the only thing that works for me is a combo. Half is prevention.. I use a preventative steroid puffer when doing cold weather stuff. I can't remember what it's called, it's a red and white tube, if you want I can let you know when I get home. The other thing that helps is covering my mouth and nose. I wear a balaclava, or just one of those neck tube things, pulled over my face. I have seen some fancy ones that runners use, I'm sure you can look them up online. I have a very fancy one I use for high altitude climbing, it works great, but is kind of overkill for regular use. I hope you can find something that works for you. Don't give up though, it's possible to enjoy outdoor winter sport with asthma!
  • jhanso86
    Thanks ladies...I have a steroid inhaler and an albuterol one...the steroid one is called "QVAR" but I always thought of that one as a long term prevention type thing. I actually don't use that one like I should. I used the albuterol one tonight, but obviously it did not work well enough. I will definitely try covering my mouth and nose next time and the warm water thing sounds logical too. I appreciate the feedback, I am going to have to be a little more diligent with controlling my asthma. Thanks so much girls, if anyone else has some words of wisdom they are welcome :)
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    You're welcome!
  • jorayek
    Covering my mouth with a scarf or mask, albuterol 5-10 mins before I do anything, and taking Singulair nightly (which is hard, bc it was costing me $125 a month with insurance.)
  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    I always use my Proventil (albuterol) first, and wear a mask/scarf over my mouth. I also second the 'warmish' water-- I like mine about bathtub temp. That helps a lot.

    This may be TMI, but the Proventil has a diuretic effect about half hour after taking it, so I take it, wait for that effect to kick in, go to the restroom, then go running. Otherwise I'd have to stop a few minutes into the run.
  • jhanso86
    Thank you thank you thank you!!! Round 2 tomorrow!! :D
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    I have delt with asthma my entire life. Use your preventive meds as directed by your dr. I didn't do this for years, finally about 3 years ago I started using my flovent 2x's a day EVERY day and I have not had to use my rescue inhaler as often. Maybe 2'xs a YEAR! I could not believe how much it helped. I only wish I would have used it sooner.
  • jhanso86
    I have delt with asthma my entire life. Use your preventive meds as directed by your dr. I didn't do this for years, finally about 3 years ago I started using my flovent 2x's a day EVERY day and I have not had to use my rescue inhaler as often. Maybe 2'xs a YEAR! I could not believe how much it helped. I only wish I would have used it sooner.

    Yup...definitely need to use that steroid inhaler as directed!! I have always slacked off from it, I will use it like I'm supposed to for a while then I slack off. I don't know why I do that, but I am definitely going to start using it twice a day every day from now on so I can exercise and lose weight!! And not have asthma attacks!! Thanks for the advice :)
  • eandrsmom
    As much as I hated using it, my steroid inhaler made a HUGE difference when used daily! It is not a quick fix, but after using mine for probably a year, I was able to gradually work off of it. Cold is still an issue sometimes, but I have found that extending my warm-up really helps with that. And for me, losing weight has helped a.bunch too. That is actually how I knew it was time to get serious.....my asthma flared up! Good luck, take it slow, and figure out what your body needs.
  • jhanso86
    As much as I hated using it, my steroid inhaler made a HUGE difference when used daily! It is not a quick fix, but after using mine for probably a year, I was able to gradually work off of it. Cold is still an issue sometimes, but I have found that extending my warm-up really helps with that. And for me, losing weight has helped a.bunch too. That is actually how I knew it was time to get serious.....my asthma flared up! Good luck, take it slow, and figure out what your body needs.

    My asthma is one of the many reasons I want to lose weight also...it just has to improve with weight loss!! I hate using the steroid inhaler, and I also forget to use it. After what you girls are telling me about the steroid inhalers, I am going to have to step it up and use the darn thing!!