Why Is This?

Some weeks I can only lose 1lb, others I lose nothing, and some weeks I lose 2lbs!
I know that to lose 1lb it is roughly a 3,500 deficit, but on weeks where I have lost 2lb, I am sure I am not 7,000 calories under!
Does anyone know why some weeks it can literally drop off and others it doesn't?

I have been indulging a bit this week and haven't been able to go to the gym (busted foot) and did a quick weigh before my offical Friday weigh- in and I have lost 1lb since my last weigh in, which was 4/5 days ago...
Is this even possible? I want it to be as accurate as possible!



  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    "as accurate as possible" is about as accurate as you're going to get :)

    So many things can affect body weight and composition, and food and exercise are only two of the many things. Hydration, stress, environmental, hormonal, etc., etc., etc.

    Even in the #,### calories consumed, WHAT those calories consisted of can make a difference. 2,000 calories of lean meat can provide vastly different results from 2,000 calories of Krispy Kremes :)
  • jdejre_k
    jdejre_k Posts: 54

    Unfortunately for women, weight loss is not just dependent on "how good we are" with our diet and exercise, it also depends on our "time of the month" and hormones. So, even if we are really good, we usually have an increase in water weight the week before and during "our time of the month."

    But, the good news is, we tend to lose the water week after "our friend's visit," so we tend to lose 2 or 3 pounds at once.

    It is discouraging sometimes to eat right and exercise and not see the scale reflect it. But, it will come off in the end!
  • kilburni
    kilburni Posts: 22
    This happens to me as well! I'm not sure of the scientific cause behind it but after chatting with people I know who are on weight watchers or other similar programs, I know that it seems to be a normality. I've had 3+ pound deficits in a week and even a 1lb gain without TOO much fluctuation in my eating/exercise habits!

    And if you have a slow week it definitely helps to average your loss for the last 3-4 weeks and remember that you're still TRENDING downward...keeps the spirits up!

    And yes, it's definitely possible to be a pound down in 4-5 days, but make sure that you're weighing yourself at the same time of day as your normal weekly weigh in at least. Otherwise you could be capturing part of your daily fluctuation in your loss (for better or worse)!
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    If you have been exercising regularly then your metabolism has sped up which is great! :drinker: It won't last forever if you stop exercising. :sad: Remember, you also need to weigh yourself at consistent times so timing could be an issue. How about water intake? Change in types of food being eaten. There are just so many things it could be.

    Don't worry about the weight so much as your feeling better, clothes feeling loose. :wink: Your focus should be on healthy lifestyle not weight.
