Injured but trying to push past it

Hello all! My name is Anita and I finally decided to get back on this app after over a year. I was injured over a year ago (mork/military realted) and at this point there is nothing that can be done to fix it (herniated disk hitting a nerve in my back) as I'm too young for surgery. I've kept up with my healthier choices but want to really clean out my diet since my exercise activity is so limited. I revently had an appendectomy done, so as soon as my abdomen heals, I'm jumping back on yoga. If anyone has any suggestions or words of advice, it would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!! <3


  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Hi! Have you worked with a physical therapist yet? I found that working with a physical therapist for a bit really helped me get pain under control - I had issues with my foot and shoulder. We did a lot to strengthen the muscles around the injured areas to support them. I have been working out with a trainer for about a year, too. It's expensive, but worth every penny. I went from not being able to walk a couple blocks due to pain, to running 3 miles for fun on a "light" workout day! (And I lost 40 pounds, to boot! ) IF at all possible, invest in yourself.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I have five herniated discs and the best exercise in the world is swimming... If you have the ability to get to an indoor pool it is so worth it... What you eat will make a huge difference... Personally 150 g of carbs, 100 g of protein, and 50 g of fats. I take glucosamine and it seems to be helping... Pain management if an issue can be a real drag... I found that acupuncture works for me.
  • Smallz13
    Thank you to both of you!! i have been in therapy but i was unfortunate enough to get appendicitis and had to have emergency surgery so as soon as i'm healed i'll be right back in therapy. i'm also trying to get into a special therapy pool sometime soon but my process has to get approved first, but once it does, i am super looking forward to it!!
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Oh, that's great - I was really amazed at the progress I made. So, once your appendix is completely healed, be optimistic and push yourself (but be safe). The first doctor I saw told me I wouldn't be able to run without pain again. I literally cried. And then I proved him wrong.