I just don't see it..

I don't know why..but I just don't see this happening for me. I don't see me loosing weight and my body transforming to what I want it too. I'm not loosing motivation or anything..well not YET but if I continue to work hard and don't see results I will loose motivation and I'm afraid I'll give up. Is it possible to work out and not loose weight? lol I'm probably just being paranoid but I haven't notcied ANYTHING yet which I know it's only been a couple of weeks of me going to the gym..but I feel like my pants are getting a little TIGHTER and I don't understand why. I'll feel really good after a work out but then go home and put jeans on..and there TIGHT. its like ughhh why am I doing this again?


  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I don't think you are eating enough of the right types of food. I took a look at your diary and can tell you for sure you are not getting enough protein. This website is great but if you aren't following a food plan, it's gonna be much harder for you. I'm on the Food Lovers Fat Loss program and have lost 57 lbs since October. Here are some of the guidelines you might want to incorporate into your routine.


    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories and not include white flour, white sugar or anything you cannot pronounce. Try a piece of fruit.
    Meals should include a protein, a fast carb (potato, rice) and a slow carb (veggies) in the correct portions.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:
    total calories - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    I also work out everyday. Like I said 51 lbs gone in less than 5 months. This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat the right foods, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps! My food diary is also open so you can look at it if you like. Christine
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    you're eating a lot of carbs. try some protein as suggested. you'll get there, just adjust your food a bit.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Think positive - you have lost 6 pounds which is great. Since overall you are not targeting to lose much (approx 20 lbs), the weight does come off slower. I have been on MFP and tracking food pretty consistently since September 2009 and have lost 15 pounds, but my goal was also to lose just under 20 pounds.

    Working out should help - make sure to do a mix of both cardio and weight training. Once I started the weight training (as in not too heavy, but lots of reps) I could really see a difference in inches coming off.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    If you continue working as hard as you are you will definitely see some results!!! Hang in there and don't give up!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I agree with the others, although I am by far an expert, it looks like you eat out ALL the time...and there is hardly any fruit or veggies in your diet. Maybe in addition to you new gym membership, you should reevaluate your eating habits, and add more fresh and raw foods into your diet....
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    cdavis is right on the money!

    Another thing to watch are your inches. I've been ignoring the scale since Feb, and I've lost almost 2" off my hips--my target area. Pounds aren't necessarily the best gauge of health. Try measuring bust, waist and hips once a week and maybe you'll see more of that "ta dah!" you're looking for.

    Also, work out strong. Don't be wimpy about it. If you can talk on your cell phone or read a magazine while on the treadmill, you're not working nearly hard enough. You should be huffing and puffing. If you do yoga or pilates, you should be stretching fully and focusing on your breathing, doing as many reps as you can before your body turns to jelly. You have a small amount of weight to lose, so it's going to be very stubborn to take off, but you can do it!

    Last thought--are you getting enough sleep? Women, especially, who are under stress and don't sleep enough tend to hold on to an extra 5-10lbs. Glamour magazine did an article on this maybe a year ago. By switching from 5 hours a night to 7 or 8, women in their 20's lost 5lbs. Women in their 30's lost 10lbs or more. Women just need more sleep than men--it's probably a hormone or chemical thing, but that's how it is. Give your body what it needs in every sense: fuel, work, and rest.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Thanks Everybody!!!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    cdavis is right on the money!

    Another thing to watch are your inches. I've been ignoring the scale since Feb, and I've lost almost 2" off my hips--my target area. Pounds aren't necessarily the best gauge of health. Try measuring bust, waist and hips once a week and maybe you'll see more of that "ta dah!" you're looking for.

    Also, work out strong. Don't be wimpy about it. If you can talk on your cell phone or read a magazine while on the treadmill, you're not working nearly hard enough. You should be huffing and puffing. If you do yoga or pilates, you should be stretching fully and focusing on your breathing, doing as many reps as you can before your body turns to jelly. You have a small amount of weight to lose, so it's going to be very stubborn to take off, but you can do it!

    Last thought--are you getting enough sleep? Women, especially, who are under stress and don't sleep enough tend to hold on to an extra 5-10lbs. Glamour magazine did an article on this maybe a year ago. By switching from 5 hours a night to 7 or 8, women in their 20's lost 5lbs. Women in their 30's lost 10lbs or more. Women just need more sleep than men--it's probably a hormone or chemical thing, but that's how it is. Give your body what it needs in every sense: fuel, work, and rest.

    I deffinantly do NOT get enough sleep at all. Only like 5 -6 hours during the week.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've definitely seen a difference in my body since I've added more fruits and more protein and this should work for you - as everyone has said. Even if you do eat out, try to get a veggie... I haven't looked at your diary, but when I go to say, Wendy's (one of the only fast food places I'll allow myself to go to), I'll get chili which is high in fiber and protein and maybe a potato - without all the extras: just the butter alone is a ton of calories. Make it a point to have a meat with every meal. For breakfast, eggs. For lunch, a turkey sandwich. For dinner, chicken breast. Or whatever you fancy. :) Good luck, babe!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    HEY! I have been in your place more than once, and the fact is that I gave up, then I would try again, and give up, but here is a fact, YOUR TRYING! and That itself is a success. Like other people have posted consider adjusting WHAT kind of foods your eating, also the time of day that your eating could effect your weight loss journey! If you don't eat breakfast, and just skip to lunch you will have a VERY slow metabolism, and trust me I never ate breakfast, I was never hungry. But now that I do, I realize I dont get as hungry as often, I eat less food, and I dont crave salt or sugar as much! Plus, it boosts your metabolism. Also as a side note, Eating late at night is VERY bad for you, you really shouldnt eat more than 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed.

    Another thing could be that you are "clogged" internally, try using a laxative, or activia yogurt for a week, on a regular dosage, this helped me as well. Reduce the amount of sodium you consume, and increase the amount of water you drink..

    On a final note, DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!! You REALLY CAN do this, make sure you set yourself up with a big support system, then even when you gain instead of lose, you wont give up, because people will keep you motivated at all times! trust me I have been battling to get out of the 200's for 4 weeks now.. and its a constant battle of up and down, but WE CAN DO IT!
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    great advice I copy and pasted your advice. I am a provider and have a lot of info about nutrtion and fitness and enjoyed reading what you told her. My personal dilema is that I don't follow what I preach at night. I have a hard time when serving meals to keep my paws of my kids plates or when we eat out I eat healthy and the kids leave left overs. I know just behave. Easy sometimes but not always....

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    great advice I copy and pasted your advice. I am a provider and have a lot of info about nutrtion and fitness and enjoyed reading what you told her. My personal dilema is that I don't follow what I preach at night. I have a hard time when serving meals to keep my paws of my kids plates or when we eat out I eat healthy and the kids leave left overs. I know just behave. Easy sometimes but not always....


    I have the SAME problem whenever I nanny or babysit, What I tried out last weekend, that worked pretty good, but I am not sure how long I will keep it up, is before serving the kids or even fixing their meal, I drank 4 glasses of water. Then while I was making their food I wasnt hungry! I did eat with them, although I ate steamed carrots instead of mac n cheese, haha but it did seem to work well! I will be testing it out further next time I babysit. Maybe this could work for you too! And instead of using traditional glasses I use a water bottle that holds over 24 oz of water, and I just drink one of those while watching TV or playing with the kids just before making their food! Haha but mainly, the best thing either of us can do is to practice self discipline... haha soooo hard!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Give it TIME.
  • Oldroller
    Oldroller Posts: 11
    Patience and stubborn determination. I wanted fast results too but soon realized that ain't happening. Going on four months and have lost 25lbs thus far. 15 more to go. I hit a brick wall at 17lbs lost and that was discouraging but then I dropped the rest and now I'm at another wall. But...I know I'll get there eventually, no matter how long it takes. I know I'm not doing this perfectly but I don't mind that. At least I'm getting results, even if slow.

    The important thing is, don't give up, no matter what or how long it takes.