anyone else in here doing if(intermitted fasting).

hi guys/ girls.. wondering if anyone else in here is doing if. (intermitted fasting.) my wife and i have been on this for approx 10/12 weeks now and the results ..well they speak for them selfs..

its simply amazing..

plaese share your storie success or fails with if happy to help if you have any questions in relation to it..

or if you wish to try it ..please post.


  • TammerTammer
    TammerTammer Posts: 25 Member
    My son does this yearly for his wrestling team. He does 1 whey shake a day with a banana and peanut butter. He has the shake right after working out. He has inspired me to get back into shape and now I fast occasionally as well. Seems to be working.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Yep I do IF been doing it for a few months now and its great. Loss a lot of weight and got down under 10% body fat. I have abs for the first time in my life. I do the 20/4, 20 hours fasting with 4 hour eating window everyday except sundays which is my cheat day which I do 18/6 on that day.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    I have heard a lot about IF but not really sure what it consists of...can someone please explain?
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    Didnt work for me. For some people they say its liberating to not think about food all day. It did the exact opposite. The 16 hour fast all i did was think about food. And to be honest bigger meals didnt leave me anymore satisfied an hour later then smaller meals.
  • cem789healthy
    cem789healthy Posts: 5 Member
    i would like to know more about it. ive heard eating only 500 calories a day twice a week is one plan. not sure if that would make a big difference.
  • DeadsandOats
    DeadsandOats Posts: 25 Member
    Just a couple of references:

    I do IF but very loosely...but that's the whole point. I used to choke down breakfast when I woke up but now I eat 2 or 3 times a day. It just works for me to eat at 11 and 5 then not eat for the evening or morning. It took a bit getting used to it but now I can fast 16 to 18 hours and not even notice.

    I think the point is to find what works for you and eat that way.
  • RubyRed8067

    Well, no.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I did 2 days (non consecutive) of <500 calories (net, I just wasn't particularly active so I didn't eat more than 600) and 5 days of whatever-you-want within reason, which usually came out about 1200 net.

    That wasn't enough to sustain my gym programme, so this week I've done straight 1200 cal net per day instead. The weight did drop off on 5:2 though - 5.5" in 4 weeks gone from waist plus hips.

    I'd like to go back to it at least one day per week once I'm sure I'm not going to get light-headed, lethargic and naseous in the gym because of it. I may just have to eat more on the non-fasting days, we shall see.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I did this a few years ago and had great results! Am thinking about starting again...
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Yep I do IF been doing it for a few months now and its great. Loss a lot of weight and got down under 10% body fat. I have abs for the first time in my life. I do the 20/4, 20 hours fasting with 4 hour eating window everyday except sundays which is my cheat day which I do 18/6 on that day.

    This is what I do except on my cheat day I do more of a 16/8 split. I just started a month ago and the fat is melting right off. I actually prefer this style of eating. It is much easier for me.
  • kmayne
    kmayne Posts: 82 Member
    i would like to know more about it. ive heard eating only 500 calories a day twice a week is one plan. not sure if that would make a big difference.

    I sort of do both. Twice a week I eat 400-500 calories. Its on my super busy errands days, so I'm not sitting around focusing on food too much. Then the rest of the week I eat a "normal" amt of calories, but I save most of them for evening, since my husband and I love to eat when we hang out. I haven't done this long-term yet, but when I do follow that closely for even just a short time, I notice significant results. :)
  • Butterbean6737
    Butterbean6737 Posts: 34 Member
    I have dabbled with the 5/2 programme and also the 16/8 programme. They get me results but I find I get really tired if I try any sort of training on the days I am fasting.

    I would love to hear if anyone has come up with a method that allows the dieting and training without leaving you feel totally drained?
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    I have heard a lot about IF but not really sure what it consists of...can someone please explain?

    Please, I too would like to know more, the more info the better, thanks
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    iv been doing IF for around 16weeks . NO difference to 6 small meals with regards to results to be honest . i just prefer IF because i enjoy larger meals . cant eat like a rabbit ALL DAY
    total daily calories counts , IF is just a way of eating
  • DeadsandOats
    DeadsandOats Posts: 25 Member
    I have dabbled with the 5/2 programme and also the 16/8 programme. They get me results but I find I get really tired if I try any sort of training on the days I am fasting.

    I would love to hear if anyone has come up with a method that allows the dieting and training without leaving you feel totally drained?

    I'm a shift worker so I'm lucky enough to be able to work my training around my fasting. Usually I'll eat at 11am then go to the gym for around 2pm. I have done fasted training before with no real setbacks, but once in awhile I would feel drained...I have a feeling that was more sleep related than food though.

    Check out the link I posted above from leangains
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I'm finishing up my third week of IF doing 16/8 and so far, so good. Thought it'd be more difficult, especially at the start but starting was easier than expected.

    May consider doing 18/6 or even 20/4 in future depending on how things go but for now 16/8 is going well :)
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    I ran IF when I was cutting with great success. When I cut again it will be my main strategy. You should join the IF group on here - fulll of great people with lots of knowledge
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I was trying 5:2, but I stopped after reading that the health benefits weren't so pronounced for women. I did lose weight while doing it, but as another poster said, I thought about food constantly on the fasting days! It felt obsessive. I didn't overeat, but I did find myself looking up recipes, shopping for food, etc. I also felt a little tired on the fasting days, and tended to get dizzy easily - nothing excessive, but it was a relief when I stopped.
  • ngoyfam4
    I would like to try it. What do you do? Do you buy it or make it yourself?