Gluten Free Peeps

aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
Why are you gluten free? Was it something that a doctor recommended or something you decided to try yourself?

Since being gluten free have you noticed a big difference in your weight? I'm curious and would love to hear more about it.


  • For most people who don't eat Gluten it is an allergy.
  • hopsonc24
    hopsonc24 Posts: 143 Member
    I will start with a disclaimer: Everyone is different and will have different results :smile:
    Now with that said I will share my story...

    I have always had digestive issues and was told for years that I had IBS. After doing some research I learned that a large percentage of women who are diagnosed with IBS are incorrectly diagnosed and really have some sort of gluten intolerance or allergy. So Oct 2011 I decided to try cutting out gluten. Easier said than done at the time. I found it very difficult to keep up with what has gluten and what doesn’t. So I never actually cut out gluten. Fast forward to July 2012..I discovered paleo/primal eating, which was gluten free. It also eliminates other digestive irritants (I am not a professional so I suggest doing your own research). Since making the switch in July I have noticed a dramatic difference in how I feel, (I think gluten was a huge part, as was eliminating processed foods and preservatives). I no longer have the digestive issues I suffered with since a young child and I have lost 41lbs.
    Keep in mind, I do count my calories and workout on a regular basis so creating a calorie deficit can be contributed to the weight loss. However prior to the change, cutting calories was never quite as successful.

    Companies are creating more and more gluten free products and the internet is a huge resource, anytime I am straying from the typical paleo/primal foods I Google if something has gluten. Especially if eating out.

    Anyways that is my experience.
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    I have been diagnosed with a "true" corn allergy, and gluten sensitivity. My specialist told me that it's very possible that my body can't distinguish the difference between the grain protiens, hence the sensitivity.

    Since I've been eating gluten and corn free, several things have improved. My digestion has improved first and foremost. I'm not bloated, my stomach doesn't feel like I've been stabbed, or like rocks are going through my intestines. Better breathing (no wheezing or coughing), no stiff joints or muscles, my eyes don't burn or itch like they used to...and much more.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I had been feeling really tired and my joints were sore and I wanted to lose weight. I decided to try the elimination game, eliminated gluten for 1 month and noticed more energy, and also that the pain in my joints was gone. I slowly started eating gluten again and sure joints were the first thing that noticed it. I am not totally gluten free but I do avoid it and eat rice products instead. It has made a HUGE difference in my everyday more joint pain. I'm 33 years old, I new I was too young to feel 60 years old.

    Unfortunately I didn't lose weight from cuting out gluten...but am now since I joined mfp.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Other than my entire body being covered by a purple, blistery, insanely itchy rash that keeps me from sleeping, I don't have any reason to avoid gluten.

    I lost about 15 lbs when I cut it out. Mostly water. Then I started training and my weight went way down, then way up, then way down, then way up, then way down. I was 192 in October 2008 and I'm 191 today, so it had no effect on my weight :). Of course, 12% BF and totaling 1355 is a lot better than 24% BF and totaling 700.
  • My mother is allergic to it along with my younger brother, which means half our family is gluten free. I didn't jump on board at first because of all the foods I'd be required to give up but now I've completely hopped on the band wagon, and learned that there happens to be a large section for Gluten Free Products. Although I am looking for some Gluten Free Banana Nut Oatmeal still. It's my favorite. Some times I cheat, and sneak in a little gluten filled products but over all I feel much better and fuller. Also, knowing that I am avoiding unhealthy products for my body makes eating a lot easier for me ( I am currently battling some disorderly eating ).
  • i eat gluten-free because i feel better and look better when i do. i do not have a true allergy, but i do seem to be sensitive to things containing gluten. so i avoid it simply because it makes me feel good.

    however, i really didn't see a change in my weight from just avoiding gluten. i bloat when i ingest gluten, so if you count the bloat going away when i stopped eating gluten as "weight loss", yeah, i lost a little. :p

    forgot to add - yes, my doctor suggested i avoid gluten. :)
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    For most people who don't eat Gluten it is an allergy.

    Sorry I guess my post wasn't clear. I understand it's an allergy but I also know there are some people who have decided to give it up without being allergic to it.

    Thank you to everyone for sharing. It's really interesting to hear the different takes on it.