Looking for new friends (❤ to my current friends!)

Hi all ???? I will be celebrating my 6 month anniversary tracking on December 13th, 2012!

I was hoping to celebrate it with some new MFP friends! I'm looking for people with open diaries, that track EVERYTHING they eat/drink! People that are serious about their journeys and their goals. People that are active and like to encourage and motivate their friends. If you like having challenges with your friends and you like to workout, please send me a friend request! Please send me a message with a little bit about yourself in the request too, thank you!

A little bit about me: I am 31, Christian, SAHM to my 2 year old son, married and have been with hubs 10 years. I was morbidly obese when I started my journey and I'm 1.6 pounds from being out of the obese bracket and 10.7 pounds from being in Onederland! I'm 5'10" and large frame, tentative goal weight is 160... but I don't rely on the scale to give me all my success throughout my journey! I take measurements once a month and I love how much more fit and healthy I am, none of my clothes fit and I couldn't be happier about it! I've dropped at least 4 clothing sizes, but I haven't tried on new clothes in awhile. I only weigh in once per week, on Mondays! I absolutely love telling people that I've lost all my weight/inches through diet and exercise!!! Their reactions are the best ????

Happy Friday to everyone!!!


  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 138 Member
    I am just as you describe, if you would like send me a request! :happy:
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have an open diary and I am online like every day. I will comment mostly at night when I get off at work. I am a working mom (military), I just had a baby 7 months ago and I married to wonderful who is currently depolyed for a short bit. I litterally log everything that I eat and drink and if I forgot something I will go back and add it at a later time.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have been logging all my meals for 600+ days straight and along the way tweaked my diet a lot just to see how my body reacts to certain mixes (low carb, med carb, high carb, low sugar, etc)...its pretty amazing what logging will do to educate you on nutrition in general, but more importantly how your body will function with certain nutritional intake versus others. Good luck along the way and congrats on the 6 months!