Disappeared before Xmas

Well, hi everyone!

The holidays happened, and then we went to Mexico and we ate Mexico, and now we're back home, wondering why none of our clothes fit.

People at my office started South Beach, and DH looked at me and said "Well, we'd better do this too." So about 3 weeks ago, we started South Beach. We've been doing pretty well - I've lost 3 pounds so far. A pound a week, I'm happy.

I miss the weight loss tracker, the calorie tracker (SB doesn't count calories but I want to just see anyway), and of course, all the nice folks here in the community section. So I'm crawling back! Will you take me?

Little Sister


  • mossmommy
    mossmommy Posts: 63
    of course we'll take you :)
    you'll have to keep me updated on how SB goes. I've been curious about that and have a book of the diet from like four years ago but have never cracked it open. just been monitering what i eat on here. but if it's a do-able diet then i'm all for it. also i need to find a diet i can cook meals from that are good enough to sneak into my hubby's tummy. i'm a SAHM and he's not on the bandwagon for dieting so it's been interesting cooking two seperate meals each night.

  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Julia, and thanks for the welcome back!

    Honestly, I don't know if SB is any better than just logging the food here and eating the way we all know we should. Of course, over at the SB forum, it's the only way to go and they all sing the praises of the plan.

    When I was eating sensibly and tracking my calories & exercise here, I was losing about a pound a week, if memory serves me correctly. On SB, I seem to be losing at the same rate. SB is harder to follow - you have to eliminate all carbs except for vegetables for the first 2 weeks. So you're basically eating vegetables, meat, beans, a few nuts, and a little low fat cheese, for 2 weeks. If you have people in the house wanting to eat "normally," it's a trick.

    The reason SB seems to be working at my house is that my husband is fully committed to it too. He's helping with the cooking, and also helping make separate meals for our 8-year-old daughter. If my husband weren't on board, I wouldn't be on the plan. But it's something he wants to do, and hey! If it gets him on the plan and supporting my efforts, I'll do it!

    One bonus of SB though that I really have to mention: After I went thru the 2 weeks period of no carbs aside from veggies, it totally KILLED my addiction to bread, pasta, and candy. Someone gave me some homemade fudge the other day, and it sat on my desk for a few days and turned hard. I meant to put it in the freezer for some future date but forgot.

    In fact, that's the big selling point of SB - if you're the type who is triggered by carbs to eat more & more, this breaks the cycle.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    as for cooking meals for the whole family when you are the only one dieting --- that is sort of what i do... i am vegan - the family is not... my hubby is a meat & potatoes kind of guy! and my kids... well, let's just say i try to get as many good veggies in their tummies as possible but it doesn't always work!! instead of cooking 2 meals, though, I make one main dish (usually not vegan) and 2 or 3 sides. I eat the sides. When they see me eating what they are eating for the main course, sometimes they stop, look at me, and say 'hheeeeeeeeyyy.... what's in these tacos, anyway?!' pretty funny!! but they are getting better about eating healthy... wish i had started this before they were born so they would know no different...

    good luck & welcome back!! :o)
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Welcome back!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome back! I think you can do both...still cook and eat South Beach and log your cals and fitness on MFP. Wanna join us for the Skinnnny Wed. Challenge? It is just what I need to get "over the hump!" :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Wow, a vegan and a meat & potatoes guy! What a union!

    My husband was pretty good about eating my vegetarian cooking. But when we started South Beach, he said "I'm going to have to eat meat, and that is that." I said "Go ahead, eat meat. But keep your pots and pans separate from mine." I will not, not, not cook meat, so if he wants it, he has to cook it. And he has been.

    So now I make my meal, he makes his meal, and we both give some of what we made to our daughter! Sometimes we'll make an extra dish just for her (like mashed potatoes, etc.) because she needs her carbs.