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Treadmill vs running outdoors



  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    My ego gets the best of me when I'm on the treadmill, I want to go faster so I don't run as far. I'm currently running at 3 miles on the treadmill and 6 miles outside. I only run on the treadmill when I'm short on time, it's dark outside and even if it's too hot/cold. Which means I'm on the treadmill 2 nights a week and outside on the weekends.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I was a devotee to the treadmill before I set out to start running longer distances. If I was doing a mile or two, that was fine. Now, I won't set foot on a treadmill. I have been running outdoors for about 16 months and I can't go back to the treadmill. I tried about a month ago and gave up after 3 miles. It was torture!!!

    There's something about the changing texture of the trail/road, the wind in my face and ACTUALLY going somewhere that makes outdoor running the only running I'll ever do anymore. I'll use other cardio equipment for cross training, but when it's a run day. . .I'm heading outside.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When I first started running, it was all treadmill so when i started running outside I thought it was going to kill me between the hills, the heat and the wind resistance. Now I that I'm used to running outside, I HATE running on the treadmill! The impact and the constant set speed are tough on my joints and terribly boring. If I'm on the treadmill, I'm either walking (fast and/or w/ incline) or doing spring intervals.
  • mrscaptainj2011
    mrscaptainj2011 Posts: 5 Member
    Running outside is harder becuase the speed on the treadmill does not always equal to what you are running outside. You also have more motivation to run on a treadmill in order not to fall off. When you run outside you also need to take account of the smog, polution, air quality and sea level (running while deployed is always easier because of the lower sea level).
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm sure I could run longer on a treadmill. But I would also want to kill something out of sheer boredom, so I don't.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Oddly enough I can run for longer periods of time outdoors. Running on a treadmill is boring to me and it seems harder. I like running outside because of the view. There is always something new to look at. I can also set myself mini goals. for example: I am going to run to this stoplight. But I always trick myself and set another one, and another one, and another one so that I keep running! :happy:
  • skinnyitaliannn
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member

    Treadmill you are more likely to get injured and my trainer told me to stop running on there when I was training for my Half Marathon. It also doesn't provide the real difficulties of outdoor running, eg the small little indentations in the road and pavement that make your run harder.

    Treadmill is only good for short HIIT training in my view, not long distance running.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I like running outdoors so much more, but the dreadmill does have its usefulness...

    I find that doing speed intervals on the dreadmill, because it forces you to keep up with the speed of the belt, has helped me increase my overall speed.

    It's never windy, rainy, or snowy inside the gym.

    You don't have to worry about getting hit by cars inside the gym.

    And you don't have to worry about injuries from uneven terrain when you run on the dreadmill.

    I am relagated to running in the gym for most of the winter, but I'll be so happy when spring comes and I can run outside again!
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    I agree with everyone. I trained for my races primarily on the treadmill. When it came to race day, the difference in the terrain threw me off a little. But with my workout schedule, its the only thing I can do until the weekends. I definitely plan on doing my long runs outside while I train for my first half marathon, though. It is so much better to actually feel like you're going somewhere!
  • hjfischer
    I have been running for about 20 years. I can never EVER under any circumstance run on a treadmill. It is so hard and boring. Running outside gives you time to breathe, think, see the sites, try different paths, hills, flat, city, country, trails, cement. A treatmill is for rats. Bleh :)

    I can tolerate an elliptical for about 12 minutes before I want to poke my eyes out.
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    Completely agree that running outside is harder but I believe its a better workout and you get much more satisfaction from it. IMO :)
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Sure - running outside is more difficult, but I prefer it to the dreadmill. Unfortunately - due to my working hours and the fact that I will not jog in the dark, from Fall til Spring, I'm stuck in doors except on the weekends. I say if you can get outside -- do it.
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    Running outside is definitely harder than running on treadmill, but then that's precisely why it's so much more effective. I prefer that to the treadmill. I used to do my speed sessions on the treadmill until three weeks ago when I started doing fartleks and I realised how fun they were. The problem with the treadmill is that you're in one place and after a while it becomes monotonous, even if you increase the speed and intensity of your workouts. Outside you're exposed to different conditions and gradients and if you get bored the route you're doing you can always do a different one. And if you live in hilly city like Pretoria, the challenge is simply irresistable. I only use the treadmill in extreme situations like if the weather is extremely bad and doesn't permit running outside.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Interesting article, I'm a running outdoor convert and sometimes on a hard run where it takes all my willpower just to keep moving forward I long for the treadmill. Once the speed is set on it you have no choice but to keep up or fall off. Outdoors is much more challenging and I now love it :happy:
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I can't carry my television with me outside while I run, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to hear the dialog over the traffic noise.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    All treadmill all the time. I trained for a half marathon and ran 15 miles at a stretch on it. I am now training fora full marathon on it. I had been kicked in the eye by a horse and totalled a motorcycle. I have had enough of the great outdoors for now except race time. The half was harder outside but not that much.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I love my running outside, the fresh air and being able to take the dogs with me is great. That being said I am new to running this year and I struggled with investing in proper shoes and clothing to run outside in the snow and cold conditions or getting a gym membership for the winter. I decided on the gear to run outside as I love my morning runs and the dogs keep me motivated and moving, fingers crossed that I don`t slip and fall on my *kitten* :laugh:
  • weigoldjenn
    running outside is much more difficult because you are using your muscle and body power to propel yourself forward.. on a treadmill you just have to pick your feet up and stride.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Meh, the way I see it, as long as you're running, who cares if it's on the treadmill or outside.