Thinning hair while losing weight?

I've been on this site for a few months calorie counting. I have started noticing my hair is thinner. I've had hair loss before while losing weight.... and I don't know why. Is it because of stress? I take a multivitamin everyday and I thought that would make me avoid hair thinning.

it's just when I am brushing, showering, or grab a large portion of my hair and slide my hand through it, some strands come out.
It's not like I have bald spots, and it isn't anything extreme... I just notice stuff easy. It's not handfuls either (lol)

But why does this happen? I have had some binge eating issues in the past and still struggle with eating too much sometimes. So that could be considered "disordered eating" habits, but I've been trying to stop emotional eating and I do not encourage any disordered eating habits. Sometimes these last couple months I would exercise a lot more after a binge(1-3 hours that day)..but that wasn't every day... I usually net around 1,200+ . or more. Lately I haven't been exercising much, because I am sick... I've been eating around 1,300 .

Other than those things, I don't know what would cause it.

My BMI is 26.6 right now.

If someone is just going to answer and tell me not to ask these things and to go to a doctor, please don't even reply. I know, I can go to a doctor. I could make an appointment. But for now I am just asking if anyone else knows causes of it, and if anyone else has experienced it before, what they did, etc. Doesn't mean I won't ask a professional later.

Thanks in advance!


  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I answered a similar post last night.
    My hair fell out when I used cheap shampoo. It took me a while to figure this out. My hair fell out like crazy.
    Just as soon as I switched back to nice shampoos, the hairloss ceased (and my scalp stopped itching!).
  • wham55
    wham55 Posts: 44
    This is happening to me too :(
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    Have your vitamin, mineral and hormone levels checked... I started losing my hair in my late 20's n early 30's thanks to a hormone issue... then again in my late 30's due to anemia, MTHFR and a Vitamin B and D deficiecy... I am a mess health wise.. LOL.. I hope that helps..

    Good Luck...:)
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    It's sounds like your body changes are just affecting you. Stress is very much a big player in hair loss. I'm in the military....and man, you should have seen our community shower. AND it was cleaned daily. We all lost so much hair, it was unreal. So a diet change, emotional changes, etc...all that can be a factor. I wouldn't be concerned unless it's large chunks. That's not normal.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I answered a similar post last night.
    My hair fell out when I used cheap shampoo. It took me a while to figure this out. My hair fell out like crazy.
    Just as soon as I switched back to nice shampoos, the hairloss ceased (and my scalp stopped itching!).

    Thanks Mindy! I didn't realize someone asked about this yesterday. I'm going to read some of those answers.
  • n8smamma
    n8smamma Posts: 11 Member
    I've had hair loss over the summer due to stress. I am taking a boitin supplement, multivitamin, eating food rich in iron, and switched to a better shampoo (tea tree oil based). The shedding has slowed, and I even have some new hairs growing in! It will get better!
  • kimika23
    kimika23 Posts: 59 Member
    Have you also noticed your skin and nails being dry or brittle? Chipped or broken nails? You could have a protein deficiency. Be sure to eat plenty of proteins. You may also have anemia. Iron deficiency can cause hair loss. Eat your leafy green veggies and red meats! I've also experienced hair loss as well and do try to eat foods that will help. Also, you can try a Vitamin E supplement. Or Nioxin makes a supplement that is specifically for women's hair loss. They also make shampoos and conditioners too. Sorry you're having this problem. It is no fun to be a women with hair loss :( I completely understand...
  • parias1126
    parias1126 Posts: 64 Member
    I started having the same issues a couple months ago. I did some researching online and supposedly its a normal way for your body to react when you drop a lot of weight pretty quickly which is just what I did. I am taking vitamin B complex for stress, Vitamin E, Zinc, and 10 mg. of biotin. I do see new hair growth so I'm not freaking out yet. It is supposed to get better, but (from what I read) can take up to 6 months once your body gets used to the changes in your diet, etc. Give it some time to see if it improves. Some days mine seems like its getting better then it was and other days it seems as though it's falling out in handfuls. I have also stopped washing my hair everyday. I know someone else said it was from cheap shampoo, but I have never used cheap shampoo so I know that isn't the cause of my hair loss. It will get better over time. Good luck.
  • 05saleengirl
    How s your protein and fat intake? And yes, stress can make it happen...but what it really is, is the stress throws off your hormone levels. If all your hormone levels are fine, you can try staying on top of your protain and fat intake. Also, a daily multivitamin is somehting I always take just as precaution. Also, I have hypothyroid, and that for me can cause it when my meds are off. Also a low ferritin level and low vitamin d levels can all cause hair loss. I also take a supplement called MSM, in powder form. Good for joints and hair growth for me.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you probably arent eating enough. hair health begins from the inside. if you arent eating enough calories, and losing too much weight (mostly lean body mass) too quickly and are consistently eating below your BMR (you can't just go by the MFP formula to determine what your BMR/TDEE is either) then your body is going to have to choose between keeping your organs properly functioning or feeding your hair follicles.

    in terms of survivals when you're eating low calories do you think your body will go with?

    besides the hair thing, losing too much weight too fast also makes you look older. there's something to be said for moderate weight loss
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I have the same problem so looked it up and here is a few reasons that you could be lacking in your diet.

    Too much or little of Vitamin A that results in temporary hair loss

    Not enough Zinc. You can get that in a supplement or, wheat germ, muscle meats, fish and egg yolks

    Not enough B12 again supplements or eggs, meat and poultry B12 helps form healthy blood cells which transports oxygen to all parts of the body including scalp and hair follicles.

    Not enough Biotin that makes the skin and hair healthy and supple> Brewers yeast, brown rice, bulgar, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

    low Iron> Meat , nuts, seeds, beans, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, white beans, lentils, spinach, clams, oysters and organ meats.

    Not enough Iodine. salt has it, but its hard to digest and causes water weight so it is recommended to take liquid Iodine/Iodide drops daily.

    I noticed mine decreasing in loss when I started the zinc and Iodine/Iodide drops. I ordered them on line. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • JSheehy1965
    I noticed this with my hair too...strands of it coming out, especially after washing. I know that people lose about 100 hairs a day, but I found out that losing weight can do this to you, even if you're losing healthily. Think I need some multivitamin and see if that works.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    If you have changed any medications especially birth control pills/shots, this could be a cause as well. Birth control pills make my hair fall out. Within 3 months a third to half my head is bald. So be sure to notice if you had any medication changes.
  • castlecrowns
    I don't know how to solve thinning hair but I found a great headcover while I am workingout to get my weight down. I have these Castle Crowns. I tie one on my head and go. I feel like I have a full head of hair and it looks really good.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You might need to eat more, or eat healthier. This usually means you are lacking some essential vitamins or minerals.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I don't know how to solve thinning hair but I found a great headcover while I am workingout to get my weight down. I have these Castle Crowns. I tie one on my head and go. I feel like I have a full head of hair and it looks really good.

    interesting way to spam
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I am also suffering from this and have been for years. Thanks for all the posts. If anyone would like to look at my food diary and make suggestions I'm always open.

    I'm thinking I will start with more Iron.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I recently got checked out with the doctors over this and it was due to an underactive throyid and lack of iron and had to increase the protein in my diet. Things have started to improve but doctors said it will take time
  • larosita57
    larosita57 Posts: 60 Member
    Uh oh, this was a problem I had when I was a teenager and an anorexic....but your BMI isn't anorexic, thank goodness. I concur with the other folks here, it's time to look into your diet and see that you're getting all the nutrients you need. Your doctor could also test your thyroid - that's a quick and easy test.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I noticed my hair falling out in clumps- I literally had bald spots. I asked one of the docs I work for to check my TSH.... and BOOM.... it was hypothyroidism. I take synthroid and now have tons of healthy growth!