What else have you noticed?

Other than getting smaller or gaining muscle or whatever your original fitness goal was, what else have you noticed? Have you noticed your skin is clearer or maybe your nails and hair are healthier? What are some things you have noticed since becoming healthier? Please share!


  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    I've noticed my hair growing so much quicker, it always used to but it seemed to almost stop for a while - now I'm desperately seeking scissors!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I get sick more often :( I never used to get sick. I know it's probably because I'm run down/stressed after the few months I've had, but I've had colds, flu, tonsilitis, mouth ulcers, lots lol. Taking vitamins now hopefully I can build a stronger immune system
  • JeanetDK
    Definitely longer hair. I came back from two weeks of vacation and everyone told me my hair looked longer. Although I suspect it is only because my face is getting smaller :)

    But much more important is that I'm sleeping much better.
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    Definitely longer hair. I came back from two weeks of vacation and everyone told me my hair looked longer. Although I suspect it is only because my face is getting smaller :)

    Yep, it's the smaller face. They notice something is different, but it's difficult to quite place a finger on it. So people just assume hair is longer! Happened to me the other day with a friend I hadn't seen in a while.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    My skin looks SO much better! And I have a lot more energy. I get up every morning feeling fantastic, and my energy level stays the same all day. No more afternoon slump. Oh, and also it is a LOT easier to bend over and retrieve dropped items or tie my shoes :)

    My immune system also seems to be working fantastically, because I have had sick people all around me the last few weeks, and so far have missed it all. I also sleep a lot better than before. I used to have a lot of trouble going to sleep, and staying that way. Now I sleep like a baby.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    But much more important is that I'm sleeping much better.

    I sleep much better as well. :yawn:
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I sleep very well now.
    Drastically reduced bloating stomach.
    Clear and healthy skin.
    A brighter looking face.
    No hiding from mirrors, now I always see a smiling happy healthy girl looking back at me in the mirror.
  • _jorge_
    _jorge_ Posts: 28 Member
    I sleep much better, I'm happier, and I don't get sick whereas the rest of my family does during cold and flu season.
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    My skin looks healthier.. I saw a video tonight of my 25th vow renewal ceremony that my husband surprised me with in Cuba this past April. I was 40 pounds heavier and I couldn't believe how clear my face looks now compared to back then.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I finally have more energy. It took a long time. It used to annoy me when people started exercising and saying "wow I have so much energy now", but I think I've finally found the right balance with exercise, calories and sleep, and my fitness has improved enough that I can feel the benefit now.