what am i doing wrong?

I've been on MFP for close to a month now, and I'm more disillusioned now than i've ever been. First week was great, pounds were coming off good. Second week,no change, someone suggested I wasn't eating enough (they were right, I was pretty much under 1000 calories). The next week I upped my calories and eat between 1200-1300 calories per day (MFP has my goal at 1350) continued exercising 5 days a week, lost 4 pounds. This week, I gained 3.2 pounds over night? I've been trying all week to get it off, but it's really just not moving at all. I did lose an inch around the waist (no where else), but I want to get rid of the bulk, not just be this size and all muscle. Geez it's frustrating. And I drink atleast 10 glasses of water per day. My diary is open....any suggestions would be FANTASTIC, thanks!


  • GinaMauricio17
    GinaMauricio17 Posts: 69 Member
    your muscles are probably retaining water from you working out. keep going and you will lean out. its hard to look at the scale jumping around, our bods fluctuate a lot. try to push through the scale mind games, they get to me too.
  • JSheehy1965
    Just took a look at your diary. You seem to be eating a lot of processed food and not a lot of fresh stuff. Deli meat is packed with sodium. Your sodium intake is pretty high every day. Try grilling chicken and lean meats, eating fresh fruit and veggies. Don't look at the scale so much - it's the inches that matter.

    Oatmeal/yogurt/pulses/fruit/veggies/eggs are all better for you than high sodium processed food. Don't give up - you can do this :)
  • GingerGall
    There are many things that can account for a weight gain, "that time of the month" being one of them. Also, our bodies have a natural rhythm...yours may be to lose quite a bit for 3 weeks, gain a bit back on week #4 and then repeat the cycle, ultimately being ahead of the game. Does that make sense? Don't get me wrong...I KNOW how frustrating it can be to work and work and work and on paper have done everything "right", and still gain. It stinks...it's a horrible, defeated feeling. But again, look at the overall graph. If the line keeps moving down, or in the right direction, that is proof that you ARE doing all the right things and that the weight will come off and you'll be healthier in the long run. I also know it's hard not to weigh yourself every day (or several times each day!), and I don't always practice what I preach, but it probably would be a good idea to pick a day and time of day to weigh in and stick to that. This process is hard, but it is also well worth the effort. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • samfu23
    samfu23 Posts: 4 Member
    This early in the game i would equate it all with your "time of the month." Its the same thing that happened to me. i was doing good the first couple of weeks then i got stuck even though i was doing everything right. I tend to bloat 2 weeks ahead of mine so the week of " that time" 3lbs magically came off overnight. Its frustrating but as women its something we have to remember will temporarily effect our weight loss.
  • shanewo
    I do agree that maybe a few things are perhaps too processed, but for the most part, your diet isn't bad. In my opinion, you are still not eating enough. If you are truly burning 1700 - 2400 calories/day, your calorie intake should still be higher than it is. Try kicking it up to 1400 - 1500 cals and I bet you start losing again. Good luck!!
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    I know my sodium is high, and that is due to processed foods, but fresh isnt always an option. I try to pack lunches as often as i can, I have a desk job and the only places around are fast food joints. Yesterday, I didnt have anything to pack so I spent half an hour looking up the nutrition of every restaurant in a 5 mile radius and ended up at kroger where i spent another 20 minutes looking at the back of all the labels (do you know how much sodium Progresso Light soup has? Unreal). In the end ended up with a salad from McDonals

    I use an HRM when tracking calories burned from cardio, so I'm assuming those are pretty accurate. I do tend to weigh myself every day though. Always in the morning, after using the bathroom and completely naked (lol...dont judge, i dont care how much my pj's weigh).

    I know I'll get there, but it's just.....frustrating.....But thank you so much for the advice, andd the pep talk!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    i have a desk job and i've learned to pack my lunch every day. I plan it on sundays when I go food shopping to make it easier. Try single serving hummus and a baggie of carrots and celery. take an apple and some single serving cheeses. THere's also tons of 100 calorie snack bags of nuts or crackers. I buy low sodium chicken or turkey, low cal wraps, and tomatos and make a quick wrap every day with a handful of spinach. I don't even refridgerate it at work.

    as others have said, your weight will go up and down and you'd be surprised at how much retained water weighs.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Everyone here has given you great advice already. It is very frustrating, but the best thing you can do is keep yourself motivated instead of frustrated! Your body will "catch up" to your healthy eating/fitness efforts, sometimes it just takes some time.:flowerforyou:
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Don't worry about daily fluctuations. I check my weight every day but only register it once a week. Do make sure that you are eating enough. I know that everyone is different but when I follow MFP's calorie recommendations and honestly record everything, I track almost exactly where I should from week to week. You are leaving hundreds of calories on the table every day and at some point, your body will rebel and quit responding to weight loss.

    What I've found that works great is to be a good kid for a couple weeks and then have a couple bad days where I go 500-1000 calories over. I typically gain a couple pounds for a day or two, but when I hit the MFP goals hard for a couple days, my body responds quickly and I lose those couple pounds plus another pound or two. It's also a nice reward for the work I put in.
  • DatNative21
    DatNative21 Posts: 42 Member
    I know my sodium is high, and that is due to processed foods, but fresh isnt always an option. I try to pack lunches as often as i can, I have a desk job and the only places around are fast food joints. Yesterday, I didnt have anything to pack so I spent half an hour looking up the nutrition of every restaurant in a 5 mile radius and ended up at kroger where i spent another 20 minutes looking at the back of all the labels (do you know how much sodium Progresso Light soup has? Unreal). In the end ended up with a salad from McDonals

    I use an HRM when tracking calories burned from cardio, so I'm assuming those are pretty accurate. I do tend to weigh myself every day though. Always in the morning, after using the bathroom and completely naked (lol...dont judge, i dont care how much my pj's weigh).

    I know I'll get there, but it's just.....frustrating.....But thank you so much for the advice, andd the pep talk!
  • tenkesh
    Do not worry about the muscle. Contrary to common belief women don't get bulky without steroids. Check out this link, it's all explained in a very simple way - http://www.fitnessandhealthscience.org/fitness/gettingtoobig.htm

    As for the weight not dropping as fast as you would like - I know it can be a bit frustrating, but look at this as a marathon, not a sprint. Slow weight loss is much healthier and is more likely to last than rapid shredding. Even if you gain some weight sometimes, do not get discouraged, if you keep up with exercising and keep your calorie intake smaller than burn (not too small though, AT LEAST 1200 kcal a day is a must), there is no force in the world that will keep the weight on you for long.

    There have already been good advises on what to eat. More whole foods, fruits, try to eat small meals every 3-4 hours.
  • DatNative21
    DatNative21 Posts: 42 Member
    you should defiantly not weigh yourself everyday one it will make you frustrated also i takes 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat do you honestly burn that everyday this will only lead to failure and quit trust me when i was 315lbs i did this and i would quit every time i didnt lose weight best bet is to weigh your self once a week because im pretty sure you burn 3500 calories in a week.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    The short answer to "what am I doing wrong" is that you're looking at this in the short term.

    Weight loss, like weight gain, is only something that happens over a long period of time. Fluctuations from week to week don't matter as much the broader trend. I came out of thanksgiving weekend two pounds lighter than I went into it, but I'm not fooled into thinking I lost a bunch of weight. I *know* I did damage that weekend, but for whatever reason, maybe I retained less water or whatever.

    Don't get caught up in the day-to-day :-)

    Just keep eating to keep your metabolic fires stoked. If you starve a fire of wood, it starts to dwindle. If it's red-hot and kept fueled with fresh wood at the right times, you can keep the fire roaring strong.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    The scale is a filthy liar.
  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    The scale is a filthy liar.

  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    I'm with a lot of people on here. Don't weigh yourself everyday. I use to do that and fell off (not the scale, mind you, but my diet) because my weight wouldn't change. This time though, in 8 months of losing weight, I have weighed myself only 2 times. It's about how you feel and seeing the difference rather than going in and having something tell you what you weigh.

    Also MFP has you only eating 1300 calories? Good Lord! It dropped me from 2300 to 2100 and I'm wondering how I'm suppose to do that. LOL
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    I know my sodium is high, and that is due to processed foods, but fresh isnt always an option. I try to pack lunches as often as i can, I have a desk job and the only places around are fast food joints. Yesterday, I didnt have anything to pack so I spent half an hour looking up the nutrition of every restaurant in a 5 mile radius and ended up at kroger where i spent another 20 minutes looking at the back of all the labels (do you know how much sodium Progresso Light soup has? Unreal). In the end ended up with a salad from McDonals

    You are doing the right thing there. Educating yourself about what is in the foods you are eating. It does take a great deal of time and can be frustrating at first, but you will develop a knowledge of healthy eating habits and your trips to the grocery store won't take so long. I used to spend hours reading all the labels. Now I know what products are generally better for me. It is a long process
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    Great advice you guys! Thanks! And you're right, the scale is a filthy liar...dirty *kitten* lol
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Count your measurements, not your pounds. Don't worry, you're doing great! :heart:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    It sounds like you are doing well. you are teaching yourself and figuring out to implement changes in your lifestyle. That alone will have it's own ups and downs while you figure out how to make it work for you.
    Then weight loss just isn't a straight line formula. You can lose and lose, then gain a little then lose, then stay still a little, then lose a bit, then gain a bit.....

    Be patient and have faith in the process. Think 'long term'.