To eat or not to eat

I have started my life change three weeks ago and have lost a total of eight lbs. Which I am pleased with. My question is am I doing more harm by not eating dinner? I eat through out the day and my large meal is lunch. What I normally do is when I cook for the family I put it up for my lunch the next day. I usually am not able to get dinner ready until after 6 and I don't want to eat after 6.
Then sometimes on the weekends I do eat dinner if we are out with friends or have a social function. I am still staying within my calorie goal for the day though. To sum it up I may each after 6 maybe twice a week. Any input?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I think it would depend on how late you're eating before dinner... you want to make sure your metabolism is still going until you go bed since your metabolism is basically haulted during sleep since you're just lying there. Does that make sense? I've heard eat up until 2 hours before bed and I try to do this but some days it just depends. I typically go to bed around 10:30 or 11 and finish dinner no later than 9 (or try not to) just because of my weird work schedule. I eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day and stay within my allotted calories for the day. I'm always hungry for my next snack so this tells me my metabolism is still going strong!
  • tuesgirl1031
    tuesgirl1031 Posts: 13 Member
    Even though you are within yoru calorie goal, its still not great to skip meals. Eating on a regular schedule is an important part of keeping your metabolisom (sp) running. Even if you dont eat a full supper with your family, you probably should eat a little something...a garden salad, or string cheese, or any low cal snack. And make sure you do take in the cals you need to stay healthy.....And Drink Your Water! Its important :)
  • kltobin2010
    kltobin2010 Posts: 80 Member
    I guess if you are eating your daily cals and you are not weak or light-headed, you should be fine. I heard it is best to eat a large lunch, but you should also eat 3 meals with 2 or 3 snacks. So maybe you can eat a small portion at dinner time. Dr. Ian from Celebrity Fit Club; said you can eat late, as long as you stay up for at least an hour. So I guess the choice is yours. Just remember, if you start starving your body, you won’t lose the weight but hang on to it!
  • letherid
    letherid Posts: 9 Member
    thank you all for the great advice...i usually eat up to about 6...then I go work out...i think i will come back and eat a healthy snack after I come back. I am usually in bed by 11 so that should keep my metabolism moving.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    The whole "don't eat after 6pm" thing is, scientifically, hogwash. Sorry. It was promoted by Oprah a few years ago and a lot of people still think of it as fact. There's no science there: restricting all food after 6pm will not cause you to lose weight any faster.

    Like the other posters have said, the best thing to do for your body is small meals and snacks every 2-4 hours. Protein before or after your workout is great--half an apple with 1tbsp peanut butter or a protein shake with almond milk and 3 strawberries are both 160-180 calories, give or take. You want to keep your metabolism going!
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    If you were doing somethng bad for you, I would have thought after three weeks your body will be telling you about it. Your weight is coming off at a reasonable pace so if you feel fine I'd stick with it :0) some of us just aren't able to be ridgid with our diet and donut the conventional way but that doesn't mean it is inferior. There are so many factoids about the right way to lose weight surel the right way is the way that has enabled you to maintain it for three weeks and lose 8lbs!