This "average" goal seems out of reach :-(

So I was calculating what my average "target weight loss" should be... and I find that I should be between 107.8-145.7lbs. Right now I'm thinking- "is that really possible" I'm having a hard enough time breaking the 200's. I can't imagine being that skinny. Believe me- I want to be that skinny, but physically can I get that skinny? I'm stuck at 203. 4 lbs stand between breaking my biggest accomplishment in my weight loss journey. I just hope for good thoughts and good choices over the next few weeks. Holidays are so tempting and I definitely cave A LOT! So my question for my friends- do you think this calculated average goal is attainable???


  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I started out at 215, and really didn't have a goal weight in mind when I started. I picked 136 as that was what I weighed while I was doing Kung Fu in my early twenties. I had no idea if I would I would reach it, so I didn't really think about it. I was losing 1 to 2 lbs a week consistently, and that's all that mattered.

    What helped me get there is consistently tracking, and saying no to items that weren't on my plan. I also made sure I got in lots of fruits and veggies - they keep you fuller longer on fewer calories.

    Good luck. You can do this.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You'll find as you lose and get used to your new body that those far off goals become more attainable. You have to keep readjusting your diet, exercise and mindset to get there but it is achievable.
  • justiney11213
    thanks everyone... i guess some days you just get in ruts and feel like you'll never reach your goal...
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Honestly yes "average" seemed out of reach when I first started. I kept going anyway. Some days since my weight loss has slowed way down it feels like it is taking forever, but now I know it is attainable, I'm 10 pounds away from the top of the healthy range for my height, I just have to keep working on it and I will get there.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    I think it's helpful to have an ultimate goal weight, but also shorter term goals. For example, my first goal was out of the 2's. So when I reached 194 I took a break from losing and worked on maintaining that for about six months. I was travelling for a good portion of the year and had a lot of other changes occur in my life.

    My next goal was getting into some smaller clothes that were in my closet. Reached that last month and wasn't all that excited about the clothes. While smaller, they just aren't that stylish and so I've only been maintaining at this level for a few weeks and am back to working on losing again until the first of the year.

    I went up in weight in chunks, so for me losing in chunks has been effective and easy to maintain. Previously when I'd lost too much at once, it was harder to maintain and always resulted in some gain back. Shorter term goals also help keep you motivated because of the sense of accomplishment.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    My first major goal was 170, I was up over 230lbs when I started.. I have only lost 20 but after reading how all these people lost 100lbs I have decided to drop it to 140... If they can do I can.

    I just have to be realistic and know that it won't happen in 6 months might take more than year but I will get there..
  • fusion777
    I agree, the goal weight for my height and bodyframe is about 140-149; I haven't weighed that since probably elementary school!

    I set small goals and see if I can get to them. Right now my eye on the prize is to be 199 and you are almost there!! When I get there, I might think 185 sounds good and go from there, but maybe not.

    Either way, congratulations on your loss so far and good luck with getting to your goal in the future, whatever it may be.

    Thank you for bringing up this topic; I think about it all the time.
  • Keltinator
    It's easy to get overwhelmed if you only look at your final goal. Things are a lot more manageable if you look at your progress in little goals. View each 10 or 15 pounds as a success in itself (because it is!), and your journey will be a lot more sustainable.
  • RDawn7
    RDawn7 Posts: 38
    Anything is possible.!! Just try not to focus on the end result cause you'll become overwhelmed. One pound at a time. Good luck to you.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Ii think that you should focus on short term goals and not worry about a possibly unattainable target that might just demoralise you and make you give up. Focus on small half stone goals and they will add up. Good luck!
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    I think that it is attainable but you will get there when you get there and like others said, I think short term goals are helpful. I started at 285 and my first goal is just 100 pounds, even though I know that I should be lower. When I get there, which will be hard enough as it is, then I will decide where I want to go from there! I think that focusing on health and fitness is more satisfying for me than the number on the scale!
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    Anything is possible.!! Just try not to focus on the end result cause you'll become overwhelmed. One pound at a time. Good luck to you.

    I like this ! ^
    Just keep on plugging on and see what happens! My best to you!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Ditto on the short term goals. When I was in weight loss mode, I didn't even have a 20 lb goal.

    I wanted to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. That's it. If I did that, I felt great.

    They just continued to add up until I got to goal.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I started out at 163 and had my initial goal set for 145. I reached it and thought "i wonder if i can get to 135." i did that... then said "maybe i can get to 130." well... i did it! im at 126 lbs now and finished. its gonna be tough, but set mini goals. you can do it!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    That's kind of what I ended up doing too, Rim.

    I'm now at the very bottom of my healthy BMI, so I figured it's time to stop, maintain, and enjoy the extra food.
  • rsm535
    rsm535 Posts: 12 Member
    My heaviest was about 350. I couldn't even buy clothes at WalMart. My jean size was 54-56 waist. I slowly started making changes here and there, slowly adding more physical activity. I'm currently bouncing around 250. I seem to hit a plateau every 10-15 pounds or so. I take a small break with the diet and lessen the exercise a little for about a week, then start up again and usually lose 10-15 over the next month. It's taken a while to get to this point, and it'll take a while longer to get to where I want to be. But it's so worth it.

    My advice would be to change things up. If you're used to biking, do a little weight training. Walking or running, try swimming. Keep your body guessing, even with your diet.

    This is what works for me.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Is it attainable? Probably.

    In your case, you may want to set an intermediate goal. You may want to say that your goal is 175. Work toward that. A goal that is realistic to you will be better than one that seems so far out of reach that it is impossible. When you meet THAT goal then re-assess. If you are happy with it, keep it and maintain it; if not then set another goal... maybe 150. Just keep nibbling at it until you achieve the results you desire. Make it priority. Is that 450 calorie piece of pie WORTH the 45 minutes or an hour of exercise it takes to burn it off? Or is it worth NOT attaining your goals? Is sitting on the couch when you could be getting up and walking worth not attaining your goals? Priority.

    Build exercise into your routine... Make healthy choices part of your daily routine... If you have a holiday coming up and you consume more calories than you think you should make it a ONE DAY deviation and don't throw in the towel. This is a marathon and not a sprint. You can do it. If you mess up one day, make it a one day mistake and not a new lifestyle. Each day you get up is a new day with new challenges but also new possibilities. You can do this. Best wishes on your journey.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I know how you feel, when I started I was at 293 lbs, a healthy BMI for my height is between 112 and 150 lbs :noway:
    I set my first goal to 200 lbs, that was still 93 lbs to lose but I though if I really try I should be able to get there and even though that was still obese it was a lot better than we're I was. Well I lost my first 25 lbs in about 2 months and that gave me the confidence to lower my goal to 175 lbs and put me in the over weight range.when I get there I'll see where I want to go from there.

    Good luck to you!
  • justicekenny
    Stay the course my friend ... I started way over 350lbs, who knows what it was because I didn't even want to know what my weight was. I finally got the courage to weigh myself on 6/18 . .. 351lbs .. My lonnnnngggggg term goal is to get to 200lbs, and bulk up to some solid muscle .. Right now I am at 289lbs .. What has helped me is to concentrate on the short month goals .. my goal is 8 to 10 lbs a month .. always concentrate on how far you have come, not how far you have to go .. next thing you know you are right there within reach .. good luck
  • krumpli
    krumpli Posts: 76 Member
    While my high weight was around 260, I actually started at pretty much exactly 240 pounds. My first goal was to be under 200. Once I achieved that, I readjusted my goal. It's now to be 163 pounds (I'm around 190 now), which is right inside the upper border of the healthy for my height. When I get there, I will see how I feel and make a new goal.

    If I had started at 240 wanting to lose 80+ pounds, it would have been terrifying.

    You can do this!