fresh start.

i am thirteen years old, one-hundred-one pounds, and am used to being called skinny this skinny that.

truth :: i am.

problem :: i see what they don't. i see the small roll hiding in the crevice of my sweater. i see the slight jiggle of my thighs when i jump and their wideness when i sit down. my friends think i am anorexic and i am not, really.

i have a fast metabolism, so i literally go to the bathroom to get rid of what i just ate fifteen minutes after eating. no, i don't mean purging. i literally naturally have to go after fifteen minutes. and then there's nothing in me.

my reason for starting calorie count :: i'm worried about my health. not so much about my weight. i am a pig. i eat two cookies and ice cream every day, along with chocolate milk, gummy snacks and other crap that's bad for me.

i like feeling hungry. i miss it. i like being on a cloud when i've exercised so much that it doesn't matter whether i stop or do two more laps.

goal :: get back to the double digits. ninety-nine pounds.

kisses, m.


  • dcw8636
    dcw8636 Posts: 9
    I'm going to be very truthful with you. It sounds to me like you have a problem with self-esteem.

    One hundred and one pounds for any height over 5'1 is not healthy. Ninety nine pounds ESPECIALLY is not healthy.

    Knowing what I know anatomically, you are SUPPOSED to have fat on your body, it is what is healthy. Your body cannot SURVIVE without fat, and you will go into starvation mode if you do not get enough of it. Fat cushions your organs, and your bones. If you have a small roll on your stomach, you are supposed to, because you are a woman and that is what is anatomically correct. It cushions your pancreas, etc.

    If you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight, I say go with it! But counting calories because you think you're unhealthy when you're clearly not is not the answer. Do not cut back on what you are eating, just eat more healthy options if that would make you feel better. Follow the food pyramid like everyone is SUPPOSED to.

    I'm telling you this, because double digits is fine, when you are a child, and you are not. You are growing up, and so is your body and if you don't let it by cutting your calories and not getting enough of what it needs, you will end up being a very unhealthy adult.
  • jdramage
    jdramage Posts: 37
    I agree with this. I definitely felt concerned when I read your introduction. You seem like a lovely young girl and it worries me that 13 year olds are concerned about a fat roll or big thighs. This is the time your body will be going through a lot of changes and it will definitely be a learning curve. I think participating in this website will be good for you though because you can hear stories from women who are generally older and what they experience. You can also get a lot of good advice and ask questions. Everyone here is here to support each other.

    I would say it's best to do as MUCH research about healthy eating and exercise as you can. There is so much good information out there. We are a lucky generation to have the knowledge that we do. Learn about your BMI (Body Mass Index) and stay within that range... whatever feels the most comfortable for you. Learn about the word MODERATION and use it. Don't call yourself a pig. It's ok to indulge in the foods we love, as long as we know that they are not the best choices and don't choose them all the time. Eat a well balanced diet, find healthy foods that you love, and get your body moving however you like to and often! The key to it all is being happy and healthy. Don't obsess over the scale.

    I think this is a really important lesson to learn at a young age. It just makes me so sad to hear about the perception young girls have about beauty. Good luck with everything Molly!