which jillian workout advice please!

I currently have Jillian 30workout day shred, Kickboxing fast fix, banish fat boot metabolism, shred it with weights.

if I'm looking at losing weight/inches would I be better with sticking to one of the workouts or rotate?

who has had success with these and which ones?

any advice appreciated


  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Just my experience, but I mix Jillian DVD's with running, and I've been a lot more successful than I was with running alone. I've lost 14 lbs, and have been doing Jillian for about 2 months. I always think switching it up keeps your body working and burning more calories, so I'd recommend varying the workouts you do. Hope that helps.
  • baileysummermom
    would you recommend switching daily or weekly?
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    WOW all of those are good but if your fitness level has move way past 30 Day shred then take that one out of rotation. If you are serious about inch loss and won't kill yourself if the scale isn't moving then Shred it with weights fast fix kickbox and Fast boost fast metabolism are the best to use together.
    I am thinking do Shred it with weights 3 days a weeks and either fast fix kickbox and fast boost 6 days a week.
    Yes some days will be double workouts but hard works gets the best results right.
  • baileysummermom
    yeah I would be happy with inches lost but get frustrated if I don't see it on the scale.

    my I could do Kickboxing fast fix and than also shred it w/my weights. I could always throw in elliptical on the shred it with weights day
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Here is what I do - I own all of her DVDs, with the exception of a couple. I do her DVDs 5x a week for an hour, with two days rest. Here is the rotation:

    Ripped in 30: Level 2 followed by 3
    Ripped in 30: Level 4 followed by level 1
    6 week Six Pack: Level 2 followed by level 1
    No More Trouble Zones

    Killer Buns and Thighs: Levels 3 or 2, and Level 1
    Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
    Extreme Shred and Shed: Level 2 followed by half of Level 1
    30 Day Shred: Level 2 followed by Level 1
    30 Day Shred: Level 3 followed by Level 1 of Killer Abs

    Killer Abs: Level 2 followed by Level 3
    Kick Box Fast Fix: Level 1, 2 and 3

    Rinse, repeat.

    The reason I usually start out with the higher levels is those are usually more intense, and I'm fresh. By the time I'm 30 minutes in, I'm getting tired, and the "easier" part will seem harder.

    Each session is approximately 60 minutes. Some are 65 minutes, while some are 55.
  • fitnessgal1318
    @RoadsterGirli....that is an awesome rotation!! I think I'm going to give that a try. Sounds really challenging....thanks for sharing!