Really need some motivation

I've hit a point where it's like I don't care anymore. Where I don't care so much about losing. I don't care what I'm eating. I don't care if I'm exercising. I mean, I see healthy & fit girls and guys and I'm like "I want to be that." but it's like I don't try anymore. I know I'm the only one who can go forward and change things but maybe if I saw pictures of before and afters and heard about your guys stories and how happy it made you, maybe it would help. I mean, I want it and I want to want it more. I know it sounds stupid. But I do care deep down, just hard on the outside.


  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    everyone loses motivation at some point or other ... its what you choose next to do that defines you from every other person who is also at that stand still... You need to dig deep inside and find what that motivation was to lose the weight in the first place and get back to the spot.. otherwise you'll never succeed and be just another person who is a "gunna do this and gunna do that and I'll start it next week and never achieve what you set out for yourself" it's not diet dont look at that way.. it's a lifestyle change.. your changing your lifestyle for a healthier one... Go and make yourself a dream board... set yourself goals and take each day at a time
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    I have hit that point too along the way. this losing weight stuff is hard and sometimes I want to eat a cheeseburger or a pizza or a dozen cookies. But then I remember how I feel everytime I look at that scale and it has gone down. I feel pride. I am doing something for myself and my children. Or, I remember how it felt when I fit into jeans 1 size smaller. And really fit not just zipped! It is worth it! And if you need a day off, take it! This journey is not a sprint, its a marathon. If you grow to hate yourself for doing it then it will never stick. You can do this. If you need a break, take one, but do not get mad at yourself for doing so!
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    I don't think there is anyone out there who can say they don't go thru this. Life gets busy and your priorities shift, especially with the holidays it's hard to stay on track. I go to the gym after work because of the hours at the gym. This can be hard because after putting in 8 hours (more like 10 hours) and a 2 hour commute the last thing I want to do is hit the gym. But I push myself and go anyway and always feel better physically & mentally afterwards. You need to find what works for you. Maybe it's a weekly goal, if I get to the gym I will buy that X I have been wanting. Or if I do X workout tonight I will have ice cream (or whatever food is a treat for you). Give yourself some incentives. It's not just about the work, you have to try and reward yourself. Take some pictures now, I wish I had done that. I would love to compare to what I looked like a year ago. Don't lose hope!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to really WANT it before you can do anything about it. I will tell you people can try to motivate you...but in the end, if YOU aren't won't do it! YOU have to WANT it and WANT it worse than anything.....

    Dig deep and find that something that will really motivate you....when you find that.....NOTHING will stop you!!!

    Good luck!
  • Dymatized
    Well it's not easy otherwise everyone would be doing it. It's a life style change if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The hardest part is starting. Once you get a routine going and are consistent it gets easier but you have to push yourself. You say you want it deep down. I got to a point where I couldn't stand seeing myself in the mirror and got so mad for letting myself go I made a commitment to get back into shape. Got tired of feeling slugging, fat, tired all the time and let's face it not getting the right attention.
    Don't give up even if you have bad days where you cheat on your diet. And don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a new way of eating healthier. You may have to change your ways of dining out or your social outings so you don't slip up but your friends should support your new life style. Just don't give up
  • yodakia
    yodakia Posts: 2 Member
    "i don't care" ...whenever i've said that i've found that it means the complete opposite. which i'm guessing is the same for you. because you wrote a post (smile). and i'm FaR from an expert, but i know when i feel like "i don't care", it really means that i'm just tired and overwhelmed by (even the ThOuGHt of) all of the work i have to put in ...or the fact that i've caved in to whatever behavior i'm fighting AGAIN, argh! and i don't know of any magical formula, but sometimes taking even 60 seconds to close your eyes and see yourself, even a glimpse: energetic, healthy, fit, content, pleased with your choices and the results that they bring? will help. for me, just that glimpse of who i am (will be) after a sift through, climb over and push aside all of the gunk that i've spent a life time building in the first place. and so much of it, lol, that the thought of working through it just makes me plain tired - so much that "i just don't care" ...but i do. and knowing that (who i am, under it all) helped and helps. and just taking ONE step is so much more powerful than any of that gunk. one step, one day at a time. and before you know it the steps you take will add up and a new pattern (both mental and physical) will begin. only one rule - no beating yourself up when it doesn't go exactly as planned! because the next day, or next hour, you can take a step into that new moment and the intention of changing those bad habits and patterns will prevail with practice. we're creatures of habit who have the amazing ability to change those habits when we need to. just take one baby step. you're waiting for you to do it ...and you deserve for you to do it, too.