Eggs/Egg whites: how to make them taste... less?



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Stop eating eggs if you hate them. Seriously.

    ^ This, 100%.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    bumping for egg drop soup recipe :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Thanks all for the suggestions :)

    I'll take the "don't eat eggs if you don't like them" as a proof that I'm actually trying to expand which is something I didn't do before, haha. I'm usually a don't like it don't eat it kinda gal, but sometimes you just gotta try things.

    That egg drop soup doesn't sound half bad. Dropping the soy sauce and the shrooms, anyway xD. And salsa might be an idea. In fact, I know I can actually stand hard boiled eggs in salads in minimal quantities, so maybe I'll start there.

    I tried making pancakes out of my shake mixture, but the final result was a sad crumble of half-grilled pasty... thing. It was edible, but I'd rather drink the shake xD Is there a trick to getting them to be flippable?

    @Kasya007 I LOVE the liberté yogourt in general, but the bitter taste of greek yogurt gets me, so I'm going for the Frouto kind which has a lot more sugar and less protein, but tastes almost like regular fatty yogurt. Eventually I'll be able to progress to plain and find ways to add sweetness to it without overdoing it, lol.

    And I got that egg white carton at costco. 5$ for 3 500mL cartons. Figured I'd try it.

    Um, hummus makes me gag even worse than eggs. So that's outta the questions. And I like tuna, but I get sick of it really quick. Cottage cheese works only with fruits, too. And it's not about the sugar, at least I don't think so. It's more that there doesn't seem to be anything that masks the tastes I don't like better than sugar lol.
  • finickyfeline2
    finickyfeline2 Posts: 10 Member
    Dump a little hot sauce on them......covers the taste and boosts the metabolism!
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    If you don't like them, don't eat them. Easy.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    You can also try some Spanish recipes. Use fresh brown eggs. One of our favorites is fresh tomatoes and white onions, saute untill cooked, add scrambled eggs with at least one whole egg and the rest whites. The flavor is fresher and way better than just adding salsa on top. If you like cheese, add a little. If you like ham, add a little. Just experiment with them.
  • newjuli2012
    totally agree with the 2 ingredient pancakes!

    1 banana , 2 eggs
    mash banana
    add to eggs
    make like a pancake =]

    i put fruits (i.e . strawberries, blueberries, apples, raspberries, etc pretty much anything i have ) & top with honey , if u dnt like honey u can go for sugar free syrup , or PB . or u can mix in the PB in batter.. they r absolutely delish !! & theres a MILLION ways to make them !
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    fry 1/2 an onion, 1 clove garlic, 3-4 cups spinach (or 1 package frozen, after defrosting & draining), scramble 1-2 eggs & pour it over; 1 cube feta crumbled over top.

    or onion, garlic, sausage (there are leaner ones you can buy or even make, w turkey/pork), 1-2 egg. (with this one i really like it when the onion's really brown). roasted red peppers are nice in this as well.

    in both of these you can hardly register the egg
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I get tired of eggs really fast. I do like them, but once or twice a week is enough. Adding some sharp cheddar cheese to scrambled eggs makes them less eggy and more cheesy in flavor. Just shred the cheese and fork whip into the eggs then cook.

    I use the pasturized whites in smoothies and oatmeal. I'd never take the chance of Salmonella by eating a raw egg white....besides it would kill me to throw away the yolk.

    I would want to see a better study for proof that raw egg whites allow for less protein absorption....and the pasturized whites have been heated and those were not included in the study.

    Also know what you mean about "needing to chew in order for your brain to register that you've eaten. Maybe have a handful of almonds along with your protein smoothie. Or some other crunchy thing....carrots or celery?

    The smoothies I make seem to stay with me longer if I add vegetables....usually spinach, kale, or winter squash.
  • Gwilson939
    Gwilson939 Posts: 37 Member
    Get some sugar free maple syrup.. then you don't pile on the calories..
  • Gwilson939
    Gwilson939 Posts: 37 Member
    OR... if you need the crunch in your shake, add some crushed ice and don't blend it all away.. leave some crushed ice to crunch on.. That's what I do when I need some crunch in my shake.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    Oh baby-baaaaaby, a spoonful of Splenda, a couple drops of vanilla, a good stir & that bitter plain Greek yogurt tastes like, "OMFG, DID I JUST EAT THE WHOLE TUB?" :wink:
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    if you don't like eggs, just don't eat them. there's tons of foods out there that you can eat.
  • Claire_x90
    life is WAY too short to eat food you don't like.

    omlettes, quiche's, frittatas etc are probably your best shot

    something like a hardboiled egg mashed up mixed with fruit, sugar free jello crystals, dried fruit, oatmeal, nuts ?
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    Anifani, I just learned about this myself recently, as I was out flitting about the web looking at protein fluff recipes. It's crazy! I guess I'm going to have to go back to cooking the whites or eating the whole thing raw, as there is a lot of biotin within the yolks. Although, I do supplement biotin daily, maybe that's enough to counter the effect of the egg whites.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I looked up the pasteurized eggs vs biotin thing last night and found stuff that claimed to answer it but kind of didn't lol. But from what I gathered, the bacteria should be killed by the pasteurization process, so I figure I'll just add a few to my shakes to make them thicker. I don't think it's gonna kill me.

    Also tried making an omelet this morning. Granted there is more meat in it than eggs (and more scrambled than anything, my cooking skills are somewhat lacking presentation skills), I think I could get slowly used to the taste over time. I was just scared to hell to try making one because when I was a kid the ones my parents used to make just made me wanna straight out puke. Sometimes facing your fears is worth it :)

    I think my next tryout will be a tuna omelet. This oughta be good.

    It's a whole other debate, but I would never go for something called "sugar free maple syrup". It's not maple syrup, it can't be called that (I live in QC, I've had the real deal since I was a kid. Any artificial syrup just, seriously? You go maple, you can't go back, lol). Plus I have a thing with artificial sweeteners. Apparently I can only stomach so much before it gets to my sleep patterns. I can't believe I never made that link before this weekend. And I'm not a huge fan of stevia. So sweetening things up usually means adding calories. Guess it makes me think twice about doing it, which in itself isn't so bad. lol
  • RubyRed8067
    I scramble it and mix it with rice and frozen veggies.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I used to hate eggs, too. Now I am okay with them.

    Do you like onions? I like to make an omelette with way too many chopped onions. The egg is just sort of there to keep the chopped onion bits together.

    I also like to make a Japanese-style omelette. Just Bento has a recipe for tamago that is really easy. It's basically eggs plus water, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar.

    You might also want to give shakshuka a try. Basically, make a chunky tomato sauce that includes hot pepper. Then pour some in a fry pan and crack an egg or two into the tomato sauce to poach. Serve in the fry pan with bread and tahini. If you don't like it, well, you have spicy tomato sauce for pasta, I guess.

    Fritatas are also pretty great.
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    How about mini/ regular quiche cups? I use my muffin tins, mini or regular size, spray them with cookign spray and add whatever I feel like adding topped with eggs. They cooked up easliy, can be frozen and reheated so I can have a quick grab and go meal.
    You dont want to fill the cups to full with the extra ingredients, but most combos are really good. Some favorite combos:

    Mexican - taco meat, cheese, black olives, salsa
    Breakfast - turkey sausage, peppers and onion, cheese if I want
    Veggie - Spinach, tomato and feta
    Hash - beef hash, onions, hot sauce